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 Jun 2015
Dawn King
it doesn’t matter enough
it matters but not enough to change it
it matters but not enough to admit it
it matters but it’s too difficult to change it
pride and shame stand in the way
fear stops change
nothing is done and the paralysis of denial takes over
the people you hurt forgive you and move on
they want you to do the same
Sacrificing all that within me, so that you can see him.
So what good is sacrificing my life is it is for naught.
For only revealing Christ love for you and healing.
Shall make my life worth living through sacrificing.
For only by his power shall I be able to reveal his truths.
But living a life, for myself only benefiting in this world.
Is one life wasted in lies and lost to true Freedom here.
For when you look at me, I want you to see Christ love.
When you read my poems, I want you to be healed by God not me.
 Jun 2015
If he were to write for me
It would probably go
"I love my wife.
She is my life.
The end."
But I see the poems for me in his eyes.
That'll do for me.
I have made bad decisions  myself in this here world.
I have wander away at times from the path that I was on.
At times I slip and fell, not rising back up like I should have.
With this in mind, my prayer is for those hurting right now.
Whom might have made bad decisions out of their hurt.
Even others whom made bad decisions for other reasons.
For we know not their hearts, only Christ can see theirs.
Only Christ knows why each of us do the very things we do.
So only he can judge each of us for the mistakes we have done.
Even though it seems to everyone else here that I am alone.
I am not for Christ is always at my side walk besides me.
Even though my life is hard, I shall never fret for my God.
Goes before me to bring all of things that are against me.
Tumbling down into a heap of ******* and trash everywhere.
One thing you all need to remember it is not I but Christ.
That shall be overcoming everyone of these obstacles before me.
For his Holy Spirit does dwell within me always everywhere.
So always remember my weakness is enhanced by his strength.
 Jun 2015
M Crux Alexander
I'm so tired this morning
from dreaming so hard
I closed my eyes so tightly
dreading to wake apart

Phantom shadows in my periphery
Wandering memories haunting me
Your lingering touch upon my skin
The fading feeling of you within
Light of day comes all too fast
When all I want is this dream to last.

-Lesa Renee 031510~8.03a
oh, that delicious wanting & missing.
 Jun 2015
Take her sidereal night,
its darkness
and the shimmer in it.

Draw a co-secant,
a beam,
in your full-light trace.

The script is embedded,
it runs on its own:

A pulse,
myriads of whirling suns,
a blaze within her,

a firmament
for a cotillion,
a constellations' jigsaw.

Her night breathes,
in symbiotic pace
with its aural lover

and, within its velvet,
darkness is an indigo,
drunk on orgastic throb.

prompt: cosmos [my entry in the poetry contest 2015, in]
 Jun 2015
Marshal Gebbie
An ode to hospitality and the magnificence
of New Zealand’s majestic South Island.*

Pale Granite massif plummets down from snowline to Kaikoura coast
Where white waves seeth in ocean rage atop the green of dark abyss,
Below subducts Pacific plate to buckle mountain mantle’s boast
Titanic forces ****** beneath the wheeling flock of sea-tern’s hiss.

Cold winds blow from seaward swell of glaciation far to south
Where blue whales hunt the clouds of krill and ply this ocean’s constant roar
Through icy currents rich and deep resourced from white Antarctic mouth
Whence icebergs blue shall calve and drift, where seeking albatross do soar.

Frosty on this Winter morn, green rolling hills caress my eye
Deep shadows creasing valley clefts, round sunlit pastures highlit, mound.
From coastal dune transitioning to snowy mountain crags on high
The splendour of it all, my friend, entrancing me in sense-surround.

Blown red tussock streams to windward, ripples in concentric waves
Ripples in the mountain’s flank surmounting to the alpine pass.
Bastion of high country shepherd, striding forth with dog he braves,
The loneliness of isolate in isolation’s clawing grasp.

Tempest in the black beech forest thrashing leafage falls like rain
Rain in sheets cascades from clifftops, waterfalls in grand parade.
Hellish clouds embrace the fiords in hellish lightening flash refrain
Fiordland in majestic style in vaulting might of storm’s charade.

Grey light in the estuary, reflections in still water stand
Of fishing boats at wharfage in a timeless moment’s instant gaze,
Riverton in midday mode as fisherman’s coarse calloused hand
Prepares to launch beyond the spit to brave the sea, to snare the crays.

Comfort in a welcome smile, welcome in a warming fire
Luxury in the steaming sting of shower water piping hot.
Blue cod baked so perfectly with pinot noir to my desire
The sanctuary of “Land’s End”, quaintly, the very best New Zealand’s got.

“Foxglove”, Taranaki
25 June 2015

*“Land’s End”… An exquisite find, a very English bed and breakfast hotel located, remotely, at the very tip of southern lands end at Bluff.
A delightful discovery to complement, perfectly, the utter charm and grandeur of New Zealand’s wonderland....
The magnificent South Island.

****** against the cliff
caught in a vortex  
whirlpool of relentless force
pulling me down, down, down
Obliterating all sense of direction

I succomb to the waves
****** out, pulled in.
Riptide determined to
pull me under
spared by the mercy
of an upper current that
carries me weightless out and
over the break

Impelled by Grace
greater than the Power at hand
My body finds the sand.
I lie upon the beach,
all fight left behind.
The Ocean claims my strength
No question who has won**

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
 Jun 2015
Joe Cole
You know I got back from my beautiful Maltese holiday about 3 am yesterday
Today I sat and looked at my beautiful garden for the first time in a week
Tiny pastel flowers peer like little faces from dark green foliage
Lavenders vie for space with vibrant California poppies
Hollyhock ready to burst into summer colour
Stand next to shrubs of Rosemary
While sweet peas grow in wild abandon
Through the khaki green yellow branches and twigs
Of my twisted willow trees
The rose bush I planted over the grave of my old cat
Stands in her full glory of weeping red blooms
There is a magical perfume from French and English lavender
Offering their fragrance to bees
Who provide their own unique music to this wondrous panorama
Of wild and cultivated beauty
Yes, there are weeds as you might call them
But they also have there place here and so will be left to grow in peace
To live in harmony with other life
I see my garden as an ever changing work of art
Art that I will never tire of looking at
Natural beauty
 Jun 2015

Moon light quivers
‘pon sleepless waves
softly reflecting
passion’s embrace,
caressing the
enchanting shoreline
where we lie
beneath the stars
creating love’s poetry
in the sand…

*not a word was written
Good night Beautiful
 Jun 2015
SE Reimer

magnetized, i stand,
muse of far off lands,
as for nourishment i reach,
these remind of thee;
reflections each are we,
soldiers all... sailors,
tossed about on stormy sea,
thirsty souls in paper boats,
as, in need of simple hope
each the other read,
you... my poetic anchor be;
as another’s soil i dream;
like magnets on my fridge
your words on page, my bridge
doorway to the heart of thee.


*post script.

to my poet friends, both known
and unknown with most un-met... yet,
this rambling spilled
as i reached this morning for
nourishment from my refrigerator
after reading your many wonderful
and uplifting writes.  
my new profile pic
helps to tell the story.

wishing you peace
on this Memorial Day weekend...
may those lost to thee,
ever rest in peace!

(Memorial Day- a designated day
in the US for remembrance
of those beloved souls
whom we lost too soon.)

love to you...
each and every one,
old friends and new!
 Jun 2015
Joel Frye
a cacophonous clash
of undertones;
     soy and beef,
     ginger and garlic,
     vinegar and brown sugar
musky and heavy
until brought to heat
in patient build
to mutual ******
the struggle for dominance
with heavenly concordance
of aroma
and sprawling afterglow
of satisfied
Tried a recipe for Korean Beef today.
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