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 Feb 2014 Claire G
I wish I could run with you
in your silent packs  
I have done my share of howling
a prisoner of this sluggish, two legged species
that cannot chase down prey
or take flight, without the crafted creations
of others,
I can, if I wade warily through
waves of wind, and time,
dance with you,
on moon grazed prairies  
but only until the sun cracks the dawn
and exposes me, for the vain actor I am
Shumanitutonka ob wachi is Lakota for dances with wolves
 Feb 2014 Claire G
jeffrey robin
Well we got no power
But we are unafraid

Hearts are on fire
Love is the color of the day


River run dry
Mountains are gone

Man has destroyed
The earth he lives on

Lives getting shattered
Souls are erased

Man has forgotten
The promises he made


Come child away
Come child awake

Come child to me
Come child be free
 Feb 2014 Claire G
Every Time..
 Feb 2014 Claire G
Sober thoughts spill out
Every time I drink
Endless silence
When I smoke
Deep moments
of thought
And of us
 Feb 2014 Claire G
Ellie Stelter
I stared at city lights tonight and I wanted to die.
The distance laughed at my eyesight
Like I didn’t deserve it.
I’m sad, and it’s not beautiful.
It’s messy. It’s tangled wires in my heart.
It’s crossed communications in my brain:
When someone smiles and I want
To cry and scream and rip out their throat.

More and more, people make me shut off.
They flip the switches that have held light
To the dark corners of my heart.
Children make me want to cry:
What are they going to grow up to be?
When I was seven I didn’t think
I’d be this **** sad.
What wars will they fight, with their friends
With their family, with the world, with themselves?

When you are depressed, or anxious, or bipolar,
Or have another one of
That host of mental disorders:
You cannot control it.
Just like you can’t make your blood
Flow back into an open wound,
The feeling doesn’t fade
With positive thoughts.

I wanted to die tonight, like I have
Wanted to die before,
And it was not beautiful, and it was not
Something I wanted to be feeling,
And it wasn’t under my control.
I was just really **** sad.
 Feb 2014 Claire G
James Jarrett
Melancholy in my coffee
Subdues my day
Dresses me in drab
Lifeless clothing
The smile I wore yesterday
Left hanging in the closet
Slightly wrinkled
Sends me out the door
Under the grey sky
My vision clouded
My mind numbed
Even your warm skin
I kiss goodbye
Can't make the sun shine today
Tomorrow, I think, I'll take
My coffee black
 Feb 2014 Claire G
I Know CPR
 Feb 2014 Claire G
Sometimes listening to the ceiling fan
Will get me calm enough to see
That the sun didn't set any faster today.
But there are bruises I get quite frequently
From words strangers whisper to each other
Halfway across the country.
Their names are engraved in my lungs,
Their names will never be mine to see.
 Feb 2014 Claire G
I was supposed to unpack all this stuff a few days ago.
But all I can manage to do is sleep and drink
And connect the dots that your actions left on my thighs.
Why did you leave me all these tally marks, anyway?
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