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 Jul 2014
Autece Soul
If I left the world
Would I still be forgotten?
Would the one I love the most
Finally hear my call?
Shaking at the thought of sudden darkness
My Soul black as a corpse rotting under earth
Nature eating away the flesh of a broken Soul
Is there a place for such a being?
My hands quiver with the thought of being forgotten
My breath stricken by the choking of a dead Love
Lungs turning blue with loss of air and yet
With one last breath
I still say
I love you
Fear of Being Forgotten by Autece Soul is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
 Mar 2014
Tom Leveille
you are inches
measured by miles away
bulldozing oriental food
you don't intend on eating
around your plate
and i am imagining
the translation of asking
for a broom in a foreign language
for when you shatter over small talk
or the first sentence to start with "so"
breaks you into shaking
that i can feel from across the table
and i am thinking now
about tectonics and how you must be daydreaming of being submerged in a book
back home or gripping tightly
to bedsheets begging for familiar warmth
i can tell by the way you are looking at me
that you are feigning our salutation embrace
seconds drowned in ankle deep water and i wonder if you see my hands
as jackhammers and if the reason
why you hug so hard
but only for a moment
is to be as sharp as possible
so that i do not smell your perfume
or notice that you aren't wearing any and why
there are few suprises
in the safe you claim is a mouth
where shades of plush pink
hide a sickly pallor
and i continue to look over
brick & mortar borders
and think how maybe
she is thinking of kissing
but certainly not me
not these apologies nailed to my face
i give myself a moment
of benefitted doubt that you sometimes
picture your frame under mine
and if your clavicles would crack
if i were to touch them
i am sorry that i am a victim of imagination
but i swear i chalk it up
as the forgotten feeling
for when you look up
and the person you are looking
at is gazing directly at you
you have painted yourself
as a mosaic in my mind
as a mess of dust & incoherent words
that all sound like please in my ears
but that doesn't explain why
my hands are the ones that are shaking
when i imagine you
imagining me
in the spaces of yourself
where you've forgotten
you could put someone
 Feb 2014
Joseph Childress
By Joseph Childress

This was all expected
Not intended
I've been waiting for this moment
Of contentment
I knew this
Was temporary
Rarity at it's finest
To find
The kind
Within you
This was meant
This was unpreventable
The ability
To love from such a distance
The physical properties
Physicists research arduously
Is hardly relevant
Our spirits connected
Without wires
We became electric
Put aside
Our pathetic attempts
At being unsympathetic
And agreed
For once
For final
For I know
Our wants
Are far more than what we need
And these
Past few years
We're important

Thank you.
 Feb 2014
I sail through utter silence
Words are ceased
And thoughts freezed
Nothing more remains to be said, I reckon
Or there is too much
It is too much
that words cant capture
thoughts cant express
yet it flows
like an ocean which moves from shore to shore
and never finds an abode...
 Feb 2014
Matthew Walker
One year ago exactly, I awoke to the miserable news that my dear friend, Morgan Helman, was dead. I called her voicemail and wept my goodbyes. I punched the wall and screamed until I thought my lungs would crack. I wrote a poem to express the ravaging anguish I was experiencing, and to try and honor her life. I read it as a eulogy at her funeral. In it, I mentioned a time when she had asked me to write a happy poem. Everything I had ever written was a result of sadness or some other tortured emotion. I apologized that what I wrote for her was far from happy. I told her someday I would a write a happy poem, though I doubted my own words. One year later, I have walked away from the depressed mental state I used to call home. On the anniversary of her passing, I completed this "happy" poem. It's different than what I'm used to creating. It might not be as artistic as some of my other poetry. But it is a vivid expression of the first step in a new direction. This poem is dedicated to Morgan Helman and the legacy of love she left in her wake.

You Are

Resonating laughter
as the child plays,
hallway smiles
on bad days.

Disney movies
when I'm sick,
lightsaber battles
as a kid.

Rope swings
for make believe Peter-Panning,
backyard sprinklers
spraying the trampoline.

Hot soup
after it snows,
Refreshing popsicles
when the sun glows.

Warm cookies
melting in my mouth,
playing cards
at Grandma's house.

Blazing campfires
engulfed in inspiration,
jam sessions
with passionate musicians.

Barefoot freedom
in the grass and on the beach,
Sandy paradise
sinking beneath my feet.

Captivating books
as it gently rains,
favorite songs
when I'm disarrayed.

Intimate poetry
as my soul sings,
genuine happiness
spilling out of me.

Caring parents
whose admiration lasts,
trustworthy friends
who remove my masks.

Comforting arms
when my friend dies,
calloused hands
pulling tears from drowning eyes.

Raw love
strung on splintered wood,
My God
you are everything good.

~ m.w. ~
 Jan 2014
Joseph McClain
To describe you in words would take a thousand lifetimes
All the air I will ever breathe will never be enough,
for describing you is near impossible
Your smile,
Your laugh,
The twinkle in your eyes
Points all to shaming the stars in the sky,
Shaming the lords of music,
Shaming the artists of old
Nothing shall compare to the beauty that you hold
As deep as the oceans are, your eyes are deeper still
Pulling me in,
Not against my will
I go without thought,
Into the beauty that is yours
Without second thought, I am swallowed by warmth
As my heart is beating, leaping from my chest
I bend down on both knees without protest
For I know in my soul that I'm already yours
Until the day death runs its course.
I wrote this pretty recently, with pen and paper, now here it will stay forever.
 Oct 2013
Nobody sat me down before it was too late
And told me that this world was going to be like it is.
Nobody said to me,
"There will be days that feel like wet woolen blankets
And settle over your mouth and keep the fresh air out.
There will be days when you feel each second like a razorblade,
And days when the minutes blur by in blissful softness.
There will be days that feel, indeed, exactly the way it feels to step out
Into the sunlight on a clear summer morning,
And there will be days- whether good or bad- for which there are simply no words at all,
And those days will always scare you the most because
They can't be captured or understood.
There will be countless days that feel like leaden weights attached to your ankles
At the bottom of a cold sea
And many that slip by like grains of sand through your fingers,
Rough and smooth at once, neither warm nor frigid.
And there will come a day,
Every so often,
When you can see that your days are wearing thin,
The way that a sock wears thin when you have walked a long way in it over the years,
And the threads begin to fray.
These days will make your heart constrict because
No matter how many more you can see marching towards you in the distance
You know there could never possibly be enough of them to save you."
Nobody told me these things.
Nobody explained that it would be this way,
That every day would have its own feeling,
And I would have to learn anew to cope each morning.
Nobody explained to me that there is no cure for living,
For the ache in your stomach that makes you want to give up
Or for the ache in your heart that is so sweetly, electrically terrible you can't stand it.
There is no medication to treat how each day treats you.
I wish someone would have told me.
Then again,
What exactly could I have done
If somebody had?
 Oct 2013
I put pen to paper
not knowing
what to expect
if I will be satisfied
with what I write
or if anyone
will like
what I

I don't see myself
as a gifted soul
all my words
were dug up
from the dark
and beautiful
parts of me
that were
in soil

my heart speaks
so loudly
even my mind
can hear
the echoing
of my thoughts
as I think of the
which made me
and created
the identity
of the poet
that I became
to be
© Natali Veronica 2013.

— The End —