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Cassie Stoddard Jun 2014
Three am is for the poets.
Its for when I can't sleep and instead stay up late, craving a lover I've never had, the are and weird shows on hulu.

Three am is for when my tears are caked in my face.
Its for when my legs burn.
And my heart hurts.

Three am is for k dramas and adult swim.
Its ice cream and cake.
Its for poetry
  Jun 2014 Cassie Stoddard
Blue Jay
I love how I always seem to find the lies you tell me more attractive than the truth.
How you knew exactly what to say and how to say it.
I put the fault on myself though, for allowing those childhood lies of love and knights in shining armor, seep into my veins and run through my blood becoming something that I became dependent on.
I never wanted this to happen. I even asked you to stay away, but you didn't.
You thought it would be better to break me then to leave me already broken.
All I asked was for you to leave me be with my foolish dreams believing in something that doesn't exist.
I didn't need you to prove it.
Cassie Stoddard Jun 2014
I always lose my shoes. I eat a bowl of popcorn every day and never put the bowl in the sink. My hair doesn't always stay in the right side. I told my sister that I wish she killed herself the other day. I have terrible attendence. Deodorant covers up my smell but not my stains. I don't write good enough. I don't like sleeping at night. I'm lonely and I make people leave.

I love deep. I can make kick *** deserts. I tell funny ****** up jokes. I make a mean *** of coffee. I like to swing. I like to dance in the rain. I know every word to the frozen movie. I have good taste in music. I'm impulsive. I like coffee and mini golfing and ice cream and hula hooping in the store.

If you hear me when you are crying wondering if you'll ever meet her. If you need a lover a friend a companion. If too sensitive and slightly child like makes you smile. If your heartstrings play music when you read my words.

Then love me back as much as the moon loves the sun. As much as my galoshes love a puddle. As much as a smoker loves the taste of the inhale. As much as I would love you.

I would love you.
Cassie Stoddard Jun 2014
I find it strange, the time period from loving to not loving, missing to not missing, someone.

I've only begun to miss you again recently. A few days ago. But ****. My heart has been craving you.

I have dreams where we're together. I have fantasies where ours hips are pressed into one motion. Where your lips encompass mine and I fall into them.

I see these pictures that your girlfriend puts in facebook and I hate her. And I hate you. And I love you.

I guess this makes sense. We both liked each other from the beginning of last school year. We kissed in November and said bye in December. And for months we were fine but I miss May.

In months will this happen again? And worse would I let it? I love you. I miss you. I miss you.
Cassie Stoddard Jun 2014
To my future lover:
Please find me quick because I am fading fast
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