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H O L I H S Nov 2019
Stars are distant
so are you.
H O L I H S Oct 2019
Don't come back; it pains me
Don't leave me please stay
Don't rush it take it slowly
Never mind
Just go away
H O L I H S Oct 2019
Minutes go down

Time is ticking

The moments get drowned

But the heart is beating.
H O L I H S Oct 2019
You are the one
who keeps
me alive
I cannot
hold you.
H O L I H S Oct 2019
Clouds cry too

when it is

too heavy.
H O L I H S Oct 2019
Puffed slowly; was

used as if

will take back

one's memories.
H O L I H S Oct 2019
The universe is wide yet I encountered a sunflower
She chased the light of the rising sun
Her beauty is genuine from near and afar
The contrast of her colour outshines everyone

— The End —