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B Sonia K May 2019
I lift up my head
And see nothing.

I close my eyes
And see all that can be

But, eyes wide open
I stepped in doubt
And sank myself.
Don’t be afraid to believe in yourself.
On acres of  the dawn
I sow sun as seed
And the moon's face dark!

Then comes the night armada,
I sow my labour to the day, forced
To pay wages to the dark!

The day comes in whirlwind
Flaming coals to the eyes sore
I sow my unborn feet burnt!

A trip of irony running,
Carvorting in ectasy moon
In eerie season of unknown!
  Apr 2019 B Sonia K
Kolade oyindamola
Death is the permanent cessation
of all biological functions
that sustain a living organism.
It’s baffling
At times difficult to comprehend
moments shared
Love shared
And the next moment
You’re gone
Such a thin line
A frail line
Can be torn at the slightest pressure
Your smile is gone
Your laugh, gone
Your touch, your presence
How did it happen?
Where did you go?
I’d like  to see you at least one more time
Your touch  is cold now
Your skin
snow white
No smile, no laugh
No hugs
You are gone
Till we meet again
Cherish every moment
B Sonia K Apr 2019
Surrendering all
I have fooled myself
My enemy is still my enemy
And my friend I now trust not.
Standing alone,
Burnt and blistering skin
Under this scalding sun
My whole world unfolding
Fingers pointing in opposite directions
The road ahead I yet cannot see
The coolness of the shadows
A thousand miles away
A journey I cannot take alone
Who will walk with me?
Steering me through this scalding sun
Who will tend to my wounds and scars?
I must learn to trust again.
#trust #friendship #love
B Sonia K Mar 2019
Surrounded by darkness
Shadows after shadow
All in stealthy movements
Looking to devour the unknowing,
Cataracts of murky waters unfolding
To cultivate an abysmal knowledge of possession
Laying in wait

Surrounded by shadows
The unknowing gullible prey
Gallivanting in the coolness of the shadows
Traveling on unpaved roads
In company of the unseemly
Glorying in a flowery mask of gloomy interactions
A facade capturing the mind of a dunce

Sounds of laughter in triumph
Emanating from the shadows
A perfectly planned possession
With full-on persuasion
Fastidious dressing on a palatable decision
Congratulatory claps and smacks
At a job well done
Oblivious of an impending failure
Coated in a ray of light

The sun rays stands at attention
Catapulting its existence
Into the murky waters
Shooting its rays through a pinhole
With boundless powers
Seeking a limitless entrance
With the unknowing gullible prey at the door
Holding a key, in a game of indecision
Salivating over the promises in the shadows
And the fulfillment of lascivious desires

The sun awaits your attention
Banging at the door gently
With healthy promises
The high heavens can checker
With words spoken larger than life
Saturating every nook and cranny
With light, life and love
And a thundering presence
Annihilating every shadows is its path.

Doors open
A pinhole becoming a tearing limitless ****
The sun rays stretching forth
Inciting a dance with its panther like gait
Over-powering the sniveling shadows
Punctured deceptive walls left behind
Emptying shadows filled up with light
On its face a triumphant grin.

In the shadows
I opened the door to the light of the sun
I was the unknowing gullible prey,
B Sonia K Mar 2019
Rising from the abyss of greens
Surrounded by murky waters
They stretch their arms wide
Basking in the warmth of the sun
Its welcoming rays
Erasing ugly memories of their birth.
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