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Your voice calls to me
In the night when I sleep
Time could never erase
The love I always harbored
Through facades and lies
I pretended to move on
Only to realize
You were always the one
I allowed you to define me
To mould me like clay
I trusted you with my heart
And you ruined it anyway
I trusted you with my design
but you abandoned me
Left me to the wolves
In the darkness I sit alone
While I gather the ashes
Of a desolate life
From the left over carbon
of my broken forgotten dreams
I’ll make a diamond
And start over again
Give me your hand
Before the night falls
On my hopes and
On your dreams.
Let me take your heart
And trust me if you don't mind
Before we both fall apart
And let the feelings rewind.
Can't hold
         back the
tears for
            much longer
It's been
            several   years
But still
           My heart's
Telling you
                to stay
But my
           head is
Warning me
                    that you've
already led,
                 pushed me
Thinking of the past few years and how they've shaped me and the likes, some more emotional memories(such as above) than others but think that's the same as everyone, really.
Feel free to message/give feedback etc and enjoy as always p.s if you want to know about this poem or any of my others, why not send me a message, I'll leave that up to you, yes YOU!x
Before you let someone in to love you.
           Just a piece of advice,
      You should learn to love yourself
Just dawned on me how people forget the importance of loving oneself without thinking of themselves as selfish. Expect the unexpected, you never know what could be around the corner!
Feel free to comment/give feedback as always, hope you enjoy.
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