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Feb 2016 · 281
Not our problem
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Placing your problems in a stranger's hands is like handing them garbage, they'll do the ethical thing and throw it away. Because you need to learn to handle your issues on your own.
Feb 2016 · 314
Cold hearts
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Why are people so afraid to be alone?
Everyone's heart is colder than a golden stone.
Feb 2016 · 380
You get what you deserve
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
People will treat you depending  on how you present yourself .So don't go crying when someone  gives you what you deserve.
Feb 2016 · 213
My dream last night
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I dreamt last night that you were screaming and calling my name.
I laughed because then you could finally feel my inner pain. I will never know if this dream was true but I would be grateful only if you knew.
Feb 2016 · 721
I miss me and my gypsy soul
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I have a gypsy spirit
all I want is to be free
the sound of a place beautiful and far away
I can hear it! I need a place where I can be me.
I need to put my soul back into place
back before it became shattered with many heart breaks.
I wish to be the calm person I once was,
not someone who becomes angry
just because. Once what is left of the toxins go away
I hope that I will find me again and will be here to stay.
Feb 2016 · 319
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
If you ruin me
I will just build myself back up
sorry it took you a while for you to see
Feb 2016 · 375
Bitter beings
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Either be happy with what you have, make the best of it or change it, if anything just stop being so bitter.
Feb 2016 · 370
Secret keeper
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I've been told that I have a double life
I never really noticed but if that's the case
I see it as my own private paradise.
Feb 2016 · 225
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Success is being happy
when you're enemies want you miserable
Because they'll know you'll never let them win.
Feb 2016 · 356
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Even if everything
we feel was tattooed all over our bodies they still wouldn't understand.
Feb 2016 · 251
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Goodbye my teen years, I'm going to be 20
Cheers! After all we've been through I really won't miss you.
My birthday is tomorrow so I wrote myself a little poem. Happy Valentines day to you all.
Feb 2016 · 301
Take me away
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I don't want to be here!
Take me somewhere nowhere near
I'll lose my mind and this time I'm sincere
Feb 2016 · 532
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
It's not that I don't care
I'd just rather move on than be stuck somewhere.
Feb 2016 · 262
Words of someone special
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
"Your heart is safe in a
Vault with a million passwords"
Feb 2016 · 469
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I'm just a bit crazy, there's really no doubt
I'm a flightless angel waiting for her wings to sprout.
Translation: I'm just trying to get my **** together
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Crying eyes
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Crying eyes, crying eyes!
So sick and tired of believable lies
Days pass and the feeling never dies
Feb 2016 · 355
Good morning
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Good morning dear, your words are just as beautiful as a Chrystal Chandelier.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Just walk away
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
What makes you valuable is waking away from the people who think they're special enough to be chased.
People want to be chased it's their ego  booster so don't give them the benefit.
Feb 2016 · 358
Heart in hands
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
If I could only place my heart
in the right hands before it stops beating.
Feb 2016 · 588
You know nothing
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
Don't analyze my life,
I've seen things that would land most people in a psych ward. Held back tears that can save the lives of the poor and thirsty, gave all I had for disaster in return, kept secrets so lives wouldn't be destroyed and felt pain inside myself worse than a cobra's venom. If you lived in my shoes you would be dead, I'm surprised I'm still standing.
Feb 2016 · 326
To be honest
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
I'm don't mind being alone, I've embraced just about everything I have feared in life and to be honest, I'm not afraid of anything anymore.
Feb 2016 · 965
If lies could kill
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
If lies could  **** I'd be long dead by now.
Feb 2016 · 311
Just a song
Chloe Zafonte Feb 2016
You know you're hurt when
a song turns on and you change it
Because it reminds you of them.
Jan 2016 · 423
Can't change for you
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Nothing is going to change for you because you feel insecure! No one is going to to dumb themselves down for your sake, learn to love yourself.
If you're intimidated by someone who happens to be prettier or smarter than you that's your issue not anyone else's.
Jan 2016 · 332
Thoughts of every day life
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Thoughts roll through my head like an old tape, I have to breath deeply for my own sake. I think back to last year when I was content and thought things were going fine, now coming to know I wasted all my time. I dread writing these things, there's a possibility you'll read,
I shouldn't give you the benefit
because I know you thirst to see me bleed. They all say in time it will fade, but one can only hope, with the walls around myself I made there must be a way to cope.
Jan 2016 · 298
You win
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Sometimes the thoughts enter my mind, the pain just sinks in, my reward for being so kind if this is what you wanted you really do win.
Jan 2016 · 220
Love Breeze
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Be with someone who gives you the feeling of the breeze on a warm night in the middle of July.
Jan 2016 · 371
Dear girls
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Dear plus sized girls
while you are making fun of thinner girls they envy your curves.When you're thin and call yourself fat someone with weight issues is feeling larger. Don't bash each other's bodies, worry about your own.
Jan 2016 · 410
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
You've turned me so bitter and sour
You've picked the peddles off me
A delicate flower.
Jan 2016 · 397
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I don't dread losing anyone, the only thing I dread is losing myself to someone with bad intentions.
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Don't feed your ego
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Love shouldn't be fed to
with a spoon to satisfy your needs
Jan 2016 · 303
Dangerous love
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
People say that they will do anything to protect the one they love, when being the type of person that they should be protecting them from.
Jan 2016 · 224
In time
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
In time you'll just stop caring about whether or not that one person is moved on or miserable and focus on yourself more.
Jan 2016 · 302
I like me
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I don't care if someone is prettier, smarter wittier or works harder. Don't compare me to other people and try and lower my self esteem.
If you're going to insult me don't be in my life
Jan 2016 · 454
Where's Kindness?
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
If it's anything that bothers me it's that, everyone is so hurt and damaged because no one knows the meaning of kindness anymore.
Jan 2016 · 236
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Certain people are like snake bites, toxic deadly, once they're  gone you feel great again.
Jan 2016 · 297
In chains
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Trapped in chains, with emotions that leave me in utter pain with thoughts and bad memories that have me on the verge of going insane.
Jan 2016 · 368
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
If anything I'm angry, just plain angry.
I want to kick and scream but I smile,
I want to break down but I calmly breath,
die but I have reasons to live.
I look strong but believe me I'm angry
just plain angry.
Jan 2016 · 365
If only
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
If only the pain you put me through would happen to you.
Jan 2016 · 387
On my mind
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
The hardest part of this is that I always think to myself of how I'm supposed to replace someone who treated me like no one else ever has. Then I remind myself that it was all a lie and I have to try and pull through.
Jan 2016 · 260
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
One person can cause so many problems, just like a tiny unclean needle can cause an infection in your skin.
Just something I thought of
Jan 2016 · 726
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
If you're fat, transgender, ugly or gay it won't affect anyone's life in any way, so ignore this world of predijuce jerks and do what you feel that works.
I've been around all sorts of different people from gay to trans and they're just people like everyone else. I just wish others would stop caring so much of what others think
Jan 2016 · 243
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I had dream last night that I made you smile and laugh, it felt good to make you happy because that's what I intend to do.
Jan 2016 · 658
Be the best you can be
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
We live in world were we are told to love ourselves and if we do we're a conceded *****, so in that case be the best ***** there is!
Jan 2016 · 545
I'm a mess
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I don't want to be the cause of someone else's distress, when in reality I'm an even bigger mess.
Jan 2016 · 291
Wind chime
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I'm just the chime in howling winds, managing to bring sweet noise during a storm that will eventually pass through.
Jan 2016 · 495
Silent revenge
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
The best revenge is showing that you don't need them when they think they need you.
Jan 2016 · 489
Am I on your mind?
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
I wonder if you think of me just how I think of you, you're on my mind all day and night wonding if I'm on yours too.
Jan 2016 · 354
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
You are a rose
lightly drifting above the dark sea
So strange but fascinating to watch
Jan 2016 · 716
Chloe Zafonte Jan 2016
Actions are are damaging
as well as words, being sliced with invisible swords.
There are so many people out there who are in abusive relationships and I was one of them at the age of 17 and I was able to escape thankfully. This relationship affects me today although it's long over, things like this shouldn't be bottled up because there are people who care.
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