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 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
Cat Fiske
I believe in things
they say,
"not to, believe in,"
 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
My spine is made of iron
My blood is acrylic paint
My tears are holy water
My eyes are raw stone
My mind is made of gold
My heart is matte polish
My thoughts are sinful fire
My dreams are wasted air
I don't know

 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
Amulet Atari
Her lungs are filled with
Hurt and
Words and
She smokes in hopes
Of burning you away.
 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
Amulet Atari
Close to me
Trading shirts and I
Feel your skin on mine
Casual touches,
Never been more than friends
Although we once wanted to,
I might still want to.

I'm scared because you
Make me feel something
And I don't know what it is.

I'm scared because I
Feel something for
Too many people.

I'm scared because
I don't know what I can agree to anymore
Because the last time I said yes
I breathed in on a no.

I'm scared because I love you
And I'm still not sure how.

Close to me
Trading shirts and I
Love you.

And I'm scared
To let you know.
falling for your best friend all over again
 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
Amulet Atari
 Mar 2016 Ava Bean
Amulet Atari
I want you
I want you to lay next to me
Sleep in my bed for just tonight
Let me hold onto you
Let me trap your legs
Between my thighs.

I don't own a plain pillow
Because nothing feels right on my neck
Except a chest breathing in an out
To the tempo of a deep rest.

I want to be able
To avoid the nightmares
Because someone's there and
No one else can touch me
I want to know that
No one else can touch me.

I want to feel protected
And loved.
I want to feel important
And needed.
I want you to want me.

Let me hold onto your shirt
Ball my hands into fists
Cling onto you.
Let me sleep next to you.
That's all I need.
this isn't just for one person but it also kind of is
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