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 Jun 2015 Cassie Stoddard
but you're so beautiful, darling
it'd be a shame if you fell in love
with a fool like me
 Jun 2015 Cassie Stoddard
 Jun 2015 Cassie Stoddard
he's the boy who wants to show me the oceans
and I'm the girl who wants to show him the stars

he has oceans in his eyes, boy, I'm a goner
 Jun 2015 Cassie Stoddard
someday someone out there is going to look at you like you’re made of stardust and will love you as if it's what they were born to do.

wait for it.
l  i  k  e
y o u r    ***
breath  and   t h e
way  your  hair  seems
to grow from you running
your fingers     through it
through   it   through   it
until your bones settle
in   m y       h a n d s.
please never stop calling
in the middle of the night.
i don't want to love
you  i  just  want  to
sleep   next  to   you
i  haven't  yet  figured  out   if
these things are synonymous.
******* how did you
make me never want
to be touched touched
touched please do not
look at me please do
not breathe near me i
used to crave hands
like they were homes
and i was traveling the
country but now i can't
imagine someone ever
putting their palms on
me or near me i've
been stopping to make
sure all the air intended
for my lungs has been
making it there but i'm
struggling with it every
day when will i be okay
when will i look at another
person and not try to find
you in their laugh lines
and unshaved face when
will i be sewn up from
the inside out i think you
ripped out all of my
stitching a long time ago
this is a disgusting mess but i'm not sorry
she asked
"what do you write about?"
and I stared at her
and my scar itched
then my pupils grew twice their size
and then I vomited
all over the floor
she said
i slipped so comfortably
into your world. god, i
would have let you drown
me if you had needed
my breath for yourself.
eleven months later and i am
still getting my **** kicked
in by thoughts of you.
but i am hanging in there,
i am hanging in there.
Still not dating not emotionally involved
Now that im not interested others are trying to get me involved
Blind dates with a sister or girls who I have no interest in dating
I grew up with tough love so falling in love is not easy
If im not interested they stick around
Once im emotionally involved they are quick to run out on me
I date girls who like me you'd think it would be easy but wrong
Im not a project girls fix and release so the next will appreciate me
Ive been told to stop looking and focused on things that matter
Ive been debating on dating I ask and never get answer
Theres times I want to be left alone and random calls/text lets do something.
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