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Meeting someone,
someone that strikes my fancy,
I take my soul out of my pocket--
expecting them to do the same.

My soul,
like origami that has been folded and refolded,
is worn at the edges and moth eaten,
has burns and scorch marks,
alcohol and coffee stains,
greasy finger prints,
smudge marks,
and small bits torn from it…

Together-- there on the street,
we compare souls on the corners of the world.
Some souls are almost new--
starched and pressed,
in a vacuum sealed bag.

Others, when taken out,
are even more used up than mine--
some break and blow apart in the wind
like glowing confetti,
leaving a dull grey stare in its owner’s pale eyes.

Then after we have compared souls
I fold mine back into its origami balloon shape
and put it back
in my pocket.

Souls are not a different distant object
they do not fit in a lock box.
Every act of compassion…
or apathy,
or gluttony,
or ****,
The mundane…
or the extraordinaire
creates a new mark,
a new fold,
a different shape,
a different you….

...than existed just a moment before.
Still feels a bit drafty, but I like it.
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
Heaven - Hell
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
"God is love."
Is He?
Because according to God,
the love I feel is a sin.
It's wrong to feel so loved.
Is God love when I write love poems for another woman?
When she holds my hand,
is He love then?
An understanding God accepts all love.
Is God love?
theology makes a muse

 Apr 2014 Genevieve
haiku #5
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
my dog barks a lot
all ******* night i hear him
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
Luna Lynn
You are what you eat
So if I then choose to fast
What becomes of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
I am white —
Happy and bright,
I am black —
Gruesome and dark,
I am yellow —
Adventurous and mellow,
I am green —
Sinful and mean,

I am blue —
Peaceful and true,
I was red —
Was in love then bled,
I am transparent—
I'm prone to attachment,
And I am Cyan—
I want this done.

| *p . p
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
Meagan O'Hara
Empathy is like a gray tulip
With its beauty preserved and dried
Careful, don't think
For the petals will fall
And the beauty will be lost
On the ground
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
Riley Ayres
Six feet under,
trapped in a see through glass box,
people can see you,
they can hear you scream,
but they walk by as if they see nothing.

Six feet under,
buried beneath the pain,
hiding under the sorrow,
merciless cries come close to shattering,
the glass in which you are concealed.

Six feet under,
conceited, twisted lies,
cannot be forgotten or lost
hearts forever broken
as you see yourself

Six feet under,
the glass reflects the pain in your eyes
yet your stare is emotionless,
your heart ceases to beat
blood no longer pulses through your veins.

Six feet under,
You forget how to scream,
you lose your sense of sanity,
the glass swallows you up
lost, and always forgotten.
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
Ever felt trapped?
No escape
No way out
Short of breath
Short of sight
One way
Dead end
Ever felt trapped in a memory?

With no desire to find a way out .
 Apr 2014 Genevieve
SG Holter
Poet, be not afraid.
There are far worse things than
Bad poetry.

Keep writing; like a child keeps
Drawing with the purest of
Disregards to likeness.

The more stones you turn, the more
Gems you produce.

The more ink you rain,
The more gracious your written
Children grow.

All flexing builds muscle.

Rough bricks form castles.

Even Dalì carved canvases to shreds
And started anew
Not caring too much.
Not caring

Too much
To keep painting.
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