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 Mar 2014 Despondent
You used to give me butterflies
Now you give me anxiety

I used to smile just thinking about you
Now it fills me with anger

You used to make me cry with joy
Now they're just tears of sadness

You used to be my reason to stay strong
Now you're the reason I relapse

I used to imagine a bright future
Now all seems dark

You used to be the calming voice inside my head
Now its the one that screams that loudest

You used to always make me feel better
Now you're why I hurt so bad

You mended my heart and made me feel whole
Now you've broken it and left me in pieces

I used to write love poems about you
*Now the only ones I could write are of pain
 Mar 2014 Despondent
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Someday far from now I will look at the stars
I will think of my past
And somewhere along those memories
You will cross my mind
I will laugh remembering how you gave me butterflies
And I just hope wherever life takes you it is beautiful
Where you will learn to love life for more than something broken
I will hope all your pain has subsided
And someday you might look at the stars in some beautiful place
Thinking of all your memories
And I hope the girl who wrote poems crosses your mind.
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Francisco DH
Because once we are snagged by the hook of their words
We sometimes want to release the pain.
We want to let the words speak for us while we take a back seat

Because once our hearts are chained to their power
we sometimes need to let the screams fill the pages in ALL CAPS.
Sometimes we need to bury our pain with lead and shavings.

Because sometimes the only thing that is stable is the rhymes and stanzas
The structure of 5-7-5 gives us control
The freestyles might not be enough
but they at least let us express how we feel with out being turned down.

This is why we write Heart Broken Love Poems.
Left* -

 my desires boiling...
my needs over-powering...


                             ­                                       Right-       
                                                               my light flickering...
                                                   ­            my heart yearning...                                                                
    ­                                                            Passionate

                                                   Center -



­                                                   Reliable
- March 11th, 2014  11:48 pm
I only trust the center.
Why don't they accept?

Why don't they respect?

Why do they reject?

Why must they deject?

What about the effect?

Why don't they innerly reflect?

They lack intellect.

They only object.

The People You Allow Into Your Life :  Select

Yourself- You Must Protect


12th March, 2014      4:39 am.
 Mar 2014 Despondent
You mustered up all of the strength you could
to force me to shatter
into fragments on the floor
yet your whole persona is unblemished.
Flowers entwine your rib-cage
to protect your heart made of  roses
but what about me?
It's difficult to rebuild myself
when all you left behind are your thorns
making a home in my every being
that blinds me with pain
*I beg for you to finish me.
 Mar 2014 Despondent
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Pillows hold so many secrets.

There's the tear stained nights
and midnight chit chats.
There's whispers of regret
and sleepy heads.

Some turn to pillows from over exaustion
and others toss and turn with insomnia.
Drunken heads that have passed out
and ones that block out the bad with sleep.

Sleep talking, monolouges and bed time storys.
"Dont worry my darling it will all be okay"
Woes are spilt and soaked in
by our trusted pillows.

*If only they could talk, oh the secrets.
When smoke fills lungs

            Blood in veins freeze

                       Tears stream down on face

                               Hands collapse disgraced

                                   Heart's screams ignored

                                           Lips curl

                                                   Mouth exhales.

Angel cries for that soul.
When smoke fills lungs.

- Feb 23rd, 2014. 3:13 am.
Words here are unchained...


Words grace my best feelings


Words get me into trouble


Words paint you unforgettable  pictures


Words make your heart chuckle


Words allow me to achieve more


Words speak on behalf of my third lens


Words spring tears from unexpected sources


Words caress your beautiful mind


Words tell honestly


Words are of one kind


Words have been there to guide you


Words can be Powerful or inspirational


Words may also seem insignificant, that's fine


Words are real, blatant, both selfish and selfless


Words soothes, teases, but never abuses


Words can be as gentle as a lamb


Words get me what i want and need,
to live the way i please


Words will be the only thing immortal about me

For words....Words live on.

And these words are all mine.

- Feb 23rd, 2014.  2:24 pm.
My heart bleeds* for all those who have suffered wrongfully.

                                      My eyes water when I see what they've been through.

My hands stretch out towards them  but they are so far away...

                                      I wish I could help you  ALL  overcome your pain

I clasp, I bow and I pray - that any evil be removed from wherever you are           today in everyway.

A Reaction I Feel Daily

- Feb 28th, 2014  2:47 pm.
Wishing I could heal. Words are all I have for now. <3
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