You really truly helped me being there
when no-one was,
The fact you came to be with me
meant such an awful lot,
You revived my instability
just by being you,
Thank you for you time and strength;
helping me get through,
People always say that -
in the times of need they’re there,
But to find someone that does mean it ;
is something that is rare,
Your heart is in the right place
don’t let others put you down,
Stand up to those who hurt you
and always stand your ground.
A true special friend
Your loyal and trustworthy; a true special kind
Beautiful soul in spirit & mind
You are a person whom I can depend
Thank you for being such a good friend
Thank you for being supportive & not giving up
You were persistent to pull me out of that rut
Your caring, sharing and so much like me…..
With the same points of view and personality
Being so concerned when I was so wrong
Im sorry I was unresponsive for so long
I cant face anyone when I’m enduring emotional hell
express what is wrong you dealt me well
No one has ever been there for me the way that you have
We’ve connected, sure now to have always have a laugh
I’m grateful for your persistence to ensure I was well
So Supportive you were caught me when I fell
Every person calls associates ‘friends’. They’re not…
….When its a network of associates we’ve got
True friends only appear a few times during life
Strength being offered in times of trouble & strife