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 Jun 2014 bigbyloser
Forgive me...for my monumental
misapprehension, of your ineffable
I ****** upon the cloth that cut us,
because I was a housebroken dog...
forgive me.
 Jun 2014 bigbyloser
ponny jo
Goals to set so dance to fret
Painting cloaks to taste regret
Flames to let, consume, forget

Absent embers coals inset

Glimmers splinter, minds are deep
Shackle shambles, just to sleep
Jaded gazes, thoughts that seep

Lacking warming spiteful meek
I pretended I wasn't upset
I acted happy and okay
but I was angry

we ****** and I left

I didn't understand

I don't mind casual *** with my boyfriend but he usually romances me a little before....
Sure, it'd be nice to walk
Along the shore of the beach
And watch the sun set
With you.

But I'm happy enough to run
In circles around the track
And watch the grass wilt
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to cuddle
While eating junk food and snacks
And watch a horror movie
With you.

But I'm happy enough to sit
While laughing over your shoulder
And watch funny videos
With you.

Sure, it'd be nice to be
The one whom you call "yours"
And to be loved back
By you.

But I'm happy enough to love
The perfect person you are
And savor the moments I spend
With you.
Although you are oblivious to my love, therefore likely not to feel mutually, your laugh alone is enough to make me smile.
 May 2014 bigbyloser
i suffer from
that kind of
sadness that only
creeps in the
darkness of night,
forcing tears out
of my eyes.

                      i suffer from
                      that kind of
                      sadness that swings
                      like a pendulum
                      in your ribcage
                      for days, destroying
                      every heart vessel,
                      that soul-blackening
 May 2014 bigbyloser
Ashley Rae
I'd like to think,
that the best feelings are;
Grass under bare feet,
Spring tides,
Rain droplets lightly skimming your eyelashes,
A favorite blouse,
The burn of alcohol,
And the sensation of another humans skin

— The End —