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6.9k · Jul 2021
Submissive's Hymn
His collar i wear with pride and joy
to be His lover
to be His boy
i bow and fall upon my knees
to happily serve
and to please
i submit
and obey only Him
this is a submissive's song
a submissive's hymn

for my Dom Scruffy Lobo
5.0k · Jul 2021
His is my Alpha, my Lover and Friend
i pray to the Goddess O/our time never ends
i bow in service
for love and for U/us
i bow in service and obey
joyfully Yours 'til the end of days
to You i submit my life and my all
to You i submit i am ever Your thrall
4.7k · Jun 2021
Note:  This was not written by me.  It was written by my Dom Scruffy Lobo.

you come before Me,
Kneeling at My feet.
So many things to show you,
you just wait and see.

Worshiping My body;
Singing praises to My name.
I'll take you to new depths,
My pleasure is your pain.

I'm your Alpha, your King.
your place is here with Me!
Show Me how you'll serve.
your full loyalty I deserve.

I'm your Alpha, your Beast.
you're Mine for eternity!
Lustfully desiring.
And forever admiring.

By My side you pledge your life,
Come submit to Me!
I'll be blunt, it's all you want
Come submit to Me!

Note:  This was my response to my Dom Scruffy Lobo

i close my eyes and i dream
of moan and cry and sensual scream

Brutal hands and gently love
You are the one that i dream of

Your gentle kiss and savage bite
i am Yours in the dark and the light

my soul, my heart, my body and mind
Rejoice in what W/we did find

You are Beauty of Heart and Mind and Soul
my Beast, my Wolf, You make me whole

Love has blossomed from deep within
Which a love for me has never been

i give You my love and all of me
Growing together to become a W/we

To You i submit, i fall and bow
Yours i shall be forever and now.
This is an exchange of love between a Dominant and his submissive boy and lover.
4.5k · Jun 2021
How much do I love?
Note:  This is a running conversation between Dom Scruffy Lobo and me (his submissive - bunny)

From the Dom
Each day I grow more in love with You
Each day I feel your presence
Each day you submit yourself to me
Each day without hesitancy

How could I be so lucky
To have found a boy so sweet
How can I grow this bond
Until we one day meet

The Wolf preys on bunny
A dance to do eternally
This Wolf devours His bunny
With love so merrily

All-in-all love so complex
But still love so simplified
To be near you
And hear you moan
To Me you give your life.

From the submissive
I wish I could tell You what Your love means to me
But that right now is an impossibility
There aren't enough words in any language that's known
To quantify these feelings You have grown
i wish i could tell You how much I love you
But that is also something I cannot do
In the language of dragons and fairy and magic
The words might be lost, truly tragic
But listen to my heart as it speaks to yours
I know Yours hears the right words by the score
The magnitude is greater, greater than great
The intensity of our love i just can't narrate
But trust and believe i'd give my life up for You
Trust and believe serve and obey i'll always for You.
A conversation between a Dom and his sub about their feelings for each other
2.8k · May 2021
To My Alpha
To my Alpha
Most magnificent beast
I go now to sleep
And it is of you I shall dream
Of warm embraces and loving kisses
Of the beast and the brutality
Of bindings and lashes
Of pain and pleasure
I will be overjoyed for my Alpha
To be free to take your every pleasure from me
As your lust and beastly nature demand
I will be overjoyed to be your tool
For that freedom and release
And when the beast is sated
And I am undone
Then shall I dream of
Gentle love
A healer's touch
Sweet lips and furry comfort
Of beautiful love making
And you inside me
Spilling your seed
Making you part of me
It is of your beauty, your scent, your taste, your feel
That I will dream
And the love I have for you
And your love for me
Good night, my Alpha
2.6k · Apr 2021
Call to the Submissive
You commanded me
To come from my darkness and
Submit and obey
2.2k · Jul 2021
The Window
I stand looking out through a window
At a world I never thought would be mine
My heart has been low
And my soul was not fine

The world is where I truly belong
It is a world that has always be a part of me
But I was never quite so strong
As to climb through the window to where I should be

You saw me looking though the glass
And wondering about the world that was there
You came to me and helped me pass
To your world and for a life to share

Now I am in the world where I should be
With a love that makes me feel life is worth living
I am in this world now it is you and me
I am humbled by the love that you are giving

Know that the love is returned to you
By a heart that now is free
Of the fear that grew
Keeping this love from me.

My spirit rejoices and my body does dance
You are the light in my life and joy in my heart
This most beautiful romance
Of which the universe allows us take part
497 · Jun 2021
Budding Love
Our life together
Will blossom like our love and
Grow infinitely
477 · May 2022
Now I truly grieve
A final thread’s been cut
While my action was bold
Yours was bolder still
Now I truly grieve
I feel Your hand slip from mine
You turn from me
And look on to the future
Now I truly grieve
A single path splits in two
Two souls I thought always together
Now diverge on separate paths
Now I truly grieve
With the fullness of my decision
No longer predator
No longer prey
Now I truly grieve
My shattered heart weeps
But your happiness is imperative
Even though it I will not share
Now I truly grieve
One last kiss speaks volumes
One tight and lingering hug
As we say goodbye.

I love You, Scruffy Lobo and I always will.
198 · Jul 2021
At First
At first is was a funny video
You danced to a cartoon theme
It made me laugh and smile
You made my day that day

At first is was a Tik Tok
Asking whos sees Your posts
And where everyone was from
My location I was happy to say

At first it was a link to a **** site
With pictures and clips
That whet my appetite
Beautiful images that made me sway

At first it was a message from one man to another
Enticing, exciting, and lust filled
It awoke feelings inside of me
A desire to learn and to obey

At first it was a story
To entice You and thrill You
A story to capture Your attention
To pull it my way

At first is was a meeting
With technology and machines
And You had a lesson for me
And You opened a doorway

At first is was a confession
That was followed by mine
Love was blooming between U/us
Not something W/we could downplay

At first it was a thought
That became a conversation
That evolved to a plan
That required patience to my dismay

At first it was a talk
And then a life changing decision
To change O/our lives
**** this delay

At first...
There are more At Firsts to come
And with each W/we grow T/together
W/we grow as W/we walk this pathway.

— The End —