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  May 2014 crea
Fish The Pig
Like hot wax
I melt
hoping to fall to your lips
and burn them a heavy red.

Like a box cutter
I use my nails and make scars on your wrists
and my tongue laps the blood that pours.

Like a syringe
I feed into you
and currate the disease.

Like a cigarette
I beg you to breath me in
even if it kills you.

Like alcohol
I want you to drink me
until you lose control.

Like ***
I want you to crave me
and scream your arousal.

Like an addiction
I want you to need me
every hour
of every day.
  May 2014 crea
vague rememberance
Your warm kisses blow the snow storm out of my heart.
Your tight hugs remind me of what feelings are.
But when your'e not around…
I become cold and numb again.  
**I need you.
  May 2014 crea
Elijah Nicholas
if I had a single flower for every time I think about you,
you could walk forever
in the garden you've always wanted.
  May 2014 crea
Melina Rodriguez
You made me cry
Not because you upset me or anger me
But because I opened up to you & slowly I am allowing you to tear me open, I am letting you know me, ****** me and it's scaring the crap out of me, like what if you hurt me yes, it feels nice now but I won't want to admit that I am falling for you more and more everyday that is why I push you away I just can't bear to be hurt again I'm not ready but I never liked what ifs so I will take the chance of getting hurt and love you in the meantime, I'll even yell it to the world like a foolish woman
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