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 Nov 2023
hurt is the softest word known to god
 Sep 2023
my pond was touchingly soft. my tail was milk gone blue. a chorus of whining dogs replaced the sun. replaced the moon. i didn’t believe in god. god, i am caught in a net of wounds. dragged into the mouth of a cave. flame tongue sharp; man made. the dogs vanished. my tail cleaved like a heart. i am sat on a nest of teeth. i am given jars to fill. i cry. i fill a jar with tears. i call the jar a pond. i will fill them all
 Aug 2023
Chelsea Rae
I woke up to the fact that I've been compartmentalizing people.

Sectioning off different aspects of their personality and treating them like strangers.

As if they aren't just one and the same.

It's gotten me in trouble to fall in love with
The good you's and developing too much leniency for the bad you's.

Almost ignoring the bad altogether.

But sometimes we have to put it altogether to accurately make an assessment on someone's character and if we really love them,
And even if you really love them,
Is it safe for you to love them?

I can't hide from the whole anymore.

Its gotta be all or nothing.
 Jul 2023
Please don’t fall back to sleep,
I pray the gods this road to keep.
I travel on through a life of snow,
the heavens shines the moon aglow.
There beneath my weary aging feet
the crush of snow two foot deep.
A racing breath of frozen air
it’s so good to be
alive out here!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
 Jul 2023
the demon asks what i need hands for. voice like mildew on lost books. i don’t know how to answer. prayer, i say. begging. combing my hair. nothing important, the demon says. i don’t agree. i can’t let them go
 Jun 2023
Chelsea Rae
I tried to love you with everything I had.
My love stirred up the darkness,
Shined a light and
Woke up your demons..
They didn't want love from me..
And one day I realized
Its because they wanted love
From you.
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