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 May 2021 CJ Cole
Robert J Howard
Ups and downs
Grins and frowns
Balloons and clowns
Floats and drowns.

Heals and cuts
Opens and shuts
Angels and *****
Sane and nuts.

Make and break
Real and fake
Give and take
Birth and wake.

Warmth and chills
Sleep and pills
Health and ills
Grows and kills.
Sleepless Nights
I was your cure
but you were my disease
I was saving you
but you were killing me
 Mar 2014 CJ Cole
Katlyn Scragg
Right now I'm supposed to be doing something else
Anything else really
Maybe listening to you talk
Caring about “where my life’s going to go”
I don’t know it’s just something about you
Don’t get me wrong
You’re a great person and all
But something about your voice
And this conversation
Makes me want to slam a door on my head repeatedly
And the minutes feel like years
I swear the clock has never moved so slow
Like the hands are snails trying to see which one can slide the slowest
to get to an event they didn’t want to go to in the first place
Like me walking to you this morning
Not to sound rude or anything
 Mar 2014 CJ Cole
Hanna Jordan
She walks into school
      and it starts again
           the shaking,
               it rips through her like a wave
She hears the sound of the voices
      in the hallway
         yet she cant make out what they're saying
She thinks all eyes are on her,
     everything is just one big blur
She hears laughter and
     she automatically thinks its
        directed at her
She waits in the bathroom
     like she does every morning
        for the halls to be clear
She walks out
     and wipes away her tears
 Mar 2014 CJ Cole
my love
 Mar 2014 CJ Cole
I have seen sunsets
lovelier than you,
and you are not as
powerful as the ocean;
and cheesecake tastes sweeter
than your lips,
your hair does not quite
outshine the sun,
and a light breeze in May
is gentler
than your gentle hands.
I love the sound of your voice,
but there are symphonies
and the words of Neruda
are more well-versed
than any that you've spoken;
and yet,
your inadequacy leaves me
like nothing in this world,
and I wouldn't live
or die
for sunsets and rhymes
but I'd live and die for you;
there is nothing
in this world
that I'd compare you to, and
some things are more beautiful,
but they don't mean as much.
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