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Brianne Aug 2016
It was the beginning of something but what that something was I am still waiting to find out. Could it be the sleepless nights of wondering if you're thinking about me the way I am thinking about you? Could it be the start of a relationship? These thoughts consume me and you're probably living your life like those little moments that we had didn't happen.  I still don't know and I don't think you do either.
Brianne Jun 2016
I don't know you but I want to
Brianne May 2016
I am in a place that is full of all the other lost lovers.
A place with only one hope, the hope of finally being loved back.
Brianne May 2016
I want you
I want you to hold my hand and show the world I'm yours.
I want you to brush my curly hair out of my face.
I want you to smile at me with love.
I want you to look at me as if I was the only girl in the world.
I want you to hold my face with your hands.
I want to meet your family.
I want you to meet mine.
I want to have rainy days with you.
I want to cuddle and share thoughts.
I want you to want me.
But you're taken.
Brianne Apr 2016
You saw past all my imperfections and flaws
but when I looked at you, that was all I saw
I was too focused on the small details that I couldn't get past them
I gave up on us while you were holding us together like a stem
holds up the petals of a flower even when it is dying
Awaiting its resurrection
but sadly admitting acceptance
Brianne Apr 2016
At the end of the day I feel so alone
Bitterness sweeps through my body
as people that have let me down and
plans that have fallen short upon expectations
appear in my thoughts and linger until I fall asleep
I go through the same motions everyday
wondering when the cycle will end
Brianne Apr 2016
Eyes meet
Smiles follow
Butterflies flutter
Hands touching hands
Fingers clasped
Bodies close
One breath
One kiss

— The End —