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Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
I smile every day at your failed attempt to ruin my life.
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
There will always be someone more beautiful, smarter, funnier and more liked.There will always be winners and losers but in the end you have to learn to love yourself because the world isn't going to change because you feel worthless.
Soon in the future we'll be forced to appreciate everyone even when they ****. All because they blame the world for how they are themselves and no one knows how to congratulate each other instead of being envious and whiny.
Chloe Zafonte Jun 2018
Somehow some way, I had t in my head that you'll snap back into that person you where one day. I realize I can't turn back time, you'll never change, you've ****** yourself up and the life we had is completely over, I have just as much luck as finding a four leaf clover. Maybe I won't have as much fun with anyone as I did with you but it's for the better , I have to man up and seel how I feel in a letter. They say people change but memories don't, I've tried to help but you won't let me, you shut me out, make me cry, all you ever do is lie that you'll become clean now I have no other choice but to be mean because you make me this way, you call me up demanding ***, ******* other men for ****, it's somehow all my fault you're a complete mess. You spend weeks ghosting me, then show up at my door with a new trick to manipulate and fool me again, I'm sick of the games, I'm tired of the lies that day you went and hit the pipe was the day you and I died.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Try and outsmart me
which will be never
you don't seem to know
you're not nearly as clever
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Don't purposely step on the cobra
and cry when it bites
Half the things people cry about our things they did to themselves
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Why are people so afraid to be alone?
Everyone's heart is colder than a golden stone.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You give me the comfortable feeling
As if I burried myself into sand.
Chloe Zafonte Apr 2016
They say that I'm one with a future so bright.
But it seems my anxiety helps me fail to see the light.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2018
Life was a drug. I'm smoking what could of been. Inhaling the thought of freedom and where I should be. Embracing the sadness of withdrawing and going back to where I started.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You claim you never wanted me to leave
Those actions make me find that hard to believe
be happy I'm gone
Although I'll never know what I did wrong
You promised me everything down to a ring
How is that special? She was promised the same thing
I don't understand why you want me to stay
The more you do and say pushes me further away
You just enjoy hurting me, maybe you're angry?
There's nothing I can do
Besides move on from you
Chloe Zafonte May 2016
Some people don't want a romantic relationship, they want someone to control. In order to feel in power.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2016
**** is a horrible disgusting crime!

But for Muslims it's fine? Hmm

Shut up you're being racist

But we're not talking about a race.

You're the oppressor that everyone has to  face.

But I'm only one person!

You're a white male!

That's being racist aren't you against that?

Excuse me sir! Did you just shame me for being fat?

This has nothing to do with anything.

You may find me unappealing but get down one one knee and give me a ring.

You just seem to really dislike me though

Did you just address me as a ***?

Where is this coming from?

How dare you violate me? What's next slip drugs in my coke and ***?

I'm starting to believe you've had enough to drink.

Are you saying I'm uneducated and incapable to think?

Well I'll admit I thought it since there are words you can't comprehend.

When will this patriarchy come to an end???
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Loving multiple people is like eating a box of cookies it's so satisfying but in the end it's going to hurt and you wish you only had one.
Just making a statement and maybe poly relationships work for some people I can't judge.
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
It's not that I don't care
I'd just rather move on than be stuck somewhere.
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
Never give up
even if or when
You stand alone in the end.
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2020
In the midst of the pink clowds above, two cowboys appeared. One came down from his horse and cocked his gun and the other came towards me in great force. I couldn't scream, I couldn't run as the cowboy's hand reached out and grabbed me, only catching sight of his brown leather glove.

They took me to another place and dropped me in the river, leaving me wet and cold, stranded on the rocks to shiver. Alongside me a dead woman lay facedown. Her green dress torn from bottom up, black hair scattered amongst the water, her skin was blue and gray. Presumably she had drown as the waves carried her away.

Looking ahead, the Native Americans walked the trail. The tribe followed behind their cloaked chief as he sang and pounded the drum. Their voices sang with hope but their faces were so glum. I watched as they trotted and slipped on the remaining snow. They were in a rush. To where? I do not know.

To the left of me the dead woman stood. She was a corpse! Her face rotten and filled with rage, her fist clenched and ready to charge like a bull released from a cage. Her eyes were black, teeth yellow,  her hair was wet and stuck to her jaw. She raised her hand and struck me, that was the last I ever saw.
This was my dream I had a few nights ago. So I figured that I'd write about it. What's strange enough is that I told my mom about this dream and she said that the cowboys sounds similar to "Ghost Riders in the sky" by Johnny Cash. I hadn't heard the song up until after she told me about it so I am not basing this poem off his song! I hope you enjoy what I wrote.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
As much as you try to convince me
I was the most special crayon to your paper
I will never go back in your crowded box
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Point the gun at me all you want
I'm still not the suspect of your own
created crime.
Standing up for myself is apparently so bad
Chloe Zafonte Nov 2016
Don't be afraid to rip a chapter from your book. Not all memories are worth remembering.
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Crying eyes, crying eyes!
So sick and tired of believable lies
Days pass and the feeling never dies
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I gave my soul  to you
To later return
She weeps and screams inside of me  
From the lessons she had learned
I try to comforting her calmy
It hardly works
She's discouraged by love
Comparing this to a flower that never made it
Out of the dirt
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
People say that they will do anything to protect the one they love, when being the type of person that they should be protecting them from.
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Dear plus sized girls
while you are making fun of thinner girls they envy your curves.When you're thin and call yourself fat someone with weight issues is feeling larger. Don't bash each other's bodies, worry about your own.
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
We're not allowed to mention Christianity
A Muslim man discusses Allah, we can't judge.Black people have pride in themselves, so do white people .We're automatically racist and unaccepting. A man gets hired for a high paying job instead of the women.This is a case  for feminism because it's injustice. A man cheats on his partner, he has hormones.A woman cheats on her man, she's a *****! A woman is ***** she's making it up.A man is ***** no one believes him. A gay person is disliked by a certain individual .It's homophobia, a black man kills someone and the whole race is blamed, a white man kills someone he's just a ******. You say crusty old white men are making decisions about your body.Should he change his race then decide if you can reproduce? I'm eating Sushi and I'm not Asian, it's cultural appropriation and it's  offensive so only Asian people can eat at Asian restaurants? That reminds me of when segregation was going on. We have a right to our opinion but I say something I'm instantly prejudice and you don't want hear it. I made the wrong assumption now I'm a horrible person because you feel that you can monitor my thoughts. You all think that you're all for social justice but it's really going to come back and bite you in the ***.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
You may have created me
But you will never be my parent
You killed every chance you had
Didn't even spare it
You've shown nothing but abuse
Using the term "dad" as an excuse
******* us all up with your selfish desires
Loving you will never be required
I don't care if he's my Father I have no reason to respect this man, he did not give me life he gave me hell.
Chloe Zafonte Jun 2016
One who defends a cheater is a cheater. One who stands up for a liar is a lair and only an abuser will protect one of their own. A person who is quick to defend one's bad actions are most likely guilty of the bad deed itself.
They're not paid lawyers they have no right to blame the victim.
Chloe Zafonte May 2016
Everywhere you stand and everything you touch, hear or smell carries a certain memory to it. If you distance yourself from those things it will be easier to forget the bad that came with them. It is the only way something fades if it is no longer present with you.
I used to be really bitter about something months ago until I just stopped doing what brought back certain memories.
Chloe Zafonte Apr 2016
You'll get insults to infinity, I cannot judge because you do not know. Incase you do gain some dignity. I've learned to make it fun although the consequences is being shunned. No one wanted a "special" child like me but without your help I've learned to explore confidence like the seven seas.
There are pages about me that you have not read but if you walked in my small shoes you'd probably be dead. Yes I'm very  quite but in reality my imagination is on auto pilot. I'm tuning out the harsh thoughts I can read from your face, the body language that shouts "disgrace" you think I will never succeed but money, traveling, a job and marriage isn't the issue you've already lost because of your greed. You say that there are things that I cannot do but why should I give up my dreams and my life because of a sour soul like you?
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
A person is not the main purpose for your breathing, you can live without them.
Do not **** yourself over someone or consider doing so.
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Love shouldn't be fed to
with a spoon to satisfy your needs
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
There's more to life than being
Gorgeous and rich
Finding someone and getting hitched
As well  as reproducing a child
There's a time in your life where you need to
Be young and wild!
Chloe Zafonte May 2016
Hating the rich won't make you wealthy. Bashing thin women won't make you skinnier and bashing someone you think is  ugly makes you more hideous.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Don't tell me you love me when you told her the same you do not miss me this is all just a game.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Do you see?
That you in every way amaze me
Chloe Zafonte Apr 2017
" You will not experience any problems because you are white"

So someone who is dying of a terminal illness isn't feeling any pain? A person does not suffer as they slowly go insane? A man lost all his money in a divorce, but your experience with racism is much worse? A woman who has lost everything searches for food in a garbage bin. Is your oppression affecting you then? A man in prison hangs himself in his cell. While you sit around on your Iphone at the hair salon, tweeting about how Caucasians make your life hell. Skin color does not determine your wealth, financial instability nor mental health. Unfortunate life circumstances are not about race. The only problem here is you, pushing the blame on others for the decisions you face.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Do you feel like a man
when tears ponder her face?
When another dull woman
secretley takes her place?
Is this how you confide?
By watching her slowly lose her pride
As you try to make your love sound sincere
We all know you're very insecure
If manipulating is all that you enjoy
You are not a man
Just a silly pathetic boy
This does NOT apply all men but things like this sicken me
Chloe Zafonte Aug 2016
People associate with others they have a connection with

People reply to the ones that they care about

Men and women date a person they're attracted to

People make time for the one's they see as important

If they haven't asked you out

If they haven't text back

If they have no time to talk to you

They legitimately aren't interested

So move on already.
I always have to drill this in people's heads.
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I don't dread losing anyone, the only thing I dread is losing myself to someone with bad intentions.
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I had dream last night that I made you smile and laugh, it felt good to make you happy because that's what I intend to do.
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
After all the crying and heartache, the feeling went so fast, I've become so emotionally unattached. The memories fade like a cut out phone call and I've realized I didn't love you at all.
I went through a break up months ago and surprisingly I'm really over it. It usually takes me  year or two to really forget a person but this went out in a flash.
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2017
A man cheats on a woman, she beats him up. Everyone thinks it's funny what she did because he "deserved it" he did a terrible act but didn't deserve physical punishment.  A girl constantly takes her boyfriend's cell phone reading his messages, she's possessive of him, bosses him around, controls his life. " She's just a jealous girlfriend, it's cute" if a man shows similar traits, he's abusive and she should leave him. A man is sexually assaulted, "he's a ***** and should of enjoyed it" a woman is *****, it's all over the media. Women want free birth control, they protest in a Women's March. Men ask for free birth control, Feminist will not allow it. He isn't interested in you because you are over weight, it's a horrible insult. An obese man ask you for coffee, you say no because he's not your type. No one says anything. Marching and protesting for equality when it is nothing but superiority, having it all but you just crave more.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2016
Somewhere in my mind, I'm being treated wonderfully by a figment of my imagination who is the person I thought you were.
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
Everlasting love is proven not said
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
If it was meant to be
Then you two would be together
There's a reason why you are not
Move on
Chloe Zafonte May 2016
Ew it's you...
What are you doing back?
Coming around again out of the blue.
You tried to hurt me but I wouldn't crack
You think you're special, I thought so too.
But you're just a ******* narcissist
Try and play games with me but it won't work. Try and control my feelings if you insist, you won't get by in life just being a ****. Seeing me go on in life must be hard, can't seem to get the concept that you're not clever, only an idiot can fall for the sorry card. We will never happen again ever! You don't need me you're just bored, go back to that ugly attention seeking little **** with no originality, you two were perfect that's why she was your *****. Now she's trying to copy my appearance and personality! You see clearly that I am done, I'm striving for change, have fun
Mr. Mentally Deranged.
For all the girls out there who's ****** up by some guy!
Chloe Zafonte Dec 2015
I don't care if you watch ****
I don't care if you smoke ****
But whatever you do
Keep it out of your newsfeed!
I can't tell anyone what to do but I don't want to see it
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Life is too short to feel unappreciated with people who will never be satisfied who live by nothing but pointless lies.
Everyone's caught up in their own fantasies so why waste time with them?
Chloe Zafonte Mar 2016
Take me somewhere far from here!
I'm pretty much invisible that's crystal clear.Even if it takes me going off alone I just need a better place to call home. Take me somewhere far I don't care where! I'll be content and out of your hair.
Chloe Zafonte May 2016
The sweet feeling of independence entangles itself into my soul as time passes and bad memories grow old. The feeling of an evenings summer's breeze caressing your hair as enjoyment becomes irresistible as a puppies innocent stare.
Chloe Zafonte Jun 2016
I just want to float away like a dolphin in the waves,
I'm tired of boredom, anxiety, passive aggressive games. I just want to float away, I  want to feel okay.
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