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Claire Marie Dec 2016
The blackest of nights
Were never quite so dark
As to extinguish
The stars.
Claire Marie Dec 2016
Though darkness surrounds
Me and threatens to drown
I'm not overcome.
Claire Marie May 2016
When I am with You
there is always  
an element of quiet freedom
that accompanies me
Claire Marie Jun 2016
The mossy green earth
Kisses my feet
As I wander through grassy fields

And the babbling brook
Trickles and laughs
As its water dances across the stones

Here in this valley
I find repose
This peace, this quiet, refeshes my soul
Memories of Ireland.
Comfort in the valley

Claire Marie Jun 2016
Heaviness drapes over
The sharpest of minds

But a smile,
a child's toothy grin
a baby's belly laughter
Yanks the gloom away
And freed,
  we can begin again,
Joy is a net by which you catch souls! Mother Teresa.

Childlike joy is unlike any other!
Claire Marie May 2016
Gusts of cool mountain air breathe life in my heart
And I beg for the closeness of the sun, to reach the wide-eyed wonder...
Call me on! *To the heights!
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassatti always said "Verso L'alto! To the heights!" The soul is always searching for more; It is only until we are with Christ do we find rest. He is the summit!
Claire Marie Jun 2016
You are not the scars on your wrist.
You are not the mistakes of your past.
You are not the fear in your mind,
The hurt in your heart,
The regrets of your actions.

You are irreplaceable, irrepeatable,
And a gift to this world and to me.

Your smile brings light,
Your laughter brings hope,
And your life
Is worthwhile.
Thank you for sharing YOU. Please never give up.
Claire Marie Jun 2016
I wish I could wisper in the depths,
And create an echo in your heart
You are wanted
You are loved
"Behold, you are beautiful, my love; behold, you are beautiful."
Song of Songs 4:1.
Claire Marie Jun 2016
Walking on the beach
We happened across you there
Poor little dead crab.
He looked a little crabby when he died.
Claire Marie Aug 2016
Of what do you write
If not of man's greatest hope:
That is, namely, love.
Man was created in God's image and likeness and thus man was created to love and for love. - Theology of the Body
Claire Marie Aug 2016
Skype calls and phone calls
never do the heart justice
in long-distance love.
Claire Marie Aug 2016
I spied you in the library
Laying on the glossy wooden floor
Surrounded by a sea of dusty old books.
Your rough hands gently leafed through the delicate pages
Of her most admired novel.

Worn down edges and dog-eared pages
Betrayed the love she and the little book shared.
Laying there, a tender smile crept up and the sorrow in your eyes disappeared as you discovered the blotchy black stain on the back corner,
Remembering your clumsiness in years past
And her quick temper and dismay
At seeing her little, loved book in such disarray.

Your eager eyes somberly read her little discoveries, her quiet conversations with Wisdom
That she penned down in the margins.
Here, in this moment, she seemed close.
The truth seemed to fade away
And here in this moment
Little Lottie was curled up in the library nook,
Quietly reading her most admired novel.
Claire Marie Jun 2016
As light banishes
the dark, so Humility
defeats all our pride.
Selflessness, selflessness, selflessness
Claire Marie Jun 2016
Her greatness subsists
In simple humility
Praising God, her King.
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my savior for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant." Luke 1:46
Claire Marie May 2016
Fill me with your love
As morning light fills the sky

Calm, beautiful, perfect
I surrender
and rest in your goodness
The first two lines are from Shorter Christian Prayer, morning prayer.
Claire Marie Jun 2016
At times I am haunted;
Shame sneaks its way
Through the cracks

One flick of the lighter-
I am not owned
By those lies.
To have once been wrong.

I am not owned
By shame.
My name
is Daughter, Forgiven.
He lives in

My name
is Beloved, Espoused.
He has chosen

I am not owned by
I shake your dust off my feet.

I fall. Yes, I fall.
But I get UP every

Cuz He says,
But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." Isaiah 43:1
Claire Marie Jun 2016
Winning arguments
Is never worth the ruin
I leave in my wake
Pride ruins everything.
Claire Marie Nov 2016
Genuine Quick-witted
Island, Italy, Illyria
Shipwrecked, cross dresses as Cesario
Disguised, becomes Duke's loyal page
Viola loves Duke, Duke loves Olivia,
Olivia loves Cesario, but Cesario is Viola!
Sebastian, Viola's brother, survived the shipwreck, too!
Claire Marie Jun 2016
A teacher loves others more than herself.
I'd rather be the book on the shelf.
Dusty and Unread
I'd say its a minor problem, but unfortunately it's my major.
Claire Marie Sep 2016
I love you as you are
Not as you ought to be.
I'm imperfect too,
As you will see.
The weight of mistakes
And brokenness
Is too much for one
Alone to bear
So Christ sends us friends,
And confidants,
With His Love to share.
True friendship has shown me the tender love of Christ.
Claire Marie Jun 2016
The sunlight pours in
My soul stretches forth, yearning
For Your love and warmth
Haiku 6.1.16
Claire Marie May 2016
This is the end of your junior year
And in your junior year you met new people
And with those people you shared your time
And from your shared time, you learned of them
And when you learned of them, you opened your heart
And when you opened your heart you started to love them
And when you started to love them, then you became friends.
Friends that you love.
The Love in your heart.
Your heart that has learned.
Learned from shared time.
Shared time with those people.
People you met in your junior year
Of that year this is the end.
March 24th, 2016
This was based off the Oxford Nursery poem "This is the Key to the Kingdom." If you tried, you'd quickly see how fun a challenge it is to mimic the nursery rhyme's poetical structure. :)
Claire Marie May 2016
but with
the valleys, the
mountains are made
all the more great, all the
more beautiful. Oh, where would we be without our valleys?
Claire Marie Aug 2016
Is a friend of mine
A wild streak, a thinker
A noble goof-ball
He's Sam. A true gentleman.

— The End —