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 Dec 2014 Brent Hunter
Your presence glistens brightly, A solace amidst the mundane and ordinary..  
Weary body, heavy heart, I trudge on alone into the dark..then I look up and what do I see?    
Your deep eyes that flicker glancing down at me...
I felt  a sense of refuge, a calm after a storm..
I knew we were one in the same in some way...
I hope that you will take my hand, and just maybe journey on together and begin again..
 Apr 2014 Brent Hunter
Quick glances stir excitement, sparks fly, smiles exchanged...

The surface is so sweet, you'd like to get to know me, you ask me for my name... but are you sure you can handle exposing all my pain?

My pain is my darkness that crawls  beneath my skin it covers my heart and hides my ***** secrets that I bury deep within..

I can pretend to be perfect, maybe for a while.. I'll act like a lovely lady, so pretty and so nice.. You'll think you have found the one and go tell all your friends..

But as the seasons change, the layers fade before your eyes and I'll be left standing naked and war torn with no disguise...

So let's skip the surprises and I'll show you what is real..

The me I know too well is wounded and fearful and uncertain of how to heal..

Once maintained, now broken beyond repair. Only remnants of sadness and lingering despair..

So let's sit and compare our scares, strip down and open up, reveal our true sources for all that is corrupt ..

Im tainted from all this pain but maybe you are too, our scares might not be that different,
So please take me as I am.. I'll  overlook your darkness and accept what makes the man...  If you feel like I do, I'll stand by your side. But if the burden is to heavy and you walk away I guess I'll have to coincide..

— The End —