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You are appreciated, and Loved.
You are important, and very Loved.
You are needed, by God and I.
You are Righteous in Christ eyes.
There are no one that can do what you do.
For Christ gave you talents and gifts.
For the purpose that you were created for.
He uses you to bless others through your gifts.
 May 2017
You didn't listen to Stevie at dinner when she told you,
" now here you go again you say, you want your freedom"
Well, who am I to keep to down?
Sign your record deals
You didn't let my long sleep last
It was warm
blue rose buds
The hopscotch grid faded
with falling rain
Your hands were water
in the desert
And I,
I need the cicadas
The green things
Black breezes
Blue roses
And cicadas
My tears
******* and whisky
are the infections
of the
And trump is
Die now
if you've any sense
But never forget
The blue roses
Black breezes...
I love you all, and I love you....
I'm in a rough time. I simply feel no need to elaborate. If you believe in any God, pray. Please. Please.
Pass me my pen,
I'm ready to start writing again,

I need to express myself,
It's time to take my heart off the shelf.

Give me a few moments of time,
My soul needs to release a new rhyme,

Let me breathe again,
It's been too long,  I haven't written since this morning, at half past ten.

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
Hope this makes you smile!
"The unveiling"
Of all that the master design
Promises to bring,

All of the answers
To the unknown;
The wonder of everything.

"The inevitable,"
"God's will,"
"The out of our control,"

"The final destination"
For each and every soul.

Some call it destiny,
Some call it God's big master plan,

Some call it fate,
Some say it's predestination
For every man.

The doctrine
That God has ordained
All that will happen,

That nothing is by chance;
Not even a misshapen!

In the grand scheme of things,
Whether you believe
Any of these theories to be true,

It will all be revealed to you,
What is meant to be,
Will eventually be for you;
There's nothing we can do!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 May 2017
Ronald J Chapman
Cannons  echoing in the west,
Birds returning to their nests,
Oranges, reds and yellows, painting a watercolor sky.

Bright flashes beaming, memories of the past,

Thumping rooftop rain,
Raindrops are rolling.
Into rooftop drains,

A lullaby, of falling tears,
Singing me to sleep,
To dream a lonely sunset dream.

Copyright © 2017 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Timelapse Sunset In Korea 2013
 May 2017
words sing a song
a sonnet in my brain
yet my pentameter
is not iambic
more of a wild refrain

as they tumble jumble
bump and grind
it is difficult to
give them their
proper place in line

they all knock and clamor
to be the first in line
ain't but  one of them
that wish to be left behind

so no precise flow, no couplets
not a lot rhyme....even less rhythm
in my writ.....this time

sometimes i can plant
my words in neat little rows
water and **** them til poetry grows
sometimes i put a big seed of thought
suspended over a water glass and
wait til it grows roots
in it's search for love
and meaning

sometimes i just scatter
thoughts to the wind
leave them lie where they fall
and go off and begin other tasks
forgetting  those seeds
til come one day, when
i take a wrong turn
and walk that way
to find a field of riotous colour,
flowers upon flowers
no need for the distinction
of pretty over ****

today i write a torrent a river
that floods with flotsom, jetsom
and other.....
and as these words rush
to the sea, they cry
glory allelui....
i am free....i am free
 May 2017
hazem al jaber
The main part of me ...

do you know ....
do you feel ...
do you realize ...
did you got ...
how much i love you ...
wish you do ....
wish you realize ...
how much i adore you ...
i know ...
that i love you ...
and have no power ...
ever to forget you ...
because ...
i got thousand reasons ...
to keep you so deep inside ...
and the mainly reason is...
just i love you ...
because since that time...
which i saw you ...
the whole world smiled ...
smiled to me ...
gave me another happiness ...
that i never felt before ...
felt that i owned the world ...
and all happiness in this world ...
between my hands ...
and so deep inside the heart ...
that's all because i loved you ...
and still keeping your love ...
with me with so many years ...
with no give up ...
with no bore ...
do you know why ...
because you always with me ...
live with me with every second ...
with every breathe i breathe ...
until you became a part of me ...
the main part of me ...
that makes me alive ...
and gave a happiness to my souls ...
it's the main part ...
which we call it heart...
yes my sweetheart ...
you are the the heart to my body ...
as you are the soul to my life all ...

sweet mainly part of me ...
do you know now ...
how much i adore you ...
and how much you mean ...
for me and for the body of me ...
for my heart ...
which it's you ...

so please sweetheart ...
please feel me more ...
and never **** me again ...
just keep feeling me ...
and take care of my heart ...

hazem al ...
Everyone deserves to be Loved and appreciated as well.

The rich, the middle class, the poor, the white, the black,

The Spanish, the janitor, the disable, the CEO , the banker.

It does not matter who you are you deserve to be loved.

To be appreciated, and to be feel the Love that healed too.

For you are by far more Loved by Christ than you can imagine.

Whether you know or not you are Truly Special and important.

In the schemes of God, he can use your life to minster to others.
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