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Like a beacon she calls me.
Illuminating the skyline over the mountains,
Sounding like a siren across the ocean,
The bolt of lightning in the desert Storm that makes the night day.
Her soul shines for me,
And mine, raises to meet hers,
Carrying me like a homing pigeon,
Flying to the source of the call:
Of love,
Of life,
Of the place to be home.
My heart leads me to her,
For there I belong.
No distance is too great, no ocean to wide, or valley too deep.
I hear it,
The sweetest sound.
It dances in the rhythm of her heartbeat,
Luring me,
Captivating me.
She was made for me.
My soulmate.
Escape with me
into pools of tranquility,
Where love flows
Boundless like the river
Recklessly like a food
Washing over us
Consuming us
Streaming around and through us
Until it defines us.
Find me in the shadows
Take me by the hand
Lead me to your hideaway
Devour me with a renewed hunger
I'm craving you like air
My mind wanders
drifting off in thoughts of you
Floating on dreams of your presence
And memories of our afternoons
My mind fades away every night
into the darkness of sleep
but the Light of you fills my mind
My dreams
My hopes
My future.
The world was left behind
As we soared into the clouds
Our private escape waiting for us
The birds welcomed the new lovers
And sang along with the sounds of joy
Consummating the wildness in our hearts
The rain gently patters down,
And the leaves blow in the breeze
Fanning the passion between us
The animal hunger arises again
Only to feast on each other
To consume us in desire
Your are my bride
And I am yours forever
Without my armor
She strips me of my shield
Taking with it the world
The worry
The burdens
Healing me
Embracing me
Clothing me in her love
I now wear the richest coat
The strongest fabric
I love your smile
Your laugh
Your Whimper
Your moans
Your cries
Your breaths
The air around you is filled with your presence
Your smell
Your soul fills me
And fules me
To be better for you
That one day
I may be worthy
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