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Atript Abhinav Jan 2016
Angel's wrath upon the albatross
Like the pheonix kiss that burned my whole
I closed my eyes to the blinding lights
Truth will only lead to sleepless nights
A ride on the pegasus under the moonless sky
I jumped down half way and let her fly
I should paint my hands with her life
And, ink my mind with her lies
Alive in my memories
Loveless heart only beats
Went through pages of the book that she gifted me
No part of it talks about broken heart
My eyes rested on something I should not have seen
Why should love rest on the saddest part?
Should I shoot myself to **** the YOU in me?
Would love drain out with the blood I bleed?
  Nov 2015 Atript Abhinav
Good* and *light
are not the same
for you can be good
in the dark
and bad
in the light
it is a choice you make
no matter dark or light
its not the colors
of sky or skin
its what you choose
it comes from within
You're alive, but are you really living?

You have your head wrapped around your phone. You burry your face in your pillow every night, thinking about every problem you have to face the next morning. You're facing yourself in the mirror wondering how in the world you will cover that humungous blemish that made itself at home in the middle of your forehead.

Now, let me ask why.
Why do trivial things like this matter?

They don't.

In those precious moments, you have missed so many great things...

You were too busy on your phone to see the way the sun rises so beautifully in your bedroom window. You were so caught up in your own problems that you forgot to look around and see all the problems the world has solved. You were so entranced in the mirror, focusing on that blemish that you failed to notice your beauty, your self worth.

Now, let me ask you again.
You're alive, but are you really living?
  Nov 2015 Atript Abhinav
You loved me until the star dust
Spilled from my body onto the floor
And the galaxies spinning inside of me
Crashed out of control
  Nov 2015 Atript Abhinav
William Blake
Hear the voice of the Bard!
Who Present, Past, & Future sees
Whose ears have heard
The Holy Word,
That walk’d among the ancient trees.

Calling the lapsed Soul
And weeping in the evening dew;
That might controll.
The starry pole;
And fallen fallen light renew!

O Earth O Earth return!
Arise from out the dewy grass;
Night is worn,
And the morn
Rises from the slumbrous mass.

Turn away no more:
Why wilt thou turn away
The starry floor
The watery shore
Is given thee till the break of day.
Atript Abhinav Nov 2015
Everytime I close my eyes,
The picture of you comes to my mind,
Floating in the air,
From everywhere,
Everything around me reminds me of you,
And I lose myself in the memories of you..
The park-bench still fits us perfectly,
And this world has taken 7000 turns, changing everything but me
The stubbles in my face make me look a little older,
I have grown a little taller,
Lost my hair, gained some weight,
And I am losing a little bit of myself everyday but, I am still the same old person you loved back then
Every breath that I take, takes me a little closer to you,
Nothing is certain here, I do not know if you're a million breaths away or two
My friends want me to move on,
To take a step forward every day,
Arms wrapped around my shoulders,
Sometimes, a soft grip-  a silent assurance of their presence,
A sweet promise to always be there
And that is just what you did
This love is more than those three words that sick men these days use to capture beauty
And this body is more than blood, muscles and bones,
Death was not powerful enough to **** your soul
You are everywhere, in every thing
With me
We are still strong enough to melt stones
As once I searched to find minds eye
In the mysterious shadow of the nights sky,
I took a minute to look beyond
Realities of this silent song

Winter months come and go
The snow soon turns to spring,
Life's lessons learnt our voices sing,
My heart is opened as your soul seeps in

To every crevice of my open pores
Deep red rushing through my veins,
I close my eyes and open yours
Our summer now begins

The thoughts once mine will run their course
Birds calling out your name,
The sun we share shall keep us warm
Forever and again

The golden days will now be walked
As Autumn shows his face,
The Beauty which surrounds us talks;
This is how we'll spend our days

© Karen L Hamilton, 2012
I want you to believe
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