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 Mar 2017
traces of being
The wind whispers
                              in untold words ―

borne deeply within
                              the heart of the sky

and, like a kite broke free
                              of tethered strands,

"I may as well try
                              and catch the wind" ―
 Mar 2017
Kenny Whiting
I tell you now, in all my life,
   not once I ever knew;
That love could bring such peace of mind,
   'til moment I found you!

Oh sure I dreamed that one day soon,
   I'd find that special girl;
But never dreamed I'd meet someone,
   who'd change my whole wide world!

You've more than made me happy now,
   you've softened this 'ole heart;
You may not know how much til now,
   on me you've left your mark!

You've turned my clouds to sunny days,
   my winter into spring;
Gave strength in times I'd fallen weak,
   breathed wind beneath my wings!

So when times comes, He calls me Home,
   or die before I wake;
I'll wait for you so patiently,
   right there at Heaven's Gate!
 Mar 2017
Kenny Whiting
Some people think you're not just right,
   no perfect match for me;
Yet they don't know what I've found out,
    how awesome love can be.

I've  come to see what happy is,
   one moment by your side;
Since you've became my "Bonnie" now,
   and I've became your "Clyde".

It's more than just a simple bond,
   we make the best of teams;
The kind that most can only find,
   in hopeful wish and dreams!

I wish those people once could feel,
    how real true love can be;
To see the truth what your love means,
   and all you are to me!

The way it feels to hold you close,
   to fit just like a glove;
It's not so hard to see it now,
   no wonder I'm in love!
No one on this earth can see in your heart, feel what you feel, or enjoy the true happiness that you enjoy on a daily basis when you find that special person God created just for you! Revel in the beauty of it, embrace it, and give that special someone what they deserve....ALL OF YOU!!
 Feb 2017
Valsa George
Growing out from childish pranks,
With the storm and stress of turbulent teens,
I locked within my mind’s cupboard,
A portrait vaguely sketched, but never finished.

Rough it was, though fancifully done,
The silhouette of a masculine figure,
The Gallant who would reach one day,
To hold my hand and own me his.

I had no inkling who he would,
Yet had fallen in love with that phantasmal figure,
He had dazzling eyes and sturdy limbs,
With striking features, ravishing to view,

Elusive ever to sight and touch,
He remained an enigma, abstract to grasp.
At times his contours grew distinct,
But soon blanched out into hazy lines,

When at times a covert devouring look,
Or a pair of intent adoring eyes,
Sent a thrill down my fickle heart,
I forced open my chest nut draw,

And took out stealthily that half done sketch,
Hidden out from world’s staring glance,
To alter the features one by one,
And make it resemble the man I met,

Either within a moving train,
Or sometimes in an elite gang,
Who derailed my thoughts in pensive mood,
And tickled my fancy to heave and sigh.

He made me turn and toss in bed,
And left me, many a sleepless night,
He stroked my heart with gladdening ache,
And made me lose in sweet reverie.

In the nick of time, he solemnly came,
To hold my hand and tie the knot,
With pounding heart and quivering breath,
I found him differ from the man I dreamt.

The fabulous fabric in my loom,
Looked at variance from the one unfurled,
Transfixed between fact and fallacy,
I struggled to hide a falling tear.

Time marched on in silent haste,
And I learnt to outgrow my childish whims,
Sagacity dawned with passing age,
Making me discern the real from the sham.

It made me admire his sanguine self.
On fathomed deep beyond external mien,
I saw him unveiled in taint less worth,
That made my heart ever pine in love.

Piecing together our halved selves,
With the glue of love, our identities merged,
Now he is with me in my blues,
Consoling me with his balmy touch,

He is with me in my joy,
Making it resonant with a hearty laugh,
He is there when storms rage,
Whispering in my ear, not to fear,

He taught me how to savour life,
To meet the slings with radiant cheer,
Now the image is clearly etched deep,
Never to erase, nor to revise!

And the old portrait locked within,
Grew so musty, bereft of use,
In its place, I keep within,
His solid figure in indelible print.
Today 11th Feb. is our 38th wedding anniversary. This is a loving dedication to my husband. As I look back, I wonder how time has fled in sweeping haste! Thank God and thanks to him.... I am a happy wife and mother!
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
April showers bring you flowers
But today there's only snow
It isn't winter
It isn't spring
'Tis a season left unknown

Outside the window is like myself
Unpredictable yet tamed

Some things are more appreciated
When they cannot be explained
Originally written in 2009
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
It's a big reminder in life to shut the **** up
And try your best to be happy
When you've started attending
More funerals than weddings
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
You get what you give
And you give what you get
We curse all that is wicked
Yet we are our own threat

Feel the world inside you
We shape our every day
Better your intentions
And watch what you say

Karmas a *****
But at least she plays fair
The universe is in you
Beyond your mask

 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
One who is not admired by others
May not know what it means to be lonely
Loneliness is isolation of the mind

The mind


                                                                          *What a mess
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
It's all lies
Don't you dare tell me different
I'm here asking you what's the matter
Yet you complaining no one will listen

When I ask you how you is
"I'm Ok"  isn't sufficient
I can see you deteriorating
Cut the **** be explicit

Tell me what words hurt you
And whose mouths caused the pain
I know you know they didn't mean it
But the burn will still remain

Was it your man that ain't your man
Or was it that girl who doesn't have to try
Don't keep telling me they mean nothing
I see the tears behind your eyes

It's okay to have feelings
I'm in them all the time
I feel heavy if I don't express em
Baby, why you think I rhyme

Tell me what it is girl
Tell me what it ain't
Tell me how you feel girl
'cause I know you ain't "ok"
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
Your mind likes to wander
But the thought leaves you cold
You can feel your heart drop
And you remember every word you've been told
It pains you to think
But there is no off switch to your mind
Your bed is where your head only works in rewind

All of the above remains the same
In love
In hate
In pain
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