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Aug 2014 · 458
My Everything
Bec Davies Aug 2014
Why are people scared to have their everything taken by someone? Jesus, I want nothing more than to have my everything taken away from me, stolen in the middle of the night while I'm sleeping. Quietly, without a sound. I want to wake up and realise someone thought parts of me was worthy of taking and worthy of loving. I want to make someone feel worthy of being loved and I want to make them feel like they're out of this ******* universe. And if they take my everything and run away and never come back, i'll hurt but I'll still sleep at night. I'll learn from it and grow from it but I'll be an emptier shell than before. Less to give to the next person. There's only so many times you can give your 'everything' to people before they all eventually strip you of everything you stood for and carve you from the inside out. Not leaving a trace of you ever being here.

— The End —