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In my village there's not a lot Interesting people there is not
The land that time has forgot
Misguided people And over the top
Gossips talk **** they also lack wit Original thinkers? Not one bit
Minds so small not filled with fact No ones reputation left in tact
Gossips everywhere talking **** Small mindedness no wit
I despise the gossips with there fabricated tales
Loose lips sinking ships destroying ones sails
Contradictions not concise
Contracting claims cant be right
Liars lie I don’t know why
Cant look you in the eye
Talk about others behind their backs
Unable to be straight and honesty they lack
Living behind others wrongdoing
Stories being told featuring you in
Two faced sad people with the inability to believe truth
Rumours added too of anything you’ve been through
The shame that will always spoil living where we live
As the ******* behind the two faced I cant
As your daughter we have that special bond we can share
So please always remember that I’m here and I Care

We have a connection that others cant see, I’m thankful that I always have you near me

Throughout the years we have been through thick and thin
So many times to recall its hard to know where to begin.
To begin to say thank you for all that you have done
For keeping me steady for being there as my mum.
Your always there to pick me up at times when I feel low
You make me laugh and that I’m grateful for you: more than you know.
My continuous constant, my mother, my rock and my friend
Never mind what the time , you being there I can always depend.

You need me and I need you, it makes us strong what we’ve been through
Through the good times and bad times, freedom from past despair
I hope now the worst of times are behind  us but  I’ll always be there.
I want what is best for you to be happy and healthy for me
what I want for you is to live again and for you to feel free.
Looking back at the past relationship I've had
I question why I stayed when it was so bad
The only conclusion I can draw he had me hook line and sinker
Controlled confined from life, no more an original thinker
I thought as I saw what he was doing I was in control
But his manipulative ways eventually took there toll
No confidence left no opinion left to be shared
His dissatisfaction from that I  couldn't be scared
But just when he thought he had me a shadow of who I was before
I rebelled thought ***** you and I'm not taking anymore
I’ll never forget his face drop as I packed to leave
Set free from his confinements I was finally freed
It makes me laugh his attempts to win me back
That’s misery is something  I couldn't again hack.
Suicide Sunday comes when Monday is in sight
If you like to party and live life for Friday night
After the weekend the first five days are the hardest!
A drink fuelled weekend for most to end up *******
Thursday is the new Friday for those who cant wait
Party hard for the wreak heads that will always partake
Partake in celebrating the week at its end
Unite together I do so recommend Drink and drugs a majestic blend
Good weekend times we can all now spend
Reality distorted rearranged out of shape
In an intoxicated mess we can all relate
Feeling amazing in the early hours of morning
Reaching your bed eventually when you Crawl in
Sleep steals feeling good and replaces it with bad
Hungover trying to recall how much you had
Some drawing a blank unable to recall
The actions that came from a pub crawl
Here's to those that don’t see sleep;
Stuck in conversations that are  so deep
Deprived from shut eye through substance abuse
Fighting peer pressure is of Limited use
Finding endless interaction to bond with another
Find out so much more of your friends or a lover
Pending the night comes a never-ending fight
To keep the buzz alive no comedown in sight
See the daylight arise and another day being trashed begin
Knowing when to stop is key to admit defeat and give in.
You really truly helped me being there
when no-one was,
The fact you came to be with me
meant such an awful lot,
You revived my instability
just by being you,
Thank you for you time and strength;
helping me get through,
People always say that -
in the times of need they’re there,
But to find someone that does mean it ;
is something that is rare,
Your heart is in the right place
don’t let others put you down,
Stand up to those who hurt you
and always stand your ground.
A true special friend
Your loyal and trustworthy; a true special kind
Beautiful soul in spirit & mind
You are a person whom I can depend
Thank you for being such a good friend
Thank you for being supportive & not giving up
You were persistent to pull me out of that rut
Your caring, sharing and so much like me…..
With the same points of view and personality
Being so concerned when I was so wrong
Im sorry I was unresponsive for so long
I cant face anyone when I’m enduring emotional hell
express what is wrong you dealt me well
No one has ever been there for me the way that you have
We’ve connected, sure now to have always have a laugh
I’m grateful for your persistence to ensure I was well
So Supportive you were caught me when I fell
Every person calls associates ‘friends’. They’re not…
….When its a network of associates we’ve got
True friends only appear a few times during life
Strength being offered in times of trouble & strife
Ruby by name and as precious as the stone
With her in my life I'm never alone
My ruby isn't a stone she is my rock
Undivided love I just cant knock
My Ruby isn't red although she does shine
My precious treasure that is all mine
She's the definition of a beautiful kind
Strong and gentle intelligent mind
She makes me complete my four legged love
I truly believe sent to me from above
She saved me as I saved her
A sad existence I helped her deter
we were both lost and our outlooks were similar
Both missing something  that was familiar
She existed with no hope unhappy nor enjoyment days mundane
It’s a wonder how she did ever remain sane
Her daily life  was miserable and bleak
All she did was endlessly sleep
Day by day just made to cope
And lost ignored and had abandoned all hope
She came into my life at the right time
The one vital piece was missing from my being
From being passed to and fro she needed freeing
I gave her a new lease of  life as did she for me
being mine helped my soul mend plenty
Her days are now not just to keep surviving
they are the way a dogs should be deriving
I think we were both saved simultaneously
Happy days from turmoil she's finally free
Routine and lots of attention, walks different everyday
I don't think I spoil her, she deserves  it  some way
even rules are banned and certain words will not be said
Like be punished to get out and then banished to her bed
Upon awakening in the morning every single day
Im greeted  by happiness and  puppy like play
Yes you can come up on my bed and the couch
She will take up all the space on me she will slouch!!
And after food is finished she has to lick the plates!!
Brought to me by a kind twist of fate
Only on a few occasions she has been misbehaved
Mess everywhere with toys from games that she’s played
Dreams when she's asleep terrorises flocks of sheep,
Destroys new toys in seconds especially ones that  squeak
All of which I wouldn't change its part of who she is
She does know how to give her paw and  on command a kiss
She has a look that seems as if she's looking to your soul
I dread to see the day she will eventually get old
She snores extremely loud and barks at every sound
Eats any scrap of food to ever hit the ground
***** her leg when she wees
Picks on every dogs she sees
Ignores what I have told her: doesnt come back when she's been called
On occasion fighting some dogs she could have easily been mauled
But rarely she is naughty thankfully she's good as gold
When she was made she they definitely broke the proverbial mould
Shes secure and safe in the knowing
Always a walk she’ll be set to going
She can speak so much just with on look
She is the best thing for myself Ive ever took.
She is so precious I do love her so
It will be my heart that breaks when its her time to go
The only solitary being I love in this life
Any loneliness she felt  has now been  put right
Companions for life we are now
To live life without her I wouldn't know how.
i  don’t give a ****, I don’t ******* care
its built up inside me weren't you aware?
Your continuous control I chose to ignore
Now I will not take this ******* no more
******* I will do whatever I please
Betrayal now hidden with such ease
what I do you would ever allow
******* I will lie avoiding a row
What did you do last night?
Nothing I’ll lie
Dodging accusations I have to deny
*******, your efforts of controlling me
Manipulating me subtly
Or Subtle you thought
I don’t give a **** if I’m caught
At least if you caught me this would end
This ******* I wont have to pretend
Yes I'm a liar yes I'm a ****
You caused me not being up front
I could say I'm sorry but that isn’t true
I've never been sorry for anything I do
Sorry I was caught not sorry for the act
Lying eased how you would react
I wont ever tell you of when I lied
Even if it amused me to slam your pride
I've had all I can take I have to leave That I am the ****…..
like you chose to perceive.
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