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I have faith that the universe is in control
And that angels look out each and every soul
I believe that fate guides us where to be
Our lives entwined through destiny
Is it my decisions and choices that lead the way ?
Or is it a path destined to guide us one way?
Does one make his or her own luck?
Is it by choice we eventually get stuck?
is the universe listening to our hopes and desires?
Or is it our own doing that leads and conspires?
One of the many mysteries this world holds that’s unknown
the question remains is it fate or our actions alone.
With light there is dark, daytime then the night
Untimely events or timing just right
Times of enjoyment longed to last
Cant get it back once it as passed
Time continuously moving on
Quickly passes or dragged on too long
Time wasted, time treasured time never will stop
Times often thought of or times best forgot
Can not be caught can not be changed
Same time twice daily time being arranged
Running late or arriving on time
Moments shared or alone to call mine
Time passes so quickly some time it drags
Intriguing experiences or interest it lacks
Times wished to be relived cant get back
Times for change to get back on track
Never will stop not to stand still
Time ticking on wards forever it will.
Its not hard and is plain to see,
That we are all aliens you & me,
After the big bang the dinosaurs died,
That is when mankind then arrived,
Put on this world by alien beings
humanity then guided by their overseeings,
Its in the bible chariots of fire flew in the skies and
Jesus rose again in the 3 days after he dies,
We have evolved in to what you see today,
Reproducing and mutating in every way,
Some beings are special and more alien than others
with the power of their minds see the future that will become us,
Continuously creating newer and faster technology,
But humans hold the greatest brain biology,
We are extra terrestrial that has explored outer space,
The ever continuing evolving race,
Can swim in the depths of oceans like aquatic creatures,
For now were the aliens until alien life can reach us.
If life were a book it would be as big as the skies,
noting everything from this world and all of our lifes,
No place would it have on libary shelves
as into each and every category it would delve,
Chapters as big as the eye can see,
filled with information and extremely lengthly,
listing lessons to be learnt and lessons that taught,
Boasting the honest and disapproving liars that were caught,
The endless recording of progressing technology and
documented accounts of increasing geneology,
If life were a book no title would it hold
because its a neverending story ready to be told.
Imagination wild with dreams
and A happy childhood so it seems
From a young age my future was set
Then tragedy and our family met
Dad had taken fate in to his own control
By deciding when to end his life role
It’s seen as a selfish act by some
I think he was brave to use that gun
But he left me and mum to fend for ourselves
Hardship soon followed ……a living hell
Wednesday the fifth the day dad chose
It’s now thirteen years later when more grief arose
Mum has died suddenly and so quick
She passed away too on, Wednesday the fifth
Is it coincidence or is it fate?
Their deaths have shared the same day and date.
my future is changed now you are both gone
but this life does not stop for me or no one
I must continue I must proceed
Both your guidance and support I need
I don’t have a plan, no dreams to chase
I will just leave it up to the hands of fate
I hope that the cards that I’m now dealt
Will make me happy and serve me well
I was never good at taking medication
Hearing voices with paranoia my only vocation
Until I was introduced to an life changing injection
I was relived from my minds schizophrenic section
With positive thinking brought positive results
I bounced back from my minds insults
Im free from the torture my mind endured
How bad I truly was seems absurd

Free to enjoy the future once more
Can use my mind for what its intended for
Can now deal with life ordinarily now totally carefree.
I now seeking the piece that is missing in me
Now I look to the future positively

I have the ability Time for change
Looking after myself is something that is strange
No more negative thinking my mind must heal
Stop the paranoia taking over how I feel

To begin again I've chosen today
Look forward embrace change in every way
Stay away from bad thinking and ideas that are strange
My perspective on life has now been rearranged
Positive will diminish the bad twice
Look at the past mistakes so contrite
Visualise good changes and succeeding alone
Be confident in leaving the confinement of home.
Its now time life will reward me with a new hello
I am only just starting a new and have far to go
Today is the day Now is the time
To take back the life that is rightfully mine
Don’t dwell, don’t think don’t hesitate
Find the positive from any past mistake
Better to of loved and lost to have memories of what was
And be grateful from all the things that ive got
Embrace the good times **** the bad
A new journeys in store and take what's to be had
My outlook is clear and I'm free from being confined
A weight has now lifted from a previous darkened mind
Be true to those that are true to me
Take heed from what is plain to see Some people belong to stay in my past
Be with those that bring happiness that’ll last.
Don’t be soft, speak up allow true feelings known
Stand by what I believe and how I have grown
don’t allow kindness be taken for granted anymore
Learn from mistakes I have made before
I will not assume situations Nor give into temptations
Strive to be the best I can be
Find the inner strength deep within me.
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