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In the bustle of this day
I find myself not knowing how to say
How to tell a mother her only son is gone
How to tell a lover, you are the one
How to tell the priest, I've committed sin
How to tell it all and it not **** you in the end
How do you do this and keep yourself sane
How do you do this and not cry when it rains
I have yet to find my way
Have yet to find it never, never till today.
A special thanks to Thomas Esparza. With his literary help I can show this to the world.
 Oct 2015 Carlos PD
Mr E
 Oct 2015 Carlos PD
Mr E
I walk by them often
you have too.
The fakers who judge what you do,
who pretend to be,
more than they are.
Who believe they're safe,
down to the core.
Who paint their faces different hues,
who laugh and smile when others do.
Oh the fakers, movers, and shakers,
why do I let you stay?
And let you judge another day?
 Oct 2015 Carlos PD
 Oct 2015 Carlos PD
Lost in space,
among the stars and planets,
constantly aware
of the intense black sky,
and forever,
but not forever,
not really.
More of a forever
than any "forever"
to leave the lips of
a love sick boy or girl,
confessing their undying love,
or a mother or father,
with broken promises
of unconditional love,
or a friend,
a very good friend,
who can never live up to
a forever friendship.
More of a forever
than any fathomable forever,
but not forever,
not really.

— The End —