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did his lips taste different
last night than they did in january?
did the flavor I left on your lips
three hours before mix well
with the bitterness of his tongue in your mouth?
are his hands stronger than mine baby?
did they hold you better than mine could?
can't finish this right now but i'm gonna put it up here anyways
The First Time when I saw her all,
I realized she's the girl of Dreams.
I told myself, you too in love have Fall.
Just seeing her once, cured my Screams.

The first time when I saw her smile,
It took me time to be conscious again.
Her everything had a different style;
I hope God gimme all her pain.

The first time when heard her talk,
Her pure words were mirror of her soul and mind.
On the Love's Long endless walk,
Only with her I want to bind.

The first time when I saw her tears,
I took them all in my eyes.
I told her All her pain I'll bear,
Just never say Good Bye.
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