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 Jan 2016
Arlo Disarray
Black, shimmering dust coats my skin in the night air
I am one with it
Blending into the shadow that overcasts the entire sky

Dipped in bits of blue and stained in the dull hue
Neon lights in the distance are distractions and detractors from the natural beauty of this darkness

An antique stone hangs above our heads, but we reject it
by trying to outshine all the enigmatic light we will never fully understand
 Jan 2016
That ****** hours before the sleep
When a thought is a strike of whip.
Over the night and over the pale  
It torches hard my mind so frail.
No, I'm not mad, but that insanity
Whispers how can escape reality,
But, I'd rather let the flesh decay ,
Than be for my own head a prey!
 Jan 2016
Arlo Disarray
the rain streams*  down
the leaves of trees
like teardrops  on a cheek

the fog pours  over head
like the white hue
*around a dream
 Dec 2015
Vanessa Gatley
Ur my
U glow
and ur there
for me at night
You sparkle
In the dark black
Night Sky
"I don't want to make it awkward or anything,
but I had a *** dream about us last night.

Don't get me wrong:
there was more to it than that-
we were having a long and involved conversation
about many potential meanings of Life
and the joys of pursuing One's own creative spirit
as well as some discussion
as to the seemingly cyclic nature of Time
and the absolute relativity
of Consciousness and Reality.

See, it was after that
(and perhaps some red wine)
that we yoked ourselves
in the heat of unspoken passion
and accidentally set the room aglow
with sparks of fervid insatiability
until the Moon took a cue from our dance and song
and slowly went down on the Earth
and the Sun rose over the crest
warming what icy shells
we'd so briefly and blissfully forgotten.

But alas,
for it was but a dream
and then I woke unto yet another;
but I thought
perhaps you may like to know.

I hope you slept well too."
To no one in particular.
Consider it historical fiction.
 Dec 2015
Arlo Disarray
I had a dream you were the ocean
And the bridge I walked across was made of twigs
The sky was a canvas, the moon a splatter of paint
And the sounds of gum bubbles exploding kept popping in my ears
The air felt sticky and wet and it smelled like old french fries
I had a pouch on my gut like a kangaroo and it was filled with toothpicks and pebbles
Your voice kept echoing from the waves as the painted moonlight reflected on your humongous face

People always tell me my dreams don't make any sense
 Dec 2015
Arlo Disarray
r    u   n    n  i   n    g


Tricked you.
 Dec 2015
Arlo Disarray
It's my favorite time of day again, when the sky shows its true light
The antique boulder smiles, and the black sea above our heads shines with countless shimmering dancers;
each one trying to be brighter and more beautiful than the last

The songbirds go to sleep,
and instead of their chirping,
I hear the sound of bat wings flapping frantically to reach the right part of the sky
The trees have all become silhouettes before the flash reflecting from today's recycled daylight

My soul yearns for blackness while the fire burns during the day
And each time the hills extinguish the flame, I feel alive
The cold is my soulmate
And I'm at home the most when the world cannot be seen for what it is
Its beauty radiates while the sun hides away
And under the moon's ambience, I'm convinced I'm still in love with this place
I have a special relationship with the night.
 Dec 2015
Arlo Disarray
The road to success is often covered with stones
so jagged and slicing all of my toes
and their bones
And the answers being sought after are always being blown along the wind
Faster than I could ever hope to run, I'd never catch my breath again

I keep counting stars and counting scars, but I forget before I ever finish counting
I've been lost so long, with an atlas in my pocket
But it's crumpled up and the letters are merely smudges
The lines on the road have disappeared
They were ashamed of all the attention they received as I counted each one carefully
So as not to miss even one

I keep wishing on comets and hoping for better days
But when I create them for myself, it's only a phase
And when my eyes open and realize it's just like when I was five
And I wished upon a shooting star to love being alive
My siblings told me I could wish for anything, and that is what I chose

When I reach my destination, I just hope there's a spot with a good view
So at night I can see the crooked moon
As it hangs in the sky deceivingly
Just like most of the other smiles I've ever seen
 Dec 2015
Arlo Disarray
The glowing stone in space
leaves a shadow on my face
As its front is veiled by a cloud that kinda looks like lace

There's a fork inside the tree
that allows my mind to see
a few more stars than what are out there, but it looks perfect to me

And if the sun came out to shine
I'd tell her all the stars are mine
and if she wants to have them now
she should get back into the line

I've been smacked by waves of blue
and beaten by the beaches too
but I take what I can get so I can make it back to you
I write most of my poetry at night and while outside...
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