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  Oct 2016 brittany
I could have sworn
that my heart stopped
and my skies fell down,
the grounds swallowed the
trees and mountains in,

the stars disappeared to
thin air,
and the sun decided to
give up on life, too,

when you left
brittany Oct 2016
Follow the map engraved on your hand.
You're crazy to think alone is where I'll let you stand.
Every single path leads to your unforgettable heart.
It's hard,
but you know just where to start.
The stars will guide you back to safety.
Your life is so fragile,
so you act like a baby.
Your wounds are all over
but that's okay.
Every single path will lead you
onto an unforgettable way.
when someone is too scared of the world around them
  Oct 2016 brittany
I miss you
just enough
so that it hurts.

When I feel like
I'm living in limbo,
one half step away
from falling apart,
I think of you
as a panacea
for all of the quiet thoughts
and dead stares.

When I find myself
painting canvases black
at three in the morning
and pressing my nails
into my wrists
just to feel
I wish you were here
to coax me into bed
and kiss me
like you never did.

I miss you,
selfishly and

And it twists
and slides through
my fingers like paint-
beautiful useless emotion.
brittany Oct 2016
Your smile is your own category of beauty,
as strong as your greatest strength,
and speaks the words that come out of your snappy yet lovable brain.
And I can't bear to see it in pain.

If you are, let me take your pain,
and stick it in the storage of my heart.  
I will face it for you.
Because I won't let your happiness and smile depart.
  Oct 2016 brittany
Sarah Savannah
He dragged me through hell, but as long as he was holding my hand I called it love.

Hoping and dreaming for realities sent from above.
Just started this poem, feel free to help me add to it!!!
  Oct 2016 brittany
one day you will
find a girl who will scoop you whole
she will expand her arms knowing the giant that you are
and not feel tired holding it
she will tame the seas inside of you,
and hush the demon that is in you
one day
you will
find a girl who will nurture you true
she will bend low knowing **** well the hobbit that you are
and not feel little standing beside it
she will tuck your hair
out of your face
and say
she is staying
she is staying
you are not something for her to leave
and she will make a bed out of you
knowing she can make a throne out of someone new
she will make
a tiny
lovely warm bed
out of you
and she'll stay
she'll stay

don't leave her
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