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 Mar 2014 Despondent
madeline b
when I first saw his true beauty,
his smile
his eyes
and his soul,
it made me remember lovely little things
like being madly insane
or being crazily obsessed with the same
smile and soul
and I soon then realized
love came to strike again

 Mar 2014 Despondent
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Tell me sweet words
Tell me happy truths
Tell me I am not insane
I am not insane
Insanity replied, My dear where are you from? What are you doing here, go back to reality not back inside of your mind. For me to say you are not insane, would be a lie. You wouldn't believe me anyway.
Insanity Is the comfort of a pillow, used for suffocation.
Insanity Is the warmth of a gun, used for a death shot.
Insanity Is the enabler,
The barrier breaker,
The undertaker.

Insanity Is a safety zone.
Insanity Is a shield.
Insanity Is a guard for all to take part in it,
All who brush with it,
All who dwell in it.

Insanity Is the abstract thoughts, the rotund ways.
Insanity Is the thought that you can do anything.
Insanity Is the fact that people can question, can insult, can pry,
And they never seem to affect you,
And they never will.

Insanity Is a soft room, padded with cushy walls.
Insanity Is a group of people, who try to figure out what's wrong.
Insanity Is not quite knowing what's going on,
Having that privilege,
Having that power.

Insanity Is engulfing, a single being in itself.
Insanity Is the process of losing yourself.
Insanity Is the way you go when you just seem to snap,
Lucky enough to see nothing,
Lucky that everything goes black.
 Mar 2014 Despondent
You whispered your secrets
on breezes of starlight
of moonbeam collections
in night sky desire

Those twinkling phrases
beyond the horizon
which once held the sunset
in blistery fire

Beneath every pine tree
found evergreen wishes
with snow dressing branches
long winters to show

And springtime petunias
bloomed fresh for the season
soft feathery visions
you want me to know

That here as we’re lying
this hillside of splendor
while counting the diamonds
a’ shine up above

Each sunrise of morning
a new days beginning
asleep in my arms is
the dawning of love
Who are you to determine if a person is good or bad?

‘Good’ people may do bad things for good reasons;

‘bad’ people may do good things for good reasons.

Unless you feel targeted or have been personally, honestly affected , then you have no legitimate excuse or reason for judging ANY other human being.

Even then, compassion and empathy can overcome whatever surface emotions you experience...

Give yourself a chance to be the level- headed, objective and humane soul you know you can be and have been.

Because at some point, I'm sure you had felt it in yourself,
that light- pure goodness;
whether it was while listening a bouncing baby's cheerful melody of coos,
when you rescued a homeless pup,
Or willingly helped a senior with a task-

Something must have allowed you to tap into your true peace, the moment you find it, keep it, access it and let it guide you in everyday life.

I believe in following your instincts - there are no room for doubts...especially self doubts.
Blatantly, if you don't believe and have faith in yourself ,
how could you possibly expect someone else to?

Be confident- and that can only happen if you
understand yourself,
love yourself,
encourage yourself,
respect and take care of  yourself
and to remember that you don't NEED anyone but *yourself

Most people don't realize it but if anyone sends negative energy to you- through words, actions or insinuations-
That you can simply refuse to accept it and maintain your own positive energy,
leaving you *unaffected
pleasant and in control of your own emotions.

If you process rapidly, you'd be able to see that whatever that person may say or do has nothing to do with you- It's just a reflection of their feelings towards themselves

( e.g calling someone ugly because you truly feel ugly in a different way, of course you wouldn't be able to see the beauty of another when you don't appreciate and understand your own inner you throw those emotions at someone else because you are stuck on surface thinking and want a 'quick fix'
Well, quick fixes are the worst, with anything!

I was 15 when a classmate threw insults my way but I understood they were because of her insecurities.
I told her and I remember because after, she just looked straight at me she didn't have to say anything,
I just knew she didn't mean it and that she was sorry.
I saw it in her eyes. . .
I said "That's not a very nice thing to tell someone... you don't know what I could be going through right now, but hey, I believe I'm a beautiful soul and I've been around you for quite some time and I can safely say I believe you are too, I hope you deal with whatever you're going through right now and beat it..."
She was still just looking at i said "It's okay, I forgive you"

We never became good friends because I'm picky with my close friends but from then on, she always greeted me pleasantly and never said a bad thing against me ever again  :D  
- high school win!, drama and conflict averted-

Forgiveness can lead to wonderful outcomes.
Try it right now!
Start with yourself!
Forgive yourself right now for something that you are not proud of.
You'll feel lighter...literally too, somehow, you feel the weight off of you.
If you feel that, Your mind found a bit of peace. <3

Back to first topic-->

Yes, we are entitled to our own opinions, if it won't do any good, keep those opinions to yourself.

God is the judge of you, YOU are the judge of you.

Which is the same thing because we are a fraction of God.

Our souls are reflections of God.

To love yourself is to love God.
To insult another person is to insult God.
For God exists in everyone and everything..

YOu can't change can only change yourself.

Everything....starts ...with...YOU!

- March, 3rd, 2014   4:00 am.
Scattered thoughts like leaves in Fall.
I pushed the roses through my eyes
to see fluorescent beauty die
on the broken wings of sunshine wasps.
I wonder oft why they sliced my brain,
why they sliced her ring,
and why the bluebird sings
of devils dancing sweetly
on the poor, dead morning dove.
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Sir B
It is hard
living for another person
knowing that if you lose hope
then they will as well
You are their lifeline
The external soul
of a dead person
trying to keep them
alive and make sure
they are good and
don't try anything stupid
That's tough.
And to top that off
you only have one chance
and you cannot afford to fail at your job
one mistake and both of you tumble
and it might result in the end of one of you
It's hard living for someone else
But some people still do it
and we need to help them

easier to die for someone

Its actually easy saying you will jump
in front of a bullet or a roof
to save someone else

**Hard living for someone else
I don't have anyone to live for.. this poem was not the desired end result, but I just wanted to put it out there that its hard living for someone else.. the post was on tumblr
 Mar 2014 Despondent
Sometimes she smells like roses and coconuts...

Everyday I bow to the eons and ions and atoms
within and surrounding her
for guiding me to the reality of which I enjoy being inside.

My life wasn't meant to be boxed into a 9-5 soul-******* vacuum office cube
trying to convince folks to buy bread with "homemade flavor" or fizzy brown corn syrup. That's how alcoholics are born.  

My living spirit is is supposed to play
like my inner child
at 2am smoking something
and waving to stars that might be spaceships
and singing songs to the silver moon.
I have to live like poetry in order to write.
Maybe not drink like poetry...
let's just say my time in Atlanta
might put Dylan & Edgar to shame.  

And she allows us to love like poetry,
our minds travel to soothing lands
where words mean nothing
and the only way to communicate is through sacred azure moans
of hyper-iridescent effervescent ecstasy.
That's what the truth sounds like.

I'm unchained,
back into the wild of myself,
unfettered from the confines
of a story or musical piece,
instead allowing my self and body
let the words and music play & write through me
like some fleshy electric with a hint of indigo flute fountain pen
so that others may know this glorious living that is poetry.
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