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Bill murray Sep 2015
I might be a filthy old rat
At least i know what fun is
And these day's
Old Prune's forget to have fun.
Thats why their dead by forty.
Ill live to 100.
Bill murray Feb 2016
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant
Walk right in it's around the back, just a half a mile from the railroad track
An' you can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant

"Alice's Restaurant Massacree- song by Arlo Guthrie-
"Alice's Restaurant Massacree
Bill murray Dec 2015
Sing a poetic song poet
All night long.
Bill murray Feb 2016
The feds take my sibs land
The feds take the rural land
The feds steal it right under your nose
You get played, you don't even know.
The feds **** the livestock and cattle
The ranchers are planters being slaughtered in battle.
The FBI murders and ****'s my family
The coastlines are barren
Birds fall out of the sky,
Experiment from the administration's control testing.
Property is disappearing
From right under your nose
Better wake up
You'll be the next host.
The FBI is taking my farmhand's good's
The CIA deals green leaf
And ****** mud.
They tell us their helping
They tell us its good.
Would of could of
Do something for good!
Do something now
American public,
We have run out of time
We're broke on the budget.
Take to the flag
By which you once stood.
Take to the grab
Of gun supplies, go to the
Take back your homes
Be the knights of your day
Persecution's started
It's not far from your gaze.
Do something now
American kid
Your grandpa was probably once a farmer
And you'll be next on the feds list.
A need to know of what's happening to the farmers lands, ranchers land. AMERICAS land. Not only farmers youngins, the country. Our land is being destroyed by experiment testing as I and the west coast know

Need to know: the Clinton's have made a deal with the Russians and Mr Putin to buy American uranium from our landscape. You may check that little bitty up on the Google!

Innocent rancher out in Oregon was murdered in cold blood and while being shot in his back by a fed FBI agent, the mainstream seemed to have cover that up, yet video details online tell the story

Birds are falling out of sky with other animals washing up dead!
Not the weather folks,

Article from

The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification, and has been doing so for at least half a century. Previously classified under such names as “Project Cirrus” (1947) and “Project Popeye” (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret practice. In fact, a bill (S517) was sponsored in 2005 by Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a Republican, “to establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.” This bill did not become law. Yet, there is reason to believe that various government institutions are carrying out numerous legal and illegal weather experiments without informing the public!

Note; yes this still happens, worldwide not only my great American country. As I've seen two other people speak about this here. The originations are called haarp. Yes a real thing the government openly uses in Alaska and other parts especially California its being used.
Haarp stands for .
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.
Originating in gakona alaska founded in 1993:
The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) was an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska[clarification needed], and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),[1] designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT).
Yes you may check darpa to. Another man-made device to ruin a once great nation. You should ask a question to yourself as an American!
Why does and is this happening? As it all is.
It's called government dominance
Also stating a control mechanism! Every thing an American eats he is told what to eat because someone bigger than them tells then is good. As we shove gmos in our bodies
( gmo) genetically modified organism.. GMOs (or “genetically modified organisms”) are organisms that have been created through the gene-splicing techniques of biotechnology (also called genetic engineering, or GE). We are told what to watch
So we watch it.
Bill murray Sep 2015
I just might have to trip
To the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park today, I've longed for a good park experience lately, this place, a place of the Colorado desert of southern California, hot dusty climate, just might match my skin, or will it crisp my skin off my grainey bones, its open 9-5pm, I think I might be a naughty dotty and stay past park hours. Looking forward to the fishhook cactus, and the
Apricot Mallow's. A good trip for this man of old and hollow.
Bill murray Aug 2015
Today comes alacrity aloof
My face is sagging now, should I cut it or let loose,
These amorphous little greys on my front structure
Are out of control
They dip in my soup
They sit in my bowl
And I am wondering,
Why am I getting skinnier"
My beard eats all my food
And the beard defecate's it back out
Through my armpits.
Bill murray Oct 2015
This elder body is held together by year's of farmer straw and hay, by mud
By clay.
In the simplest way I'm young though gray
There is no night and day
Or in-between fine lines.
When you get this age
Every day is a day of your last and a time of remembering good times.
Bill murray Sep 2015
Good way to keep the
Neighbor away from your field........... Slipping rat poison in the next avocado he want's to steal from me.
Bill murray Aug 2015
Gramps is like an old map
Just waiting to be discovered
Already got a wife mam
Back off
Or grandmammy
Smack me!
Bill murray Aug 2015
Grampys getting hungry
Maby I will eat me
Something runny
Or something funny
Maby backwoods bunny!
Bill murray Aug 2015
i picked a pickle
from grampy's pickle jar.
I snippled a bushel of beer at the select town bar*
got into a mess with san diego blues.
After the train passed by
gramps cried
when the coppers held a horn and their sirents
went woop woop.
Bill murray Aug 2015
i picked a pickle
from grampy's pickle jar.
I snippled a bushel of beer at the select town bar*
got into a mess with san diego blues.
After the train passed by
gramps cried
when the coppers held a horn and their sirens
went woopa dee doop.
Bill murray Aug 2015
i picked a pickle
from grampy's pickle jar.
I snipple a bushel of beer at the select town bar*
got into a mess with san diego blues.
After the train passed by
gramps cried
when the coppers held a horn and their sirents
went woop woop.
Bill murray Aug 2015
i picked a pickle
from grampy's pickle jar.
I snippled a bushel of beer at the select town bar*
got into a mess with san diego blues.
After the train passed by
gramps cried
when the coppers held a horn and their sirens
went woop woop.
Bill murray Sep 2015
Do us old farts really need testies
They get in the way of
Our branches.
Bill murray Sep 2015
A special invite i got
To a ballroom party today.
Do I look like a ballroomer,
I'm a filth **** dirt
Hard working man who plows his field.
I'm not meant for some fancy suit dancing.
There's a fine poetry lady to dance with me
Then I'll be whatever the invite wants me to be.
Bill murray Feb 2016
Dig it
When your small
Becomes a big it.
Bill murray Mar 2016
We could pick apart
All the pieces of someone else
Who we may think isn't the best
Example to others here around us.
Though when we start picking the bits
Out of our own eyes, ears, and mouths,
We'll realize what right do we have
To piece-pick from another human  being.
When we must first pick the bits
Out of our hearts and minds first.
Bill murray Aug 2015
Today should be sunny
But 69 and cloudy,
Good day for plant picking
And digging,
The little avocado's are fresh and growing.
Tomatoes red
Think I am gonna take me a bite
But from which,
The avocado,
Or the tomato.
Black mountain sounds mysterious today
A good hike Maby.
Maby a good venture-
If only my feeble leg's hold up.
Should I bring the goodsie bag
My goodsies are the avocado slices
While walking this green spinach trail
Bill murray Jul 2015
Dig the ditch
Dig daddy bonegrave
Got grandpa to itchy itch,
Bonedaddy bonegrave.
niche of red hicky hiccup hitch
Bonedaddy bonecave
Grandpa with his hitchy hitch
Dig the big,
Bone daddy bone cave
Slight salty pinty pinch
Bonedaddy salt save,
Digging the diddy ditch
Bonebegger begbones.
Bill murray Sep 2015
What kind of bee's produce milk?
******* .
Bill murray Sep 2015
A fine earring you got their party pirate.
The pirate sais
Who needs earrings
When I got brass *****.
Bill murray Jan 2016
I'm breaking through
To the other side
Bill murray Aug 2015
Buffet today
Or pickings from the garden.
Cheap drink
Or sipping the harder stuff.
Is enough enough,
I got the bubbly stuff.
Bill murray Jul 2015
Smashing the bug's
In the cabins own hole
Smashing and mashing
Those bugs until I roll
Bill murray Aug 2015
Down on first street and b avenue
San Diego's clown rodeo pulled in for a good stardom piece
The stage masters looked like the bull
That rode in
Could the bull be the actor?
Confused in such a statement
Bill murray Jul 2015
I have to impignorate the two gun's that I own
Better in another man's feel
Though my landscape was purloined
And there organizations had combined,

Mr swickzer down the street from me
In Calabasis California
He will hold the tool for me
And the topanga state park
Will be a good getaway where I cannot be thieved again.
Bill murray Sep 2015
Up-to-the-minute news I must take a look
The news in California is not stored
In drawer's or books.
There are freaks here and strangies.
Who will take off their pant's,
Prisoners by the dozen
That will sweet you with romance.
Some will **** you here
Some with **** they'll smear.
Welcome to California,
There are crazies here.
Bill murray Feb 2016
Call it living but I'm dying to live another death
Bill murray Sep 2015
Gramp's can't sleep
Had to wake,
Take a ***.
Can't sleep.
Is it me,
Or the **** neighbor's flaunting
'Janie's got a gun' at 11:06 pm at night!
Maby the next door neighbor's would like a nice warm
With a real gun
My shotgun
With no Janie involved.
Just their favorite neighbor
Who can't sleep
Can't dump
Can't eat
Because I need sleep.
And the shotgun shell's are in my hand.
Good year for firework's again.
Just a scare will do them.
Just one big holed scare.
Bill murray Dec 2015
Missed the clock by an hour late waking
I woke drenched, needing quenched
A wrench for my brain that's unsteady
And in the undertaking.
These ol' bag o bones are tired
Need more sleep,
Eyelids sagging
I need restful peace.
Hard flesh,
Unwaking eyes
No work today, I'll take advantage of living
Ill catch northern California's
High rise.
Bill murray Aug 2015
A memory of present dogma
I keep in an old cowshed
The cattle never dilute the memory
Bill murray Oct 2015
Someone called me a wild caveman today
Guess who that little voice was who told me that
My grand baby
What a treasure for gramps.
She is right
Im as wild as two baboons babooning in a room from a cheap
Im wild .
Bill murray Jul 2015
Slurp slurp
Said the pig to the cop
They lived beside another
Their garden hoses went to the shop
A shop of little lilly *******
A limestone to shawtoo
A place of betsie face
They wrote mama I'm coming home soon
Bill murray Jul 2015
Sphinx marmalade lemonade
My skin part's for me to fade
Extra year's needed
Ma' let your man feel completion
Bill murray Mar 2016
To my friend
Bill Hughes
Who just lost his kitten

Hope that lonesomeness
Gets back in its cube
With all the other itches.

To my friend
Billy Hughes
Dear rhymester of hellopoetry
And SoundCloud.

If you need a Bud
I'm here with love
I can be your cat for a day
And speak to you as a friend.
Long live your black cat.
He's eating mice by heavens dozen,
His life has just started
It didint end.
Bill murray Jun 2015
My boots
My boat
Seems crudded
Life long
Love life
An old man now
With the storm to ride
Cool mobile California!
Bill murray Aug 2015
Diving for the seacrab taste
I'm getting hungry
No crab goes go waste
Crab hunter
Bill murray Aug 2015
Sitting on the limp writin' stool

Rambling and thinkin'

To stay amused
Gramps has got the cramps
No chance for today's work piling up.
Bill murray Sep 2015
Some thing's can get a little hairy
A little scary
A little daring
blood-curdling are the little vermin
Who love to digest down my harvest.
How they got a surprise coming,
With the good winchester model 37.
Take the little vermin to creepy crawly heaven.
Bill murray Jul 2015
Today overlord of his cabin
Will cut down all the little green shrubs
Cutting and axing
Until all the cutting's done.
Bill murray Jul 2015
The wheels on the cart
Go scoop *** pop
Scoopy got
**** *** ***
Grand pas old bus is dead in the shop
Give hundred smackers
To bring it home.
Bill murray Jul 2015
I took a bath and turned the faucet on

That's where all went wrong

And I floated to the sea

I got eaten by a humpback

Who keeps looking at me.
Bill murray Aug 2015
Creepy crawlies on the lawn
Pesticides from gramps
Will destroy them
Dead and gone
Bill murray Sep 2015
Accidentally put the old flannel
On backwards and walking around with the dog
Until I noticed im starting to revert back to the grand babe years ago or gramps has
Gone feeble
And the mouse in my head is dead on it's wheel.
Bill murray Aug 2015
What do you
When you
A duckling
Bill murray Sep 2015
Boy: I'll pay you 10 bucks to climb up the flagpole.
Girl: ok.(climbs the flagpole)
Girl: Mommy Mommy a boy paid me 10 bucks to climb the flagpole. Mom: He just wanted to see your underwear!
...Next Day...
(Same boy): I'll pay you 20 BUCKS to climb the flagpole!
Girl: OK thanks! (climbs the flagpole)
Girl: Mommy Mommy today the boy paid me 20 BUCKS for climbing the flagpole, but today I tricked him this time I wasn't wearing underwear.

A **** has a sad life. His hair is a mess; his family is nuts; his next-door neighbor is an *******; his best friend is a *****, and his owner beats him habitually.
Bill murray Oct 2015
A doctor and his wife were having a big argument at breakfast. "You aren't so good in bed either!", he shouted and stormed off to work. By mid morning, he decided he'd better make amends and called home. "What took you so long to answer?" "I was in bed." "What were you doing in bed this late?" "Getting a second opinion.

Did you hear about the guy who ran infront of the bus? He got tired .
Bill murray Jun 2015
I went to terkinshire lake
And I kept her dog for a memento
Tiny tiny keepsake
Bill murray Aug 2015
How can I get my woman's clothes off
When I can't even manage
To get off my own
I feel as if I need a store dresser to undress me"
But who cares
Clothes or not
Gramps still does
What gramps has to do,
Even with his clothes
Still on.
Now that
Is accomplishing,
A task!
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