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Dec 2015 · 800
Canaan Massie Dec 2015
If you were the Sun,
And I were the Moon,
I'd reflect your beauty onto Earth.

You give life with your light,
But they're still geocentric,
They can't look in your eyes,
And they don't know your worth,

...But I do.

And if I were the Sun,
And you were the Moon,
I'd die from the distance,
And you'd love the waves.
I'd flare up my nostrils,
Obliterate planets,
Just to give my dear Luna,
Her space.

...But I think...
You're more like...

Nature and Nurture,
You're one in the same.
Your waters replenish,
There's "art" in your name...

Polluted by people,
And carbon and cancer,
You bottle it up,
Til you burst from your mantle,
But you're

When grey takes your green,
Still, you protect your people,
And provide a harvest,
Regardless you feed them.
You harbor the humans,
That crack up your crust,
Then create the concrete,
That covers your lungs...
...Then they ask why you can't breathe.

You put the "die" in "Dioxide"
There's gold in your soul,
They mine for your diamonds,
But only find coal,

The shade of your surface,
Brings shame to the soil,
Your soul can grow much more than crops.
And if that asteroid Apophis,
Gets a little too close,
I'm the astronaut poppin Apocalypse off,
Or the artist that's armin' Armageddon's bomb.
Our connection is stronger than Hydrogen bonds.
When I hold your hand,
I've got the world in my palm.

Accumulate cumulus,
Shrouded in clouds,
Your circumference serves,
As the circle of life.
And I tried...
And I tried...
And I finally realized,
That without planet Earth...

...I would die.
Written slam-style.
Sep 2013 · 908
Over and over.
Canaan Massie Sep 2013
I lay awake...
Unable to sleep.
Replaying those words you spoke to me tonight.
Over. And over. And over.
As if my whole life had led up to those few words.
As if nothing else in the world mattered before those words curled up at the end of your lips,
And laid down to rest by the fireplace of my cold heart.
Over and over and over,
My inevitable smile never straying from my cheeks.
Falling... Falling... Falling...
Until I realize "falling,"
Does not quite quench my desires,
For maybe by dumb luck,
Maybe by fate,
Maybe an unlaced shoe,
Or maybe your straying, clumsy foot,
I endo'ed.
Brains above my unlaced shoes,
And heart somewhere in between.
And to stand up,
Would mean I had the strength,
And the will to do so.
So here I lie.
Never to stand up,
Nor fall again.
I haven't written in a good while, so I know this is not my best piece... Nor my most elaborate. But this is something that I want to say.
Aug 2013 · 591
Canaan Massie Aug 2013
I don't need you,
Nor your ******* respect,
You are you,
Which is why I left.
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
Hearse to Heaven
Canaan Massie Aug 2013
For better for worse,
In life or hearse,
Love is love,
For smiles or hurt.

Love is just,
But wanderlust,
Back to you,
To them I front.

Unshackled hands,
But bonded feet,
An enslaved man,
In satin sheets.

Nostalgic thoughts,
For who we were,
The future's lost,
The past a blur.

A change'd man,
With reddened hands,
For bloodshed changed,
A tainted plan.

Can't do with,
Can't do without.
A softened hand,
Or hardened mouth.

So give me mine,
And keep what's yours.
A gated heart,
At heavens doors.

For better for worse,
In life or hearse,
Love is love,
For smiles or hurt.
Aug 2013 · 810
Canaan Massie Aug 2013
Coke tainted with whiskey,
Smoke smothered by kisses.
Oh how the world seems backwards,
When love is unrequited.
Canaan Massie Jul 2013
After two years of suffering,
Two years of heart break,
I came to my senses,
With ocean eyes,
That make the stars quake.

And never again,
Will these seas be calm,
And never again,
Will I see those starry eyes fall.

For a shooting star is only to be wished upon,
And wishes will never do you justice.
...and neither can a poem.
Jun 2013 · 830
This Bridge
Canaan Massie Jun 2013
This Bridge that we stand upon,
Broken in half,
Was not burned,
But torn down to your volition.

You spoke cold words,
In the warmest of places,
Then let them linger.
When all I tried to do,
Was blow them into the wind.

Yet, there they stayed,
Colliding with the warm weather,
Of us.
Until a vortex was created between us.

A tornado so large,
That we both set down our lighters,
And watched it rip open this bridge,
Until the gap between us was irreparable.

This Bridge that we stand upon,
Broken in half,
Was not burned,
But torn down to your volition.
May 2013 · 541
Canaan Massie May 2013
9 cigarettes,
9 hours.
And this love dies with my last pack.
For I cannot let,
The venomous things in life,
Take mine.
I will be poisoned no longer.
For this time...
Mind outsmarts,
The heart.
May 2013 · 799
Closure, I Guess
Canaan Massie May 2013
Set afire, that scarlet dress,
And use it as a torch.
Roam this earth and never stop,
Til every pine and oak are scorched.

And pray to whoever,
This poison doesn't catch ablaze,
Because this, my dear,
I'm afraid...

Is a wave,
I cannot brave.
May 2013 · 1.1k
Canaan Massie May 2013
Every night,
And every day.
Every time,
My mind's away,
I see his lips,
Upon your hips,
The way you kiss,
And day his name.
A sick mistake,
Of twisted fate,
To prove your name,
Creates a craze.

I wrote this a few weeks ago... I accidentally saved it as a draft. Ha.
May 2013 · 1.2k
Rude Awakenings
Canaan Massie May 2013
Every morning without you,
Is another morning,
I am arisen within a fire.

Completely dismembered.
Absolutely discombobulated.
And ended in fear and worry.

Yet whether you are here or not,
I jolt awake,

Another meaningless day in hell.
May 2013 · 831
Red and Orange
Canaan Massie May 2013
Once you're gone,
I have trouble,
Finding comfort,
In drowsiness.
I see only red and orange.
Yet when you're here,
I see only red and orange.
Yet, completely different hues.
So how can the same colors,
Meet at polar opposites?
An impossible feat,
Yet accomplished so effortlessly.
Apr 2013 · 488
Not Me
Canaan Massie Apr 2013
I'll let the poison seep through my skin,
As I imagine you with him.
Yes, I agree it was a mistake.
But it was a risk you willed to take.
You took a bond that to me was sacred.
And rather than kindled it, you inflamed it.
You set fire to my temple,
When he felt the skin upon your dimples.
Now I see you through his eyes,
But fortunately I realize,
That it is nothing to you,
But it is everything to me,
That an unspoken bond was broken,
When you felt him and not,

I am not in the correct state of mind to even operate this phone but I think this is how I feel.
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
Scarlet Dress
Canaan Massie Apr 2013
When I die,
Leave your sorrows at home,
Wear your scarlet dress,
Meet me at the place where we met.
Not for the first time,
But where we really met.
Where I fell in love with you.
Hold your red rose in hand.
Summon me unto the promise land.

When you feel alone,
Just put on your scarlet dress.
And know that I am there,
Staring at you with yearning in my eyes,
As I did in my time with you.

Let the red morph to your skin,
And know its my fingers
Flowing throw your hair,
That most would mistake for the wind.

Let the scarlet bleed into your heart,
Not from it.
So that I may inhabit the only place,
That I could have described as heaven.

Promise me that you'll wear your scarlet,
When summer ends,
So that when fall arrives,
The scarlet will come alive in the trees,
And I can be with you,
As long as you take the time,
To admire the beauty of the changing leaves,
As I had many autumns ago.
"It is said that if a woman wears a scarlet dress to a cemetery, it can attract the spirit of a lover that has passed." This is unfinished.
Apr 2013 · 403
Just A Thought
Canaan Massie Apr 2013
How can you be afraid of the dark,
My love...
When you're the only light
I've ever seen?
Apr 2013 · 628
What Is Writing?
Canaan Massie Apr 2013
I used to know my way around a keyboard,
Now I can hardly even remember how to use a pen.
I used to have so much to say.
So much that I thought the world needed to know.
What happened?
Did I all of a sudden make the decision that I would no longer croon over my love for my lady?
Or did I finally run out of things to say?
I guess neither...
Because, well,
Here I am.
Finally writing again...
Mar 2013 · 745
Canaan Massie Mar 2013
Why must a good soul,
Be imprisoned in a perishable body?
Why must time be limited,
For those that do the world well?
Why must death be an obstacle,
Instead of an option?
Mar 2013 · 477
My Cursed Repiratory
Canaan Massie Mar 2013
Every breath without you,
Is a breath tainted by death,
Yet, with every breath in your presence,
Creates a lung blessed by heaven.
MCR. 3/26/2013
Mar 2013 · 805
Stolen With A Glance
Canaan Massie Mar 2013
You stole me with nothing but a glance.
You snuck your way into my soul,
Collected my memories of heartbreak,
And lit them aflame,
With the fire of youth in your eyes.
You tip toed past coincidence,
And created a culprit out of fate.
With a single glance of those deep brown eyes,
I was hopeless. A lost cause.
A single glance,
Tied me to an anchor,
And threw me overboard,
To let me drown within you.
I actually have a single mental image that inspired this... Unfortunately, my words can never seem to do their subject(s) justice...
Mar 2013 · 793
You Hate What I Love
Canaan Massie Mar 2013
What you seem not to understand,
Is that I fell in love,
With the girl,
That smokes cigarettes,
The girl,
That smiles at me through,
Her natural curls.
The girl that laughs,
At unnecessary times.
The girl that tells me her pains,
And her ambitions.
The girl that,
Didn't care what others thought of her,
Not even me.
The girl with crowd-splitting confidence.
The girl that stole me with a glance.
The girl that leaped wholeheartedly,
At every obstacle that dared face her.
The girl that,
Wears no make up,
Neither on her soul,
Nor her face,
Nor her thoughts.
This girl is without a doubt,
The absolute most beautiful creation,
To have ever existed.
I fell in love with the girl that,
You seem to so hastily run from.
I fell in love with a girl that,
You seem to hate.
Okay idk. 2 hours of sleep gave me this.
Feb 2013 · 1.8k
Canaan Massie Feb 2013
If you're a flower,
Then I'm a ***,
Because you grew up,
And I did not.
Canaan Massie Feb 2013
Most days I just want to come home to,
Find you in my bed,
And just fold myself around you,
And leave the blankets on the floor.
Each other is enough to keep us warm.

But what I want is rarely what I receive.
And so it's another bowl,
Then off to scramble for my keys,
And hope for the worst.

Sometimes I'll find myself looking for an escape,
Then realize there is only one.
And that is the path of the selfish and the weak,
And I am neither.

Far from brave,
But farther from cowardly.
I could daze for days,
And let misery shower me.

But once again,
I'm alone, radiating hate,
For this distance that,
Seems to obstruct our fate.

Once the passion in my eyes burns out,
Once you've realized I'm unworthy...
It's another bridge incinerated,
But let's be honest, I was never that sturdy.
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
Canaan Massie Feb 2013
Tell me how you can love such a heathen.
Tell me how you look into my eyes and ignore the demons.
Tell me how these chiseled horns hidden by my hairline are irrelevant.
You speak of love, but tell me what you can tell of it.
Tell me how I have proved myself worthy.
Make a believer out of me and at least act like you heard me.

I'm everything to you,
And you're everything to me,
But if you strip me down to the core,
I swear you'll hate what you see.
Canaan Massie Feb 2013
I see through that deathly daze of yours,
I see regret, opportunity, and gratefulness,
You told me that you weren't sure,
If you're happy because you're here,
Or glum because you're not at deaths door.
And that forever breaks my heart,
So I left the demonic devices behind,
And went to my car.
Sparked a cigarette, put it to my lips, and take a drag,
Here's to the worst night I've ever had.
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
We are protected from so much pain. For example: graves.
The earth’s roots and brown-black blood are busy
covering the soft, violated bodies of our loves.
Death is a secret, and the rain with its many hands

washes off the streets to the gutters death’s thick surprise.
The automatic shutter of the eye never fails,

the courtesies of the tongue. What goes on in the rooms of houses
is guarded from us by the hardwood doors,

the carefully closed windows. Whatever was said or done,
night will come, eagerly, to clean up.

And death will shield us, in time,
from the sun’s megalithic promise:

Tomorrow, the same day.
Tomorrow, the same day.

For example: A flower
is the most beautiful lie.
Arkaye Kierulf - ”For Example, A Flower”
I stumbled across this today and decided you guys needed to read this, so I posted it. lol
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Songbird's Words
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
The feeling of your words on my skin,
Is so addicting,
I feel your words corse through my body,
And mend with my white blood cells,
As if a cancer that'd I wouldn't dare treat.
The consonants settle in my fingers and toes,
And the vowels and "Q" go straight to my lips,
Making me virtually speechless,
As I jabber gibberish and tongues.
I feel your verbs in my limbs,
Like an energy that makes me seem supernatural.
I see your nouns float from your mouth,
And sink to the ground,
In order of relevancy from closest to farthest.
I hear your adjectives chirp,
Like songbirds at dawn,
And I whistle back,
Just so I can hear their reply.
Jan 2013 · 814
Rules of Hell
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
Can a demon sin against satan?
Lucifer's rules are simple:
Good deeds go severely punished,
And chaos is the reason.
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
My mind is moving much too fast,
To ****** a slippery slumber.
So I'll ache and wait,
And watch my brain wither,
As loneliness quenches its hunger.
Jan 2013 · 523
The Fall
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
We could just fall.
Of course there would be a beginning.
An initial "leap of faith,"
But there would be no end.
We would just fall together.
And never have to leave each others' grasp.
Into space we float.
Eventually stealing Orion's bow,
Just for a laugh- nothing more,
And using the big dipper to make pancakes.
We'd never leave.
We'd be eternal.
We'd just be falling.

Fall with me?
Jan 2013 · 422
Jump With Me
Canaan Massie Jan 2013
If I asked you to,
Would you follow me,
To the edge of the earth,
And trust me enough,
To jump with me?
Dec 2012 · 614
Where My Pain Is
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
When I envision pain,
I do not see myself nor my past.
I see white walls,
Strange people,
And odd, complicated machines.
I see a flash of red,
A pool of purple,
And a poisonous green.
My pain is not mine.
Your pain is mine.

It kills me to see,
That you and I are the same,
Yet you went through so much more,
And I, nothing.
Yet, there you are.
And I still malfunctioning from time to time,
With no socket wrench or duct tape in sight.
I still see the flashes from time to time.
Not the red or purple or green.
But the flashes of my old self.
The me that comes out when I'm not with you.
And it's weird that today,
Was the first time I've ever seen these,
When I was with you.
It was discomforting.
To know that you're not completely steel.
That I can still be reached.
To know I'm still broken,
Even with my force field to protect me,
And my super glue to keep me together.

I pray that I never again,
Have to endure your pain.
To see those white walls,
To hear your muffled voice on the phone.
To know that you are a stranger,
Yet less strange than your surroundings.
To know that I will not see you,
For at least a week,
And be completely helpless about it.

I changed my mind.
And my prayers.
I pray that I can endure,
Every bit of your pain,
So that you don't have to.
I pray that I remind myself everyday,
Of that flash of red,
That pool of purple,
And that poisonous green.
So that I can learn to forget to feel the pain,
And simply endure.
I can't figure out how to say what I want to say. But this is what came out.
Dec 2012 · 604
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
I swear you're like the ocean,
A beauty on the surface,
If I can dive deep enough,
I know that I will find,
A beauty that not many people will ever see.
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
What if you had a power? For instance, a super power. A power never seen before in this universe. A power that could change everything. Would you use it for your own selfish benefits? Or would you share it with the world, dedicate yourself to the further understanding of this power? Would you help people that need to be helped? Or would you help yourself? You see... with every life, there are decisions that comes with that life. And with decisions comes power.
What if the cure to cancer is trapped in an uneducated mind, and the only reason it has not been accessed is because no one has helped that being get an education? Or if that person starved to death because no one would help feed them?
What if someone else has the same abstract idea that you have... but neither of you will make yourselves heard because you feel that no one will listen? Because you feel that no one could understand your idea or relate to what you have to say? What if millions of people would agree with you, but they just haven't thought of that idea themselves?
What if you had thousands of different destinies-obviously only one will play out- but due to the fact that you did not share your idea... the best possible destiny for you never came to existence?
With enough knowledge, enough minds, enough power, enough ideas... anybody can change the course of the universe. But what if those ideas are never shared? That knowledge is not gained? Those minds never created? That power never sought? What if you are the gateway to something that changes the course of history, but you just haven't sought what needs to be found yet?
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
You're actually not perfect.
I finally found your flaw.
Which is ironic,
Because your only flaw...

Is that you're in love with me.
Dec 2012 · 3.2k
Faithful Genie
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
I'm alone in a crowded room.
I hear the faint sound of music.
But I pay no interest.
I have to find something to steal my sobriety.

I see hatred in the eyes of judgement.
And temptation is drunken,
Therefore becoming,
More seductive by the second.

A love rusted over,
And a damsel in distress,
Trying to tarnish the lamp,
But the genie refuses freedom.

And the genie feels no remorse,
For refusing to grant a wish,
From a removed stranger.
Because his refusal is in good faith.
Dec 2012 · 2.2k
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
Are we not so different?
An angel consorting with a heathen,
A heathen consorting with an angel?
Both traitors.
Both committing frequent treason.
Both doomed to remain as static entities.
Unchanging, Unmalleable.
Opposite extremities,
Yet still on the same spectrum.
So what makes us so different?
Dec 2012 · 794
I'm Not Drunk, I Need You
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
What happens when my bliss,
Resides in you?
And when you leave,
What the **** shall I do?

Happiness is temporary,
I've been taught many times.
And you, my dear,
You're oh so sublime.

You, my love,
Many times, proved an angel,
But my love for you,
Proves my being to be in danger.

Because love is not forever,
And bliss is just for a minute.
And love resembles bliss,
Which unfortunately, I am in it.

For to lose you is my death,
And to love you is a threat.
To need you causes stress,
I need you and nothing less.

I love you.
I cannot outrun that fact,
And if you decide to run away,
Would bliss ever come back?
Actually, I am very drunk... but I still need you.
Dec 2012 · 587
Canaan Massie Dec 2012
In what does this action possess?
In a woman,
A man must reflect.

Every action committed,
In a woman,
A man's must be requited.
In order to succeed.

For a woman wants a man,
And a man wants a woman,
She draws truth from his hands,
And lies from his stomach.

For a woman's actions,
A man must reflect,
In order for the man,
To gain some respect.

Chivalry isn't dead,
And to him,
He feels he must resurrect,
The art, for it was hers from the start.
I'm drunk as ****. I don't even know *** I'm talking about. But I do.
Nov 2012 · 786
Help, I'm Going Mad
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I've got incisions,
From my intuition,
Telling me to grip,
This bare blade tightly.

I constantly contemplate the killings.
Never someone I know,
Always strangers.

I envision the moans they'd make,
If I ever came to commit.
When I bare blood upon my blade,
And bring to life my first offense.

It's hardly out of anger,
Simply misplaced aggression,
And overprotection,
Of every type of human danger.

I see my psychiatric state,
Is unstable.
And if it ever came to it,
I know that I'd be able,
To draw upon a passerby,
With only bad intentions.
And create a ******* carcass,
Out of a criminal on a mission.
Nov 2012 · 943
3 Days
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
3 days without a remedy.
Nothing to remind me,
Of who I am,
And not who I was.

3 days and I'm tweaking,
Because you aren't here.
I keep losing my temper,
And biting my tongue.

I can hardly control myself.
I have no medication,
For the inevitable insanity,
That is creeping up faster than ever.

Being this way makes me wonder,
How I ever got you in the first place.
I am not a pleasant being.
I'm ****** and unstable.

I'm not me.
I'm the other me.
The left me,
Because you bring out the right in me

My hands are trembling,
Just sitting here.
I'm going to combust.
And when I do...

I'm taking everybody with me.
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
What Light speaketh,
Unto the Darkness?
Whom is more forceful?
Which is more tyrannous?

Must you succumb to Light?
Or fear the Darkness?
Or both?
Must you Succumb to Light?
In order to overcome Darkness?
And if thou dost not fear Darkness?
When why should thee succumb to Light?

Light doth not symbolize good.
Light is as violent as Darkness.
For both are to be feared.

Light to be feared because of its' fickleness.
And Darkness to be feared of its' unknowing.

Pick up thine poison.
Acquire light, and thou art doomed.
Venture into darkness,
And thou art doomed.

Tis true, that the creatures,
Lurk in the shadows.
But the Light dost not,
Have them vanish.
Creatures are not banish'd,
From the Light.
But Darkness makes them unseen.

Spark thine torches,
Look among the creatures.
Yet a torch is Light,
And Light is a fickle being.

Light is easily lost,
Only to find yourself,
Once again set in Darkness.
Darkness... where the creatures roam.
Light... where the creatures are known.

Light doth not make Darkness timid.
But Light shakes below the hand of Darkness.
Light is fragile, yet darkness in itself.
For without Light, You obtain darkness.

Once again, spark thine torch.
Look beyond where the Light canst grasp.
What dost flood thine vision?

Permanent, Light is not.
But Darkness...
O... Darkness...
Thou art eternal.
Overwhelming and omniscient.
The world hath been created amoung Darkness.
Therefore, humanity doomed by its' creator,
To remain in Darkness for its' existence.
And Light never to prevail.
Nov 2012 · 817
Lies Behind Her Eyes
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
She says roses are red,
And violets are blue.
But she can't tell with her eyes,
That are all askew.

Her sight is blinded by the truth,
Which is lies that hide,
The pain and scars,
Behind her deep blue eyes.
Not written by me. Written by Roger Carlson.
Nov 2012 · 688
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
Why must a poets' mind arise,
When the sun and moon align?
4am knows all,
And insomnia resolves,
All of his secrets,
And he prays that she will keep them.
Nov 2012 · 623
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I sit watching the clock.
Restless. 30 hours. No sleep.
I cannot go back to that place.
I cannot let my mind take over.
I cannot let my subconscious,
Reignite itself and blaze,
The images back into my head.
I cannot venture into my own mind.
So I stay awake for as long as possible.
Because I fear sleep.
I fear the nightmares.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
"Love": An Insufficient Term
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
Close is never close enough,
Forever is much too short,
"Love" is an insufficient term,
To describe you and I.

We are forever embedded in each other,
Whether physically or not,
You will always be part of me,
The best part.

Your fingertips etch memories,
Into my skin.
Your lips engrave my body,
With nothing less than perfection.

You rooted yourself,
In a place much deeper than my heart.
And blossomed more quickly,
Than I ever could have imagined.

Your words linger in my mind,
More often than my own thoughts.
And your image is constantly,
Replaying itself on repeat.

Your smile is the brightest light,
I have ever seen.
A much needed remedy,
In such a dark, dark world.

Your hair is entangled,
In my broken heart.
Keeping it sound,
And wound together.

Your eyes see things in me,
That I knew not to exist.
As mine see things in you,
That were once thought a myth.

"Love"? No...
That term is insufficient.
This requires a new term.
For we have created something new.

Nothing means anything anymore.
Because you are everything.
And everything is you.
Therefore, everything is mine.

So yes... let us sift through the ashes.
I will follow you through revelations.
I will burn the world myself,
If that's what you ask of me.

Close is never close enough,
Forever is much too short,
"Love" is an insufficient term,
To describe you and I.
Did not do her justice and probably never will.
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I see your words,
They explode from your pen,
And attack whomever looks upon them,
As if a rabid chimera.

I see your words,
And I feel the pain,
endured upon writing them.
Writing with a writhing wrist.

I see your words,
And I am frightened by them.
I see them morph into monsters,
Right in front of my eyes.

I see your words,
And they haunt me.
They follow me everywhere,
Reminding me I can't make you happy.

I see your words,
Unmasked and raw.
But I must master the art,
Of maskery and disguise myself.

I see your words,
Float from your mouth,
Jagged and angry,
Hoping you do not jump from the cliff you created.

I see your words,
And they inspire me.
So now it is I,
Writing with a writhing wrist.

Jotting my passion down with fury,
Creating a fire formed from phonetics.
Angry that I am fighting for an impossibility.
Angry for not being enough.

I see your words,
And they sting like the truth.
They singe my spirits,
And put shackles upon my shins.

I see your words,
And I am captivated-
No, better yet, enslaved,
Never to be freed from them.

I see your words,
And they change my world.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I am not perfect.
I am nowhere near perfect.
I simply play the part,
But only for you.

I try to be the best.
I aim for perfection.
But like Cupid,
My marksmanship is poor.

I will always fail,
I will always be,
This same imperfect entity,
All that is yours.

If imperfection,
Is perfect to you,
Than I shall put down my bow,
And aim no more.

I am not a masterpiece,
I am a forgery,
Created by the perfect artist.

I apologize for my texture,
The flaws that give me away.
For to an expert,
I am nothing but a replica.

To an unlearned eye,
I may be something,
Born of the renaissance,
Yet I am nothing special.

I was born of this age.
An age where an artist's ideals,
Are formed from past works.
And I am nothing but a forgery.

Not a forgery of Da Vinci or Michelangelo,
But a forgery of these new age artists.
Only a forgery of an idea's idea.
Nothing more.
Not sure exactly what I was aiming for in this piece... I kind of went off on a tangent... but... yeah...
Nov 2012 · 688
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
Ha. Your doubts amuse me.
And your accusations are entertaining.
To leave you is as much death to me,
As it is to you.

I feel no obligations,
Except for that of fulfilling my duty,
As your partner.
That's what we are, right? Partners?

You are my better half.
I see in you,
All that I've failed to achieve.
All that I've failed to become.

I lie not when I tell you,
Your love is reciprocated.
I lie only in wait,
For you to realize all that I am.

...Or all that I'm not.

I know the pain of unrequited love.
And also of losing one I loved.
But this is not the same.
This is requited and real.

Doubt us not.
For my intentions are not pure,
But good-hearted.
And I intend to be here for a long, long time.

I've felt what it is like without you,
I've been forced to imagine if you were gone.
And I could not bear it.
So why would I bring it upon myself?

I took that vow when I spoke those 3 words.
Not as an obligation,
But as a privilege.
And that is a vow I plan to keep.

You're a part of me now.
The best part.
I need you,
Much more than you need me.

I've seen your faith quiver,
In many things.
But I do not, will not,
Be one of those things.

Have faith in me.
Have faith in us.
For I love you,
And you love me.

What else could we possibly need?
Nov 2012 · 788
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
"I love you,"
Is not a greeting, nor sign of affection.
For these things have limits,
And Love is limitless.

Not bound by time,
Nor reality.
Love has no boundaries.
Nor explanations.

Love is not bound by age,
Nor species,
Nor Gender,
Nor words.

"I love you,"
Is not a greeting, nor sign of affection.
For these things have limits,
And Love is limitless.
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
Canaan Massie Nov 2012
I've come to terms,
That I am going to lose you no matter what.
Either to your hometown,
Or the hometown hero himself.

Yet I will mourn not,
For if this is in your best interest,
So be it.

I feel the blood,
Dripping from the corners of my mouth,
From biting my tongue,
To replace these inquisitions.

Why? Why? Why?

Such a blissful entity, you are.
A pure blessing to everyone you touch.
Is it possible for Angels to suffer tribulations?
I guess it appears so.

Why would you jeopardize,
The single life I hold dear to me.
Why are you so miserable?

I blame myself.
Not only as partially,
The source of your pain,
But also for not acting sooner.
For making you miss that test.

I've seen your self-destructive streak.
I've seen your cynical nature.
Yet I said nothing.
Did nothing.

And now it's too late.
I can't save you from this.
Not even if you wanted me to.

O how I wish that weren't so.
How I wish I could accompany you,
In the week to come,
But you must face this alone.

How could you be so selfish?!
Yet is it selfish of me,
To deem your actions selfish?
For it is of my own selfish desires,
That your life cannot be diminished.
I wrote this last week. Things are 1,000,000x better now. But I like this piece, so I'm posting it. lol
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