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 Jan 2017
Night and Dawn,
Two lovers lorn
To languish unrequited

Their fingers strain
To touch in vain,
Yet never be united

In dreams they roam
Sunrise to gloam,
Entwined till evening wakes

On mountain halls
When first:

Night falls

And then, alone:

*Dawn breaks.
 Jan 2017
And I run
barefoot on the glass strewn beaches
sand pushing me down, grasping my ankles with needy hands
And i run
across mountains capped in snow
the cold biting with teeth sharpened by survival
And I run
through fields of flowers
singing softly in my ear, wanting me to stay
And I run
across oceans as deep as the universe
waves crashing against my shins in an effort to drown me
And I run
heart pounding like a war drum
chest beating like the endless sea
And I run
breath gasping like the clouds
limbs shaking like the leaves
And I run
          And I run
                And I run
                      And I run
                            And I run
                                  And I
                                        And I
                                            And I
                                       I run
                                   I run
                               I run
 Jan 2017
Beneath the willow tree he lies

surrounded yet by weeping boughs

as high above a lone loon cries

echoing my silent vows

Through love and life I swore to thee

through sickness and in health

through sunny days and crashing sea

through poverty and wealth

You were to me, I was to you

as one were we from then

and as your paling lips turned blue

I swore we'd meet again

My love let me go softly now

as quick as I to sleep

my love this is our final bow

I'm with you do not weep

Soft as yonder dawn doth break

o're gently burning skies

my dreams take hold I shall not wake

of woven moons and butterflies
For someone I have lost who was most dear, these, my love, are the words I wish I could have said

— The End —