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 May 2014 Blake
Sara Lee
The steel blade makes a ****,
A deep slash.
Blood pours down the drain.
Am I pretty now?

I cover who I truly am.
I hide myself from the world.
I ask you...
Am I pretty now?

I have had my fair share of battle scars.
Heard words that stung like bees.
Each time we hear those words, we ask ourselves:
Is it true? What did I do?

You make us weak.
You break us down.
You make us think:
Am I really ugly now?

Look around,
Take a good look.
We hide from the world,
Because of your words.

You make us feel unwanted!
Like a disease that can be contracted!
What gave YOU the right,
To make us feel like this?

I never understood why,
People talk like this.
Have they got no heart?
Have the got no soul?

What makes them feel,
Like this is all right?
To make others suffer,
With no friends in sight?

What gives them the right,
To make fun of us?
They don’t know us.
They don’t know what we have been through.

The worst part is,
After you realize you’ve pushed too far.
They are gone,
And they are not coming back.

You mourn for their loss,
But why bother at all?
You are the one,
Who caused it all.

They might have grown up to be brilliant,
But they can’t.
They were robbed of that chance,
As soon as the first word left your mouth.

There is one word that describes you perfectly.
Your ruined their chances,
At a thing we call life.

It’s your fault.
They never did anything.
Why them?
What made you choose them?

It’s really disgusting.
What you did.
You know that,

How do you feel?
Proud? Happy? Accomplished?
Or do you feel ashamed?
Think about it.


It’s all your fault they are gone.
So think to yourself,
‘What Have I done?’

I ask you...
Am I pretty now?
 May 2014 Blake
 May 2014 Blake
Since money is all you want
Money is all you'll see
If money is all you love
then money is what you'll be
Money money money money
Money does not love you honey
Cause love cannot be bought
What happens when the money is gone
You'll be all alone and lost
Just remember you chose money
So money is what you got
You cannot buy your children's love and respect they will only feel entitled or like they owe you, it will never be from the heart.
 May 2014 Blake
Drake Taylor
 May 2014 Blake
Drake Taylor
Sometimes a miraculous thing happens.

The body ages,
And the skin crinkles like an old plastic bag.
And even though the body fades, the soul still fights on.
And the soul comes through the eyes.
And the most crinkled, faded old people will have the deepest eyes. Sometimes deeper than any others. Their soul comes through their eyes and draws everything in.
They glow with a brilliance earned over many years,
And even though the body withers, the eyes stay bright.
 May 2014 Blake
Jo Hummel
Strip the flesh from my bones
and make from it a carpet
to better walk all over me.
Craft from my skeleton
a little cage for birds
and allow them to assist in your
defilement of me.
Feed my organs to the Lion
so that I might keep Him at bay
and allow for your further escape.
Bury my soul amongst the stars
and I can water your garden with my tears
(I've always wanted to give you life).
Cast my memories aside
and fill my mind with your own,
because my thoughts should be about you, anyway.
 May 2014 Blake
Lilith Reid Brown
What if I told you of a spell
One that could destroy whole countries
In the blink of an eye?
Would you scoff and turn up your collar
at my paganistic ways?
Lover, I speak the truth!
This phrase is not a lie!
It causes violent outrage
And it is inescapable.
Save yourself:
Don't pass it on!
It is not worth the carnage,
But I will tell the dreadful words, as I have told man after man:
*I love you.
more of a drabble. not expecting this one to trend at all. not my best work.
 May 2014 Blake
 May 2014 Blake
Some day, we have to stop blaming everyone else.
Our father for leaving.
Our teachers for not letting us be kids.
Our sister for needing more help.
Our mother for not giving more.
Our friends for not understanding.
Our exes for not being gentle.

Someday now it's time to woman up
Get in charge
And **** all those external influinces.

You have so much in your hands
They have nothing over your happiness.

— The End —