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 Mar 2020
Francie Lynch
Don't give up on me. Please.
I'm begging you.
I know that look.
You're shutting down.
I've made promises before,
And I've meant them 100%, every time.
But my faults prevail. I know them well.
So do you. I've promised to get help,
And I did. It failed... I failed...
I failed myself and in so doing,
I've failed you.
But please, don't give up on me.
I know I can change, but I don't know how.
I've tried. I went back to my old prayers,
To professionals, to my innermost self.
I've worked on it so many times,
Alone and with others,
But never with you.
You distanced yourself from my troubles,
Even though you were an intricate part.
You had a stake in this.
You have a stake in this.
Don't give up on me.
You'll see.
I'll be me again, before the troubles.
But what's to become of me,
If you give up on me.
Don't! Please!
 Oct 2019
Francie Lynch
I heard a voice
call out:

Are you home?

(perhaps it came
from within)

A stranger's voice
that's called

I am

I am Home!


This temple of dissipation.
 Jun 2019
Francie Lynch
He knows it is poison, yet indulges.
It's the one way he's learned to live through it.
And so stays dry. It's sobering.
For months and months and months,
It's a life he enjoys.
Then comes the itch, so the plan is engaged.
Leave and become a stranger,
A pub-fly in Ireland.
And when he returns, Day One is at hand.
The cleansing is on.
For three days he digs, buries himself
In the dark.
Wretching and heaving til bruised.
Step by step by step...
A red face lights the sink basin,
Water, not tears fill his eyes.
By eight tonight Day Two begins.
But that's still hours away.
Back to the sink.
When  Day Three dawns,
He rises and walks out.
Step by step by step...
 Nov 2018
Francie Lynch
They never understand;
Or ever comprehend
The severity of my decision.
I'm convinced I have control,
Yet those I dearly hold,
Keep hold on their derision.

I know I'll find remission
For commissions and omissions;
My love was never so cold.

She'll say I never loved her;
There always was the other
Stopping us from growing old.
 Nov 2018
Mike Hauser
There's a love hate relationship
Between you and alcohol
You love the feeling you get from it
But hate its constant calls

It's become a daily battle
This long drawn out desire
When you say no way will I drink today
And again it makes you out the liar

It all started out so simple
Having social drinks with friends
Where the only time you drew that line
Would be on the weekends

But stress comes along in many forms
As you find sips take off the edge
Soon enough though it won't leave you alone
A little secret the bottle seems to have kept

And this battle you are fighting
Some days afraid that you might win
Where there is no denying
Deep down inside you'll miss your friend

Where there's a love hate relationship
Between you and alcohol
You love the feeling you get from it
But hate the way it too often calls
28 years ago today I made the decision to stop the madness of drinking... Life has never been better! If you yourself are caught up in this Hell I hope and pray you get help. It can be done, I'm living proof!
 Feb 2018
Joe Adomavicia
Hello all, I have been busy at work on my upcoming book Love Unbound. This is a collection of romantic themed poetry. It is available on, Barnes and and if you would like a signed copy message me and we can sort out details.

I'm so thrilled to share this collection of poems with the world.
 Oct 2017
Francie Lynch
Got back successfully,
From weeks of ecstasy;
Coming down from a high,
Still not measuring up.
My hill is daunting,
The valleys so low;
I watch my step
From backsliding below.
I know there's reason
Where the light's up this road.
I'm still plodding
Where I need to go.
Back from Ireland, and the liver had a workout.
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