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 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
I'm so ******' glad
I trusted you, Johnny, to
Go out and buy meat
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
Mornin', gentlemen!
Mornin'! The best time of day
To go **** yourself
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
I'm imagining
the pool that spawned you, I am
filling it with rocks
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
could you have been born
Richardson, and not egg-hatched
as I had assumed?
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
and this here is the
*** of a drunken shitbird
yeah, I just farted
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
Wu's dope was stolen
one white cocksucka, no two
Wu Swedgin hang dai
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
he said he just ******
off on its leg, but I think
Steve ****** Bullock's horse
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
Gabriel's trumpet
Will produce you from the ***
Of a pig, E.B.
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
**** you, richardson
i'd like to use your ointment
to suffocate you
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
you ain't right, Jimmy
lyin' causes cat **** smell
thievin' *******
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
God bless those poor souls
also, *****'s half price the
next fifteen minutes
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
Who? Wu? No, who! Jews?
No, you ignorant ******'
*****! Juice! Not Jews, juice!
 Mar 2015
Deadwood Haiku
no unauthorized
****** cinnamon, that is
all the **** we need
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