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Chuck Jun 2015
I'm not a wise man
And I'm not as old as the sea
I do what I can
To figure out life for me

Life is the moments we make
The meaningful ones we never forget
And the ones that seem like a waste
Breath in each moment, so there are no regrets

Tell stories, both good and bad
Find entertainment in the benign
Be proud of the mistakes, not sad
Because this life I'm making is all mine
Chuck Jun 2015
She whispers
My name in every poem
She whispers my name
In every word she writes
She whispers my name
In every picture she posts
She whispers my name
In my sleep
She whispers
I hear her calling
In my dreams
She whispers
I scream
I wanted to write an obsession poem. I think it is obsessed with out being totally stalkery. Haha
Chuck Jun 2015
I build it because I can
Working with tools
Makes me feel like a man

The process is frustrating yet fun
As long as this stands
I will be on this earth as one

One who left his mark
By carving out this wood
I decided to build this on a lark
But now it is something good
Chuck Feb 2015
A Starbucks without wifi is like a tavern without a jukebox, all fluid no flow.
Chuck Feb 2015
The climb
First exhilarating
Then regimented
Finally exhausting
Chuck Feb 2015
I was cursed at
Then hit by a car,
I laughed and
Walked away.
I guess
He really
Wanted that
Parking space.
I realized
My sense of humor
Has grown
Their was a time
This would have
Angered me.
Life is too
To be short
That roadrager
Gave me
A story.
Chuck Feb 2015
A bile seeps into the crevis of my soul
Nausea and dyspepsia infest the sinews of my being
Death would be a welcome reprieve from the pain
Then my mind wanders to you
And I dance among the flowers of euphoria
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