All writing material are the intellectual property and copyright of myself, David Ehrgott. contact me for permission to use or print/reprint. Like me on Facebook …
54/M/Cleveland, Ohio
Creator of the "Quantum Loop" poem. I study English, science, and mankind. Shemale and he-she. Asian/black/arab/white/americaN. https://www.facebook.com/Garyspoetrypage
Constantly devastated by the things happening around me. Constantly falling in love with the unknown. Constantly looking for the words to describe this mass of …
25/Cisgender Female/Portugal
I’m Jennifer (Alex is a pseudonym). I’m 25 y/old and I live in Portugal. I have a BA in Modern Languages (English/French) and right now …
"I hope to revive and evoke people's memories, the emotions held closest, in order to speak directly into their ears and connect my words to …
Lewisville, Texas
To begin. I'm the one with the white shirt, and my sunglasses hanging on my chest..I was born in Brooklyn, NY. Moved to California at …