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 Aug 2015 C Allen Hall
It was a sad day in May when you went away.

Sadder In June when you came home to soon.

July flew by, followed by a Lawyers letter, infidelity, such a cruel word.

August, your sister left, stating it was probably for the best. I had to agree, it was always about you, never me.

September, gave you a call, the phone was answered by some guy called Paul. Hated him from the start, he said hello, so condescending, how did he know.

October, you walked in as the au pair was hoovering in the ****, I have to say, your timing is lousy, couldn’t you phone, the au pair has left in despair, not that you would care.

November, nice couple came to view the house, she asked if she could come back later to measure up. She measured up just fine, so, new curtains, new girlfriend.

December, she went back to her man, citing cruelty to dumb blondes. I think women just take me for a ride, I’m to good natured, hard to decide.

January,  I’ve made a resolution, going to change my ways, actually feeling quite good, time to give the good lady a call. She’s engaged to Paul. What the hell, have I been asleep, found the letter on the floor with the others marked bore, I could have swore.

Feb I’ve grown a beard, adds a bit of sophistication to a man of endears. Tried you on the phone, I only asked where my blades were, no need to moan.

March It’s your birthday, I send you a card. All my forgiveness, from the heart. You respond in haste, and may I add, in really bad taste., I ******* hate you. well.

April They’ve come to take the house, I see your sister opening the gate, a friendly face. She owns the company, well isn't that great.

May  I’ve had a really bad year and then some, pain does that to a man, it’s hard to explain. I suppose the moral of the May when you went away leaving me to play, is the **** month of June, when you came home to soon. So anyway, her and Paul got married, I sort of gave her away, asked her sister if she wanted a date. What a ****** response.
Not if all the months were May.
 Aug 2015 C Allen Hall
Sunshine in your eyes has gone, gone away.
Strange the games we play when we walk away.
Yesterday the game was new.
Just me and you.
Now the honeymoon's through.
What do we do.
We walk away.
Then we say
It shouldn’t be this way
Love at first sight
Felt so right
Not anymore
As you open the door
Now the split is deep
The wounds begin to weep
The way back has gone
Now we sit upon
The memories that never were
Did we care
We play it out online
Your team against mine
So strange, is it really us
The couple on the bus
The future ahead
So rosy and red
Ten years later
A chance meet
In the street
We lie about life
Trouble and strife
Walk away
Without a care
Turn and wave
Two kids on the bus
Going all the way
All the way
To that future day
The day they would never see
Wasn’t to be
life was stronger than them both
As it always is.
Your sweet lips
upon mine
An embrace
Just divine
Just a kiss
because you are mine
complete bliss.
dark shadows reach for me
tears ***** my eyes and scorch my throat.
i push
it all
i look up
and see myself.
A mirror.
i glare.
i shoot daggers into my own skin.
but there's no real pain/
it eats me
from the inside out
so no one can see.
i lift the mirror.
i walk out,
down the hall,
stomp down the stairs,
push open the front door
and step onto cool cement.
i lift the mirror
above my head
and slam it down.
no sound has EVER brought me
in the broken pieces, i see myself.
i want to swear
and rant
and rave
but nothing will change.
because sometimes
i really hate myself
and when i look in the mirror
i see it reflected
over and over
The job of a muse isn't easy
He has to keep me alive
Heart beating
Yet **** me
So I can feel both
Love and misery
So I can write
In darkness
Of its beauty
To live with a broken heart
To die of love
So truly
To breathe death
Within my lungs
And know fragments
Are purely



— The End —