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Exuberant ecstatic rapture
    Sardonic denigrating quip
    Joisting up an oaken rafter
    The cabin of a sailing ship

    Lucid eloquent recumbence
    Surreal retrospective grace
    Endless ocean’s myriad turbulence
    Infinity would set it’s pace

    Imbue spontaneous induction
    Exude efficient transience
    Exhort the mystic symbiotic construction
    For the course of our intransigence

    Litigant ludicrous licentiousness
    Coquettish audacious impunity
    Lecherous libidos atrocious impertinence
    Would pound id’s shore horrendously

    Derisive subjugated nuance
    Extol intrinsic unity
    Nebulous wisps of shaded quiescence
    With breeze and sky make harmony

    Predilect effluent effusion
    Tenacious taubla tapestry
    Alleviate the torrential confusion
    Acquire efficience for flights symmetry
 May 2017
Sally A Bayan
Long before
orange-purple-pink-bluish shades vanish,
......before light evens out upon us,
before billows of clouds scatter and
fill the magnificent powder blue skies,
...fields...and other workplaces, are
already humming with activities.
air drowns with a stream of sounds,
human, and otherwise.......voices,
...teaspoons against cups, mixing
a dark waking brew...rushing footfalls,
instructions given..revving up tractor motors,
chairs, tables moving...computers starting,
comes  coffee breaks...and day's end
then...we go home to whoever, whatever
meets us at our doorstep...whether
our life is a bed of roses, or a bed of thorns
...or, something in between....or a mix...
minor, major changes occur here, there,
everywhere...every second, every minute...
some seasons, dragonflies overpopulate,
wasps and honey bees swarm for their own
different reasons...flower buds turn to blooms,
various birds build nests based on their needs,
cocoons hang silence....yet,
when time is right, new butterflies unwrap
....................and emerge...
each day consists of old and new patterns
that lead to magical, new beginnings...
new discoveries,often called miracles,
...they happen while we are sleeping
...............when no one is looking
........or, even when we are awake,
.....but, just too busy to notice...
from a nearby...or distant river
a sea breeze blows, and cools,
brushes..and touches... then tiptoes,
prancing upon other running currents,
acknowledging...emphatically reminding
that blessings from God are ever flowing
every breath taken, is a miracle...occurring
....while we are awake...or sleeping
whether or not, someone is looking...


Copyright May 21, 2017
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
I took a walk
All by myself,
I often tend to do,

Whilst walking down
The nature strip
My mind was preoccupied
By pleasant thoughts of you!

I saw your perfect face
In every perfect rose ,

As I leant over to inhale their scent
It was as though your flesh
Was right under my nose!

Love was in the air,
It was written in the sky,
It was in the flowers and the trees,
It made me feel so high!

As I continued down the path
I looked up to the sky,

I saw you looking down at me,
You were a soft cloud
Slowly passing by!

Then I heard a little chirp
Coming from a bird
In a near by tree,

He began whistling
A most beautiful song,
I thought it was you,
Serenading me!

Love was in the air,
It was written in the sky,
It was in the flowers and the trees,
It made me feel so high!

As I followed the nature strip
And returned to my front gate,

I felt as though I had just returned
From one hell of a perfect date!

I took a walk
All by myself,
I often tend to do,

Whenever I go out for a walk,
All I do is
Think about you!

Love was in the air,
It was written in the sky,
It was in the flowers and the trees,
It made me feel so high!

By Lady R.F. (C) 2017
 May 2017
Lawrence Hall
Cats and the Office of Prime

With the dignity of an abbess the cat
Enthrones herself upon the morning fence
To welcome with due solemn liturgies
The daily rising of the given sun

Her slow lavabo accomplished, she turns
Offering the peace of Cat to the assembly:
The lesser cats, the even lesser dogs
The night-chilled lawn, the dewy leaves, the light

She blinks her blessings there upon the day

     And all is complete

When happy children then come out to play
 May 2017
"It's a frozen morning "
said the earth to the sun

"Please rain"
said the ground to the clouds

"You're going to die"
said the spider to the fly

said the woman
to the sleeping guy

"Don't go"
said the guy to the setting sun

"Come home "
said the house
now all alone

"Let's try, one more time "
said the message on her phone

"Our time has come
Our time has gone "
said the four wheels
on the gravel road

"One more log of mother madrone"
said the woodstove to the cold, cold, room.
 May 2017
Brian Densham
I die … without a fight … yet not conceding
But gently, as the world around me ages
Rescinding gift of health, each sense receding
As life escapes me, in retreating stages

Perhaps beyond this chapter lies conclusion
Or if another chapter, maybe better
Yet maybe, this is but a Grand Illusion
If so, I’m glad we were deceived together

When I am gone I hope you will remember
That life became us and our time on earth
I know that I will keep one thought forever
That you … became the measure ... of my worth
Copyright 2003 B. Densham
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