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Kevin Eli
California    Just looking for the same things as all of you. Let's not complicate things, when we don't have to try. :-)
Muggle Ginger
A human raised by humans.
Damaré M
Richmond , Ca    Determined or Deter-minded?
Emily Watkins
Hill Country, Texas    I'm in love with a soldier who is too scared to love me back. I write what's on my mind; unfortunately, that is usually the ...
helena ferpin
P Chartier
New York    I want you to know as little about me as possible. Only then are you able to form your own opinions about my writing. May ...
DM Pierce
M Clement
Oregon    I write for me, but I hope you resonate. That resonation means more than you will ever know. Thank you for taking your time with ...
28/M/New York    Existing inside of the shadow of a doubt.
Katerina Skassi
New York City    I can't sum it all up.
Curlie Fries Mcgee
Here...There...Everywhere    A native of San Francisco, Curlie Fries Mcgee graduated from The Norfolk State University with a degree in English. She loves the poetry and literature ...
Oli Nejad
UK    Oli is a Creative Writing Graduate and MA Professional Writing student at Falmouth Uni. In the early morning, he's been known to gravitate towards coffee ...
Disturb the Universe
Word vomit a poem is never finished, only abandoned @sheapoetry
New York, New York    Doctoral candidate at Columbia University
Jazleigh Walker
I love to write. I've been writing for years but I still consider myself an ametuer. I just want my writing to touch someone in ...
Grab a gun step inside
Ryan Hodges
Baldwin City, KS    I was born near Chicago and raised there for 18 years before moving to Baldwin City, KS. I've been writing consistently for ten years, but ...
Seattle Born/São Paulo    A prose bro. All rights reserved.
Daniel Magner
I write about anything I feel or see that sets my pen a'working! Enjoy!
South of Manila    I would like to tag myself as an advocate of Art - in any form as long as it has value and deeper meanings. A ...
22/F/US somewhere    I love animals and want to be a zookeeper. I am very creative...not in the form of poetry but I'm trying... simply venting the craziness ...
Faerieland and in my head    —-██—— Put this on —-██—— your profile ██████—if you’re not -—██—— embarrassed —-██—— to tell others —-██—— that you —-██—— believe in God
Johnnie Rae
25/F/New Jersey    Honestly I'm just living life day by day, and writing from a perspective that is nothing less than crazy. Don't try to figure me out, ...
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