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 Nov 2016
Words want to avail
themselves of fixed
meaning, so they fall
openly in love.
The true poet intuits
this, and writes to
inspire awe...which
is silent.
 Nov 2016
phil roberts
Now that I've lived all these years
And experienced so many things
With my march to Oldfartdom
On it's inexorable way
I've been thinking about the things I've learned
Perhaps to pass on to others

It's like this
Life is wonderful
And life is ******
Love is elating
Love is devastating
Birth is a true miracle
Being a parent is scary
Money is a blessing
Whilst wealth is a curse
What do I know?

                              By Phil Roberts
 Nov 2016
Ann M Johnson
Memories they linger on the recesses of my mind
If you could see them some are sweet some are bittersweet.
Some vie for attention turning into dreams at the end of the day.
Some like to play and fill my mind with daydreams at the start of the day.
Memories seem to have so much power.
Is that because I give them so much because I don't want to lose touch,with those I have loved both past and present?
I want to continue living life and collecting more pleasant memories and live life more fully.
 Nov 2016
There's something about
Love that you
if 99%
of your life
ends up
in failure
that 1%
of luck
for love
is enough
to rebuild
I guess in my file i never got that 1%, one of the reason why i wrote "unlucky". I think its enough for me to say this hypothesis. My failures are always on a safe distance to be okay, so even though this is just an observation, i still think 1% though very small, its enough for a person to stay tough and move through to life and love. Thanks for reading.
 Nov 2016
Butch Decatoria
Landscapes of sound,

Sometimes static   chaos conflicts

Galaxies colliding    

With striking colors beyond human eloquence

Yet to evolve  the emotions we flounder

Within (Without)    Love's

Auspicious spaces  

Sound bleeds and whirls

(Particles pixels portraits)

Beams and waves explodes and implodes

Emotions are similar

And if only these mannequin eyes

Could behold

The ocean of the cosmos

The wide might of infinity

Vast and never void

We would witness the unspoken words

The loud actions of benevolence

Rise above it

The emotions they avoid and drown in

The music is as miraculous as

Love feels....

                     Like wet landscapes of colorful

 Nov 2016
Denel Kessler
narrow potholed roads
long winding switchbacks
blind corners that lead
the chosen to heaven

the rest of us

rotting slash piles
in a clear cut
fireweed rising
from raw earth

in this land of trees
the forest is forgotten
 Nov 2016
Allen Robinson
Defined in our youth
by others to shape our
direction in life
Criticized and often
over corrected, the
positive reinforcement
seems fleeting
Was it lack of family
structure or was it a
poor education system
Put IN A BOX to
appease societies
notion of what we
should be.
 Nov 2016
Prathipa Nair
Let us not listen to the heart
Let the heart listen to us
Let us be the key to control the flow of thoughts
Let us teach our heart where to stop
Let us stop it from yearning of whatever coming in its way
Let it be a heart to love with care
Let it be alive in present forgetting the extinct
Let it not worry of the upcoming future
Let our face shine by the pleasant heart !
 Nov 2016

the night's as a dark cave
when you're in a test
you can look unto the east
look unto the west
no light to follow clearly
like a banjo out of tune
you chant a mass of chaos
to an uncaring


there are
stars around the corner
there are
stars behind the door
stars outside your window
when you can't take anymore
stars, they have a sparkle
all their very own
they can warm you
like a hearth
or chill you to the

look up!
dark nights don't last
and though there may be rain
the thunderstorms are passing
you will see the SUN again!
this ol' earth, it keeps on turning
and though the stars are gone
you know it's always


so just keep looking up
for Jupiter and Mars
but be sure
to make your wishes

to the


(C) 11/23/2016
Its almost 3 o'clock in the morning and I can't sleep. My father went into the hospital last night. I am cheering myself up with this poem. I don't know what's going to happen in the future. If my father goes into a care home I will be moving. But whatever happens I know that God will help me through it. I am relying on him more than ever these days. I am praying more than ever. If it seems like I'm not on site very much, it's because I need to be communing with the Maker of the stars.

Thanks for understanding.

When moon like an empty plate
mocks the hunger
the famished bones hunt for a morsel.

Clinks of cutlery fires the belly
aroma of meals calls like a melody

there's a table full of happy faces
chewing and chuckling and chattering
picking eating dropping and littering
their plates are full aha never less
food after food over food always
a fire in oven a bed of clean sheet
never they're they're never short of heat
eyes that are heavy droop easy soon
behind tightly shut windows to the moon

Snuffed out will ***** out all traces of light
they break into wails rending the night
nothing now moves over the dead town
except the bones with moon as the crown.
 Nov 2016
traces of being
A sallowest silence drips,
drop  by  drop,
into open muddy palms

The ripple in the gathering cup
of hand, undulates within soul
like poignant ocean waves
eat away at the sands of time ,
just  below  where
a lighthouse beacon beckons
shining from someplace I can’t find

A hidden pathway
lies  untrodden
beneath a thousand
dew drop clad ferns ,
fronds bestrewn with autumn’s
befallen sleight of hand
swaddled in her fading
manifest guise

Where wild mushrooms
rise  blindly  from
resplendent darkness
beneath silken earthen moss ,
to teach the parables ,
how fleeting a moment passes

The moment enwrapped
in nature's solicitude ,
the  only  shelter
mother nature's own refugees
whom dwell in an ever fugitive
sense of belonging

Fallen Lichen scattered
like  wild  feathers ,
traces from a higher ground ;
sown bread crumbs
of  the  heavens ,
abandoned like slowly falling
snowflakes upon a labyrinth
coursing    beyond
emerald dank bejewel

Leading me willingly onward
beyond belated familiarity ,
exiled  void  of  affinity
a Trumpeter swan
in search of wapatos

The stone cold silent languor
rises  up  through
thickly grasping moss

Wind  stirs the ennui
with a breath of kindness ,
chilling a body in a soul
as cold as lonely stone ,
sheathed beneath
its hard yet fragile disguise

A twisted pathway
leading  somewhere  
I  yearn to follow ;
somewhere unknown
beckoning  from
deeply hidden hope
and its urgent calling

Somehow the uncertainty
of the path I am drawn
makes   me   feel
a  little  less  removed

Assured by the gentle touch
deeply rooted ancient earthen spirits ,
beyond doubt , I’m never alone
deep beyond wooded margin
Cocooned in creation’s sanctuary
mother nature’s own refugee ...

                                                          ­*wild is the wind
November 23rd, 2016

It is a time and season I often embrace the roots
my ancient native north American continent  heritage ...
I'm joined at the hip with earth mother
and pay homage through my humble writ offerings
acknowledging the divinity and her infinite amazing grace ―
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