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beenseen Mar 2016
Levitate the expantions of light
Sink in the jaded moon bright
Hold quite and soak the embers that dull in this sun
So long ago these songs were sung
In soft tongues
Run under the stream of shallow stars
Sleep in the cracks and chirps of sorrow hung
Marching in a steady continuum
March and till the weaving of another sparrow has spun
Across the sky of tear shimmer
The songs of the unsung
Liminate in the finding of the leaving and living
Thoughts on the destruction of what we have, the only thing we can count on is time And even that is almost gone. Appreciate the being of here and live the now of this earth that we do drastically destroy.
beenseen Sep 2015
So what we did was ok?

Yea, in my opinion it was

It was a wasted moment of feeling

we shared

it was just a moment

shared again and again

but that's what makes it ok

it was a moment

Love is a lifetime

love is something that is present constantly

it's the decision to create memories

things you want to keep

Dusty letters and stones

random prints on your spine

fingers and hips and places

it's an individual

Their bones

their skin which you want to climb into

their hair where you sleep
Thoughts on lust and love, well the difference at least
beenseen Sep 2015
i died in this

I’m dying

I’m dying to fade

i don’t know


these animals on my lap make it extremely hard to write

why is it that I can’t get over these normalities

this trivial


it's all so wasteful

these emotions



solid lining my thoughts

white paint scraping my elbows

stretching chest cavities

hollow and awake
The realisation for need of progression
  Sep 2015 beenseen
Paul Hardwick
My left leg was right
no that was the right leg
I meant I lift my right leg first
no but what is left
by the left Right
Beware the Ides of march
So ******* surreal even I do not understand it!

P@ul  Love you all ***.
  Sep 2015 beenseen
H W Erellson
salt stings wounds
salt stings eyes, entering, leaving...
healing, healing. The sea will take you away.
I tire of hearing abot these migrants
well they tire of the rick-shaw of an untested boat
of their homes becoming rubble & dust clouds,
of seeing blood in the dirt.
As long as there is war,
as long as there is famine
as long as there exists somewhere
called 'refuge'
then there will be refugees.
Oh child, rocked to sleep by the tide...
you should never have to answer for adult violence,
innocent & sleepy, sinless.
You have been written in blood in the old books
you have been decided for.
Your dice have been rolled by strange hands;
born amid angry eyes,
and so shall die,
washed ashore upon sand,
carried quietly away
to your final crib
to your refuge.
for alan kurdi
check out more stuff at
beenseen Sep 2015
September 13, 2015

There’s this approach

theres this instance

where in one motion


it is there

right here

everything felt

is gained in this




and it fills you with this

this vigour

there is no constraint

ripples on skin

your skin


my skin

and it instills this


but fear is perfect

fear is what you need

fear is the base of

of knowing

and I’m in this

this vibration of movement

this movement

which my pulse doesn’t understand

although the cosmos is there

in all it’s certainty



it’s all

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