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Aug 2016 · 1.4k
Amelie Aug 2016
Toutes les histoires sont comme un miroir,
Deux faces, deux versions, deux reflets.
Pourtant le notre ne me montre que ce que je veux voir,
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide, notre miroir est brisé.

Cette nuit j'ai dessiné ton visage sur mes rêves, à la craie
Ce matin ta peau était encore collée à ma joue
J'ai essayé de t'arracher, mais tu étais enfoncée comme un clou,
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide, je n'arrive pas à t'effacer.

Tu restes là sans être présente,
Ta voix me répète encore que "j'ai dû me tromper"
J'avoue avoir eu tort de penser que tu m'avais laissée
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide, ton fantôme me hante.

Mon étoile brille encore moins que tes émeraudes
Nos erreurs m'agressent, comme nos insultes en écho
Ce n'était pas prévu que tout se termine dans un tel chaos
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide pour réparer ce désordre.

J'ai lutté de toutes mes forces pour te chasser de mon esprit,
Mais tu reviens à la charge, le soir juste avant de dormir
Toute seule avec ta voix qui me guide pour écrire,
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide, tu me fais sombrer dans la folie.

Aujourd'hui j'ai tellement peur que tu ne veuilles plus que je revienne,
Et je ne suis même pas sûre de le vouloir moi-même
Je me fais encore du mal, mais on récolte ce que l'on sème
Au secours, j'ai besoin d'aide, je voulais juste que tu me retiennes.

Ton ombre me suit partout en chantant Clementine,
Mais il n'y a plus d'éveil aux émeraudes depuis longtemps
Le silence me rend muette, je ne respire plus comme avant
J'ai dérivé ; au secours, j'ai besoin d'Aide..line.
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Amelie Jan 2015
It's become so hard to write beautiful poems
Because it seems that I only pour my sadness out when I write
And I have absolutely no reason for sadness
Therefore I just leave my pen on my desk,
I don't ever pick it up anymore ;
Because I now know joy and everything that goes with it
Now I only listen to swinging songs
And I just dance to them all night long,
Now I only watch decent films and not depressing ones,
Even my psychologist says I've overcome my depression
But now I can't write anymore..
I've forgotten what beauty sounds like
When I try to put my happiness down on paper
I can't even do it properly

I'm used to writing about death
And tears, lost love and broken hearts
Now all my sadness' gone
And I wish I could write about her smile
But my poem would be too joyful, and that is just not me.
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
Let me kiss Satan
Amelie Oct 2014
I used to date the female version of Satan a while ago,
So attractive I couldn't resist chasing her around
But so evil I kept saying to myself "Let her go, let her go"
Although I couldn't, because I know I was ******.

She stared at me with that gorgeous smile,
And her face, oh, her face, looked so innocent,
At first I only wanted to stick around for a while
But she caught me prisoner without my acknowledgement.

Oh Satan, my heart loved you and I hadn't been told,
But how much pain did I have to go trough
Before you finally released the hold
That you had over me ?
I never even expected you to..
work still in progress
Mar 2014 · 2.0k
Don't kill the Angel in me
Amelie Mar 2014
We've been through Hell together darling
That's why it's time to get back on our feet
We haven't lost everything,
You can still make my heart skip a beat

So we can work this out together,
You and I are meant to last forever
We just need to work a little harder
Baby, give me a chance to make it better.

We were fine then ******* it up,
But deep down I feel in my bones
That now, sweetie, I can make it all up
To you, to me, to what I have done.

But need your help, I can't do this alone
Just help me out and we will be just fine,
We can go back to what we have known,
Your warm hugs are still on my mind...

But before giving us another chance,
I need to be sure this is what you really want.
Are you sure you want to have the same romance ?
Please say yes, you're the only one I want..
Feb 2014 · 1.7k
Without you
Amelie Feb 2014
I can't remember how to breathe
I've forgotten how to live
I don't know where to go now
I just keep walking around town
Barefooted and lonely
Because all I got is myself
And you don't even want me
Maybe I should just cut myself

OH WAIT life is amazing.
Feb 2014 · 2.3k
Nevermind the Lost ones.
Amelie Feb 2014
I'm the type of person who can either sit by herself under a weeping willow
Reading quietly or writing poetry about life being an inside inferno,
Or who can go clubbing with her friends, get drunk and show up at 5 in the morning.
That's me, I either spend my day being in an immense joy, or spend it mourning.

I'm the type of person who is everything and its contrary,
I can fall in love with the same person whom I hated yesterday,
I can forgive in two seconds someone at whom I've been angry
I can be strongly willing to leave, and then I suddenly decide to stay.

Once I realised I wasn't in love with the person I had been waiting for, two years after
And realised at the same second that I wanted the person I had just lost.
My brain and heart didn't quite agree with each other,
But now it's to late to get back the girl I love the most.

One minute someone's my best friend, then she gets on my nerves
One minute I really want something, then I just change my mind,
One minute I find myself pretty, then I suddenly hate my curves
One minute I wanna open my eyes to the reality of the world, then I wish I was blind.

I suddenly realise why some people can't see me,
I'm so hard to live with, too difficult to stand,
I'm actually working on myself to be the person I want to be,
Because if I don't react, she's not coming back, ya'll understand ?

To all the Lost souls wandering around the Earth,
If you have problems, believe me they all come from you.
You'll have to give your life another chance, a rebirth,
Otherwise you'll be the person you never wanted to.
Wrote this at 4am, when I realised the reason people I love always leave me.
Jan 2014 · 2.0k
Amelie Jan 2014
when all stars are starting to fade
when all lights have been turned off
when the coffee is getting colder
when the ice is melting down
when your dreams have been crushed
when your hopes flew away
be sure that i'm never coming back.

when all the pain reaches your heart
when all the tears reach your eyes
when the food doesn't have any taste
when the alcohol replaces your blood
when your brain says you hate her
when your heart says you love her
be sure that i'm never forgiving what you did.

when all days are spent crying
when all nights are spent crying
when the clouds are rolling in
when the sky laughs at your face
when your whole body cries for help
when your life is a complete Hell
be sure that i still love you.
Jan 2014 · 1.3k
Amelie Jan 2014
At some point, I have come to realise
That the reason why
I am so frightened about my own future
Is because you'll be in it,
And it gave me so much pain in the past
That it left scars in my heart and mind.
I now wonder how bad it will be
When we meet again.

I am scared because I am scarred.
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
Another Chance.
Amelie Jan 2014
The radio is blasting words I don't quite understand,
My right hand's still holding an unlit cigarette
It's 6 in the morning, worst time of any day,
I feel today's gonna be as blurred as yesterday.

And you are still there, in my freaking mind,
Why can't you just go away. Please go away.
And you are still there with your freaking smile,
Please go away, even if it's just for a while.

There's a bottle of Jack Daniels hidden under my bed,
And there's the bottle of your perfume on my bedside table.
Some may say it's a mistake to keep smelling your scent,
But I'm lonely and I believe I'll go where you went.

Don't worry my dear I'll soon be by your side,
Even if there are some things I'm not allowed to say to you
Like the fact that I'm still so deeply in love,
And that you're the only one I can think of.

It's always okay in the end.
So I guess we never really reached the end together.
I suggest we just go back right to the start,
If you wish to give us another chance - at last...
Je suis totalement irrécupérable. Trop d'espoir en moi.
Sep 2013 · 2.3k
Amelie Sep 2013
Oh look, you've finally said it
But what took you so long ?
After all this time crying,
I'm hurt enough to write a song.
Why couldn't you just say it before,
Before I changed my mind,
Is that only an excuse for leaving,
Or do I have to consider it like a sign ?
Is this some kind of grudge
You've been holding onto ?
Or are you being honest,
And you want me back with you ?
I don't quite understand how
You can pour those feelings out now
I'm burning from the inside,
You make me feel so down.
In my mind there's that fire,
That just wouldn't go out
I don't believe you really know
What you're talking about

And now I'll just burn, burn, burn,
Burn from the inside
The flames are reignited
I'm just seeing the downsides
You're making me burn again,
Starting from where you left me
Coming back for another round,
I'm ready for it don't you worry.
Aug 2013 · 2.2k
I love you, but I love her
Amelie Aug 2013
I love you as much as I love
The first ray of sunshine in the morning,
But I love her as much as I love
The first star in the night sky

I love you as much as I love
Getting into my bed when it's really cold,
But I love her as much as I love
A carress of fresh air when it's really hot

I love you as much as I love
My cup of coffee when I wake up,
But I love her as much as I love
Aspirin when I'm hangover

I love you as much as I love
Wearing a nice outfit when I go out,
But I love her as much as I love
Wearing sweat pants when I'm all alone

I love you as much as I love
Getting naked when we're together,
But I love her as much as I love
Getting her naked when we're together
Inspired by my jealous gf
Jul 2013 · 3.9k
Things we've lost
Amelie Jul 2013
Yesterday I dropped a penny in my room
And it ran and hid under my bed,
Looking on the floor, trying to find it,
I found my old diary instead.

I began laughing but after some time,
After taking a few looks at what I had written,
I realised all the things we've lost,
And I have to admit, now I'm a bit fightened.

"Dear diary, yesterday I went round her house,
And we made love for the very first time
She loves me and it's just beautiful,
What can I say, I play with the big boys now."

"Dear diary, like every wednesday afternoon,
Today she came by to say hello,
And we laid on my bed for hours,
Just talking, laughing, and kissing also."

"Dear diary, my world turns around hers,
Therefore she can also be the reason of my tears
But when I cry, she kisses me,
And catches every drop of water out of my eyes."

"Dear diary, she laid down by my side,
And I held her tight in my arms,
Then she said she loved me,
So I kissed her, there's no harm."

"Dear diary, today when we were together,
She kissed my cheek softly
And started counting my beauty spots,
I don't know why it made me so happy."

"Dear diary, today we had a little fight,
And it makes me die a little inside,
I hung up on her and I'm so sorry,
But I didn't want her to hear me cry.."

"Dear diary, it's over."
"Dear diary, I miss her."

Those were the last words I wrote
But I think it's not enough,
So I took my pen and finished the journal,
Even if for my heart it was a bit tough.

"Dear diary, today more than one year has passed, and I lifted the pieces off the ground. I've known ups and downs but hey, I'm still standing ! This is kind of a message of hope for the future me reading this : of course you'll always love her, of course you'll always miss your first love, of course you'll always think about her sweet laugh, of course you're still in love with her. But it's okay, I mean you're still alive right ? Don't forget about yourself."

                                                     ­             RIP my heart. I think it broke again.
My biggest weakness lies in front of your eyes
Jun 2013 · 2.6k
Night in
Amelie Jun 2013
The vague temptation of your deliciousness
Is hanging over my head
And the sweet taste of your salty skin
Still makes me feel like I'm dead,

Killed by your mouth laid on my neck
Chilled by your hands sliding on my body
Thrilled by your fingers intertwined with mine
Quilled by your eyes, bright in obscurity.

I remember your barely visible smile,
And your shivering lips
I remember the tip of your breast
Getting harder every time I touched it,
With the fresh carress of night falling down.

I want to hear you panting again,
Watch your chest go up and down
As you were breathing heavily
Getting ready for the final knockdown.

I remember the burning light in your eyes
And your teeth softly biting your lips
As your hands hovered my naked body
Getting to know me, bits after bits.

I rcan still see your head slightly tilted back
And your open mouth, looking for fresh air
To cool down your own temperature,
And my hands tearing off what you had left to wear.

I can still feel your tense fingers
Vainly clinging the sheets of my bed,
Your hot, heavy breathing sliding on my skin,
The voices screaming inside my head.

Finally I remember your tongue slow dancing with mine
And the three words you said when I never asked you to,
Sweet, soft, quiet, light and almost inaudible
The magical, crazy "Baby, I want you."
Jun 2013 · 1.9k
Half the sky
Amelie Jun 2013
Empty black holes in the milky way
Are filling themselves for you to come home -
Shooting stars across the universe
Are wishing not to be so alone.
Half the sky is cloudy
Nothing's good on the horizon,
The other half is pale blue
Make the dead come out of the ground !
Getting a bit bored in my philosophy class
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
Say it
Amelie Jun 2013
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To sunshine in the morning                                                                            To darkness when you're alone
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To any piece of advice                                                                                   To the people who aren't true
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To night lights on the city                                                                               To lights in broad daylight
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To snowfights on a winter day                                                                       To fights with the real Ones
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To everyone who might thank you                                                                 To the ones who aren't thankful
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To the strangers in need of directions                                                             To the strangers taking you away
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To any sign of love                                                                                         To any sign of pain
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To a stranger smiling at you                                                                           To a stranger grinning at you
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To the members of your family                                                                      To familial arguement
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To the signs from the Universe                                                                      To the signs sent from underneath
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To the differences in the world                                                                       To hunger and poverty
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To any change that occurs                                                                              To people leaving you
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To creative people                                                                                          To destroying humanity
Say yes                                                                                                           Say no
To a candle in the dark                                                                                   To loneliness
Say yes                                &nbsp
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Thought of the day
Amelie Jun 2013
You got that smile
That makes me wanna
Jump on your body
And rip your clothes off.
Jun 2013 · 2.0k
Little Fantasy
Amelie Jun 2013
Tight lips smoking a thin cigarette
Back turned on me
Face invisible,
I can only see her from behind
And imagine her head turned over
With her eyes watching me,
Begging for my touch.
Silent minded
Mouth shut,
I just want to wrap my arms
Around her weak shoulders
Lean her head back
And kiss her bare neck.
Jun 2013 · 2.2k
Imagine a world, part II
Amelie Jun 2013
Can you imagine a world where
Every single word that you say,
Every tiny word that gets out of your mouth,
Would lend somewhere on your body ?
A world where every letter
Would end up tattooed on your face
Or on a place that can't be hidden.
In a world like this,
Can you imagine being mean ?
Being cruel ?
Insulting others ?
Can you imagine a world where
People would run the streets up and down
With written on their forehead :
"You're a ****."

In a world like this,
Would you be more careful
About what you say ?
Jun 2013 · 1.9k
Imagine a world
Amelie Jun 2013
Can you imagine a world where
The most beautiful girl
Would be the one who never cried,
Because every single tear
That would drop on our face
Would leave scars
On our upper cheeks.
Therefore the happiest girl
In the whole world,
The one who would've never cried,
Would be the prettiest
And it would be wonderful.
But then on the opposite,
The girl who'd suffer from depression,
Would be hiding alone in the dark,
Ashamed by those deep red marks
Tattooed on her face.
May 2013 · 17.1k
The bits of you
Amelie May 2013
I want to take the bits of you I love
and press them like flowers
between the pages of my favourite book
because I know these will never fade.

And I want to take all the scraps
that you dislike about yourself
and display them on my refrigerator
to show you I'm still proud
of the person you are
and of the person you are becoming.

But most of all, I want to spin you like a globe
and drag my fingers accross until it stops
to discover the pieces of you
that you've yet to reveal to anyone else.

I want to wrap them up in linen
and place them in an old cigar box,
I'd tuck it away safely
in the top drawer of my bedside table,
so you know I will never let
those pieces of you go

Because when you share
hidden parts of yourself
with someone else,
you're trusting that person
to hold the secret sections
of your heart,
and to love the bits you thought were unlovable.
May 2013 · 1.8k
For sale
Amelie May 2013
Come on, come here people,
I have low prices on my new products
Here, take this one :
It's the latest trend in my world !
See how red it is,
Look how it shines !
It used to breathe and beat,
And then it got tired.
But it still works
As you can see !

Ah, you mister !
I see you look interested !
What is it called, you ask ?
Well, this is my heart.
I know it looks like it's dying,
But it's just a bit broken
This is THE deal of your life, I swear !
Yes madam, you can bargain,
The price is not actually set.

Hey you little girl !
Be careful when you touch it !
This is a very fragile thing
You wouldn't want to break it
Even more than it already is ;
Whithin the limits of possibility.
Ah, come closer, come closer !
Yes it is for sale indeed,
I know it is a bit broken
But give it just a little attention
And it will look just as new as before !

There's a story that comes with it,
My diary is free if you buy my heart !
What ? Oh yes, the price can go lower,
Not many people think my heart is valueable.

No ? No takers ?
Ah don't worry, I understand !
May 2013 · 2.1k
Tes rides
Amelie May 2013
Assise sur tes genoux, les yeux levés vers ton visage
Fatigué par les souvenirs d’une lointaine tristesse,
Je regarde ta figure souriante et marquée par l’âge,
Je suis du bout des doigts les preuves de ta vieillesse.
Chaque creux qui vit à l’ombre de ton front
Me renvoie à un instant de ton passé profond,
Tous tes sourires, tes larmes et tes soucis
Me rappellent qu’il y a une histoire derrière ces plis.
Grand-Père, je dois avouer que ton visage froissé
Me montrent toutes les épreuves que tu as dû traverser.
Sorry I needed to save this on any website and didn't have a clue where. So here, have my French work.
May 2013 · 1.3k
I made my mother cry
Amelie May 2013
Tonight I made my mother cry
But I don't feel bad about it,
I actually feel kinda glad,
Because in a way she deserved it.
Tonight I made my mother cry,
Because she keeps ruining my life,
Because she crushes my dreams,
Or just because I'm a horrible child.
Apr 2013 · 1.9k
How to write a love song
Amelie Apr 2013
First you try and create the mood,
A quiet and peaceful atmosphere
Give us more romance than you should,
Find your inner voice, calm and clear.

Then your hands on the piano
Should look like the wings of a butterfly
Tell us about that girl you know,
Tell a story that would make us cry.

Just write a love song,
With stupid clichés and stupid romance
Make us sing along,
And give us the chance
To fall in love tonight.

Try to remember about
All the chances you missed
And what hurt the most in your past
And all those goodbye kisses ;

Turn those memories into
A stupid song with a stupid name,
Like "That girl I thought I knew",
And don't come back with no fame.

Just write a love song,
With stupid clichés and stupid romance
Make us sing along,
And give us the chance
To fall in love tonight.

And here we go, you're on stage,
The crowd listens to you.
Locking your heart away in a cage,
Locking away everything you knew.

Sing with your own voice the painful words
That couldn't get out of your throat ;
Admit your feelings to that special girl,
Or don't say anything at all...

Just write a love song,
With stupid clichés and stupid romance
Make us sing along,
And give yourself the chance
To fall in love tonight,
For the last time.
Apr 2013 · 8.4k
The vow
Amelie Apr 2013
I promise to be kind every day that follows today,
I promise to stay by your side no matter what happens,
I promise to take you to dance every friday night,
I promise to sing the songs I wrote for you,
I promise I'll do anything to make you stay,
I promise to give you all the love you need,
I promise that you'll always be able to cry on my shoulder,
I promise to fall asleep in your arms,
I promise to kiss your cheek, your nose and your neck,
I promise to warm you up if your cold,
I promise to kiss you in your sleep,
I promise to make you smile all day, every day
I promise to kiss you under the rain,
I promise to write poems about how much I care for you,
I promise to travel everywhere with you by my side,
I promise to slowly carress your cheek,
I promise to bring you to the top of the Eiffel tower,
I promise to share everything I own,
I promise to tell you you're beautiful every day,
I promise to hold you in my arms and close my eyes,
I promise to make you laugh if you're feeling low,
I promise to believe in our love,
I promise to fight for it,
I promise I'll be the best girlfriend you've ever had,

I promise you happiness for the rest of your life.
Apr 2013 · 5.7k
Loss of innocence
Amelie Apr 2013
That terrible moment when
You wake up from your wonderful dream
And you realise
That none of it was true
And that you never got back together
With the person you've lost
And that you never will.

And you're just sat there on your bed
Feeling like somebody stole you something
But nobody did,
It's just that you've realised
The horrible reality of things ;
It's just that you've lost
All your hopes at once ;
It's just that you've grown up
A little bit too fast.

But don't worry, it's fine
To feel depressed because
You're not a child anymore.
Apr 2013 · 1.8k
I feel new attraction
Amelie Apr 2013
"Monday morning, oh no, not again,
Still 5 days of school until the week-end",
That's what I hear every now and then,
And I'm the only one who doesn't complain
Because I know that today, and tomorrow,
And every day of the whole week,
I'll see your face, your smile, and also
I'll hear your laugh that makes me go weak.
And my friends tell me all the time
That it's weird for me to feel attracted to you,
Because well, you're different that anyone
You're not like the others, that is true.
You don't look like the girls I dated before,
You have nothing in common with them
But on wednesdays, when I walk through the door,
I feel the love I lost coming back up again.
That's what I like about you, as you can see
I forget about my problems and my broken heart,
I just like you being close to me,
I always look for you when we're apart.
But... This feels like something forbidden,
This king of thing never happened to me,
It's scaring me and I'm like frozen.
Is this... Am I... ? No, I can't be...

I fear the day I'll have to admit it,
But being with you makes my mind jump with joy.
I think I like you, maybe a tiny bit..
My God, save me, I'm in love with a boy.
Apr 2013 · 1.6k
Amelie Apr 2013
Last night she reached
the point of no-return
it's understandable
she's had enough
about every tiny thing
was wrong about her life
she just couldn't take it
She tried to call her friends
nobody answered
why would they even bother?
She had a fight with her mother
she ended up crying
running to her room
locking herlsef inside
and for sure at that moment
she collapsed on her bed
tears streaming down her face
you can't imagine
how much like a prison it felt.
And just like usual
she thought about her first love
loved and lost
it made everything worse.
Then she remembered the people
who had left her behind
she thought about her father
and how much they hated each other
she thought about her grandparents
who can't even remember her name
she thought about her best friend
but didn't want to talk about it
and just like usual,
she thought of her lost love again
and again
and she cried because she knew
she would never see her again.

Then she thought
"****, if only I had a gun."
Mar 2013 · 1.8k
Amelie Mar 2013
Killing my lungs with a bit of smoke
Drowning my sorrow with several shots
Thinking our story was only a joke
A smile on my lips and shadow in my thoughts,
My eyes are raining like they always do
Every now and then because they just have to,
This terrible love almost turned into hate
You've been gone for so long and I'm tired to wait.
But I will.
I'll wait forever if I need to,
Coughing my pain out like I've climbed a hill
Whispering your name because I need you.

Sometimes I happen to wonder if you think of me,
Must be nice to know there's always be someone
who will follow you no matter where you'll be
And who will always love you until becoming insane.

I need you to know I'm doing just fine,
Keep smiling to people, I even laugh sometimes
I promised you something that's always on my mind,
The hardest part of days is only bedtimes...
When I lie down, near that girl who just isn't you
When she kisses me but I taste your mouth
When she says she wants us to have something true
But there's no place for her in my little heart.
And when she talks about us in that hope in her eyes
I keep asking myself, why can't you love me like her ?
Because I've became somebody I despise ?
I only think about you when I'm with her.
Mar 2013 · 1.1k
Amelie Mar 2013
so now i'm stuck with my loneliness again and there's nothing left for me to do
just laying here listening to the rain 'cause i have nobody to talk to.
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
Amelie Mar 2013
She just turned 18
She doesn't know what she's doing
with her life.
Her parents are always on her back,
Always stressing her out,
Got to make her mind up.
She doesn't know what she wants
Her universe isn't balanced
at all.

For now she's lost in a sea of sensations,
Refuses to look at the future in the eyes
Believes tomorrow will bring a clear answer,
but it never does.
Poor girl just turned 18
and she thinks her life is already over.

She's lost her heart, she's lost her mind,
What can she even do now ?
Trying so hard to find a place within
She keeps fighting every day
But life doesn't give her the chance she needs.
She's lost as you can see,
What can she do, what can she do ?

School's almost over, take a decision now
What is she going to do ?
She's still under so much pressure
Poor little girl can't handle of that,
She just wants to go far away
And never, ever come back.

But she's still just a little girl,
She has to wait for a while.
Then she can leave, in a few months' time
And start a brand new life...
She just turned 18,
But she feels she's already lived her whole life.

She's still hoping to go, one day
Where nobody can ever find her again.
Please let her fly away
Mar 2013 · 1.9k
No body, no murder
Amelie Mar 2013
It is 4 in the morning again
And I'm still up drinking coffee
Thinking it's fine to hold my own hand
Not feeling alone, but so lonely.
What happened to this life of mine ?
Before you walked out the door
I used to be so happy all the time
And now I just can't laugh no more.

But I'm fine, yes I'm fine you know,
I've just been sad for a little while,
It's hard to think that just a year ago,
I was with the person who made me smile.
"A year ago, we were in love"
said your beloved Woody Allen
How come I ever made you think of
Leaving me by myself again.

And how come I'm still in love with you,
After all the time that's gone by
After all that I've been through
You still manage to make my cry.
It's all my fault, I know that well
I just can't stand blaming myself for everything
I'm laying inside my little shell
Of hate and insecurity.

If you were here, we'd just finish this cup of coffee
Then I would drag you into my bed
You'd stay there, on top of me
You'd kiss my nose, my cheek, my forehead
We would make out, we would make love,
Which is probably one of the things I miss the most
I'd open the window, we'd watch the stars above,
You see... That's all I lost.

But I don't really care anymore about the past
'Cause now I'm focusing on the future
First loves are the only ones that last,
I'm working on us being together.

Because the love I feel for you is all I have left..
Mar 2013 · 1.4k
I understand now
Amelie Mar 2013
It was when I met you
That I understood love songs
why people dance with each other

I understood kissing
why it is the most beautiful thing

I understood why brokenhearted people cry
And why they stay away from everyone
when they heart shatters
because they need their space
to fill it
with the voice of their lover who left,
and the memories
to bring the pieces of their heart together
and to break them again.

It was when I met you
That I understood what life is all about
why people stay late out night thinking about that someone.
Mar 2013 · 5.0k
First & last
Amelie Mar 2013
She was beautiful,
But not in the beautiful ways you like to think so
She did not have hair that dripped gold
Her eyes were not the colours of the cold sea
But her smile was crooked and bent
Her lips were chapped and thin
She did not have a gentle laugh
Nor did she speak humble thoughts
But she was beautiful
In the way the shore kisses my feet
In the way the moon hides itself in the curtain of darkness
She was beautiful
In the way wind dances with hair
In the way shy lovers hold hands
She was beautiful in the way of morning air
And black coffee
And the love poems that live in each broken heart
Spilling red oil into blue lungs,
Suffocating happiness right out of its shell
And she was beautiful
Because she refused to taste sadness
Even though it was the only thing she had left to eat.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
Although I tried so hard
Amelie Feb 2013
After all that we've been through
After all the things you've said
After all the nights spent crying over you
After all the time spent alone in my bed

I can say now, for real,
And I'm so sorry I have to tell you this,
But I'm sure, and I know,
That I just can't forget you.
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
Shut up.
Amelie Feb 2013
Why do you keep on complaining
When I can't do anything
To make your whole life better ?
Seriously, what's the matter ?

Why do you keep on screaming
When you know I'm just pretending
To listen to what you say,
Seriously, get out of my way.

Why do you keep on swearing
When people have done nothing
To make you call them a ***** ?
Seriously, walk out the door.

Why do you keep on singing
When you know it's annoying
To everybody around you ?
Seriously, I thought you knew.

And here we are, mum,
You're standing in my way,
Yelling at me once again ;
And I'm just not giving a ****
Because you can spit all your hate on me,
I will never change my attitude,
And you can keep threatening me,
I'll never do what you demand me to,
'Cause you know what, I'm not your slave,
You can't use me to do your ***** work,
Even though you can take all my belongings away,
I will stay here with my only pen,
And write all the truth all over my walls
Then on the floor
Then on my body if I need to.

You can't hold the truth in forever.
JUST LET ME BREATHE, holy mother of god !
Jan 2013 · 1.5k
Life from A to Z
Amelie Jan 2013
A** chance to speak,
Beneath broken sheets,
Caught out in moment,
Dying deep inside.
Evaporate tension,
From little or no knowing,
Growing up alone,
Half loved and half resented.
I come to conclusions,
Just before my death,
Keeping me in memory,
Like you always promised,
Missing me in silence,
No more mourning of past,
Of regrets and despairs.
Promise me you’ll use what I learnt,
Question the decisions of others,
Reluctant or not,
Stay away from their paths,
They only lead you to their futures,
Unknowingly you end their second,
Valiant but alone,
Where you spend life in wandering,
Xrayed life,
Your future makes up nothing
Zorbing inside of your own bubble.
January Masterpiece !
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
At war
Amelie Jan 2013
You got out of bed
You got dressed
You got out the front door.

These may seem like small things,
But when you're low
Or depressed
Or at war with your mind,
These small things are massive achievements.
So I'm telling you.
Well done.
Jan 2013 · 7.2k
Welcome to Hogwarts
Amelie Jan 2013
Oh you may not think I’m pretty,
But don’t judge on what you see,
I’ll eat myself if you can find
A smarter hat than me.

You can keep your bowlers black,
Your top hats sleek and tall,
For I’m the Hogwarts Sorting Hat
And I can cap them all.

There’s nothing hidden in your head
The Sorting Hat can’t see,
So try me on and I will tell you
Where you ought to be.

You might belong in Gryffindor,
Where dwell the brave at heart,
Their daring, nerve, and chivalry
Set Gryffindors apart;

You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true
And unafraid of toil;

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you’ve a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind;

Or perhaps in Slytherin
You’ll make your real friends,
Those cunning folks use any means
To achieve their ends.

So put me on! Don’t be afraid!
And don’t get in a flap!
You’re in safe hands (though I have none)
For I’m a Thinking Cap!
harry potter fandom
Jan 2013 · 15.8k
I am not depressed
Amelie Jan 2013
I am not depressed.
I can still smile at pretty things
And laugh when jokes are funny,
I can still talk to people
And enjoy nice days.

But when I go inside,
When I'm all alone,
There is something broken.
And I fall into a sadness so sweet
That it engulfs me.
I look in the mirror
But I don't like what I see.
And the tears always fall
When I'm falling asleep,
Because I miss something
That doesn't exist.

But I am not depressed,
I've just been sad for a while.
Although I can still find the light
I can still smile.
Jan 2013 · 1.1k
Amelie Jan 2013
I won't make you cry
Tonight, sweetie I swear,
I'll make sure you're alright
Running my fingers through your hair.
I'll lie down on your bed
Next to your sleeping body,
A soft kiss on your forehead
Will turn your nightmares into dreams.
I'll rest my hand on your waist
To protect you from all the bad things,
A whole night spent in my embrace,
The jealous monsters won't dare to come here.
I won't make you cry anymore,
If only you give me the chance I need
You will never walk out the door
On this one, I feel I can be trusted.
nothing's wrong with the world, only with yours
Dec 2012 · 3.3k
When we meet again
Amelie Dec 2012
Baby, have you ever thought
Of the moment when we meet again ?
Maybe you'll enjoy my company, maybe not,
At least in my heart there'll be no rain.
It may be on a stormy Sunday,
Another love at first sight, like a lightning strike,
Or it might be in the pretty month of May,
Under the sun, a field full of flowers, riding bikes.
I don't know what will happen
The day we meet again,
I only know I'll be speechless, breathless, frozen,
I'll hem and haw, like when I was ten.
Can't know if it's been through your mind,
Have you ever thought about that ?
I can picture the moment a thousand times
I can feel it in my heart.
Look, I'm not saying it will be magical
'Cause we're humans ; humans make mistakes,
At worst I'll drown you in alcohol,
So you don't remember me when you awake.
Hey I know I haven't been the perfect girlfriend,
Took me 6 months to realise.
But I don't want our story to end,
I'll work it out.
I swear I won't try anything,
Holding my love back is what I do best
But if I may promise something :
If you tempt me, I'll do the rest.
Who said I wanted another chance ?
I never even dare to think about it,
All I can do is ask for a dance
And see you smile with your eyes lit.
Just seeing you.
Oh, my. That moment. Can't imagine it.
Just seeing your face after all I've been through.
That's my reward for all the time I've waited.

I am not expecting anything from you.
I'm just like, hey, long time no see.
I know the subject of "us" is taboo,
I just wanna make sure you're happy.
Dec 2012 · 1.1k
I tried so hard
Amelie Dec 2012
Oh sweetie, I swear I tried,
Tried to write a song that wasn't about you
A song that wasn't about too much pride,
But it just wouldn't do.

Believe me, I tried to write a song
That wasn't about a lack of trust,
A song that wasn't about us,
But I guess I just can't move on.

I tried to write a song that wasn't about betrayal,
A song that wasn't about love,
But maybe the reason why I'm in denial,
Is because you're all I can think of.

Baby, I tried writing a song that wasn't about your eyes,
Or that wasn't about the way you looked at me,
A song that wasn't about lies,
But that's all I can do, that's all I can be.

I tried writing a song that wasn't about earthquakes,
That wasn't about heartbreaks,
But you know, these are the only things
You see nowadays on TV.

I tried so hard that it didn't work,
I tried so hard, it made my heart burst.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
Daughter of Hungry Ghosts
Amelie Nov 2012
Inside of me, monsters are chained,
I tried many times to let them go
But I believe that they are trained
To bring memories back from a long time ago.

And if they constantly remind me of my past,
I can't get rid of them
They are moving way too fast,
As if they didn't want me to write this poem.

What can I do now, I'm asking you ?
Try to give them what they want, maybe
But they don't want my soul, just the truth
And I can't admit what I've done, I'm sorry..

It's like I'm made of different things
I can feel the monsters in my heart,
Holding it to stop its beating,
They're gonna tear my dreams apart.

I'm the prisoner of your hopes now,
You have put all your faith in me
I know I have to win somehow
That fight against the monsters willing to get free.

But the soldier inside my mind
Is fighting against the monsters
Be careful, you poor and little man,
They're so close to my heart, don't make me suffer.

This is how I found a reason to fight,
I swallowed back my pride, and I wrote
The truth on a piece of paper, late at night,
This poem is the daughter of hungry ghosts.
Sep 2012 · 1.2k
This is not a love song
Amelie Sep 2012
Okay, it's true that when I first saw her,
Sparks flew in the air,
And that she was prettier,
When her fingers ran through her hair,

It's true that she has the most amazing smile,
Which kinda drives me crazy
And I could walk a thousand miles,
Just to make her happy.

It's true that she's beautiful,
And her eyes probably enlighten the dark,
But don't take me for a fool.
She's not playing with my heart.

But don't get me wrong,
This is not a love song.

Okay, it's true that look is really intense,
And her lips do look tasty,
She makes me lose my senses,
But I'm better off without anybody.

It's true, her smile is devastating,
And I feel good when I'm with her,
Her voice does sound amazing
When she sings, it makes my life better.

But don't get me wrong,
This is not a love song.

I love the way she walks around the parc
And the feeling of my skin against hers,
And it's true, the beating of my heart
Keep getting faster.

But no, I'm not in love,
I don't dream of her all the time,
She is not the only thing I can think of,
She's not always on my mind.

No, believe me when I say,
That you shouldn't get me wrong,
I have a billion ways
To prove that, this is not a love song.
This is not a love song.
This is.. a love song.
Aug 2012 · 1.3k
Like a boy
Amelie Aug 2012
I love when you look at me
But it's always with disgust,
'Cause I don't look like anybody
Nor am I the prettiest.

I'm not like you, as you can see
I don't have long, curly hair
I am not very 'girly'
I don't care about what I wear.

Nail polish, jewelry, hair straightner ?
All that don't ring a bell,
You think makeup can make you prettier,
And I don't understand that well.

But even if I'm not like you,
Even if I love loose shirts and jeans
Even if I don't care about skirts, bags, shoes,
It doesn't make me less of a Queen.

And yes, I like looking at girls,
Because I think they're all beautiful
Just take a look at this world
They're all falling for a smile, a look, a dimple.

Hey darling, no need to worry,
There's no reason to feel so annoyed
There are plenty of girls like me,
Girls who want to be like a boy.
Jul 2012 · 1.5k
Hot coffee
Amelie Jul 2012
She's just like hot coffee,
I taste her every morning
She knows how to make me happy
And I never see it coming. 

She likes playing with my tongue
I make the most out every drop
Nothing has ever felt so strong
She's like coffee with cream on top. 

She keeps me awake when I'm sleepy
Making me think there's nothing wrong,
A single drop drives me crazy
And I can stay up all night long.

Have you even looked at your bare face ?
My god, you just look stunning.
Your eyes are a beautiful place
Where I'm easily drowning.
Work still in progress.
Jun 2012 · 2.1k
Still in my heart
Amelie Jun 2012
My heart's now filled with melancholy,
My lungs with smoke, my eyes with tears,
My liver with a poison
That I drink to forget you.

I'm celebrating today
Four weeks of being all alone;
Four weeks of being dumped, violently
Oh, please pour me another drink.

And even though you've moved on,
We're staying friends, we're still talking ;
Oh darling of course you're still in my heart.

Of couse I'm still in love with you.
Of course I still wish I could hold you tight,
tight against me.

You can't imagine how much it hurts
To pretend I'm feeling good.
Nobody knows for real.

And what I talk to you, I can smell your perfume
It reminds me of all our nights together.
Nothing can harm me more..
Oh darling, of course I still love you.

Et je me dis que plus rien ne sera comme avant,
Je ne pourrai plus te dire que je t'aime,
ou que tu me manques.
Je ne pourrai plus te serrer contre moi,
embrasser ta nuque et rire avec toi.
Et même si tu pars bientôt,
que je ne risque pas de te revoir avant un certain temps,
c'est toi que mon coeur a choisie.
Et je continuerai de t'aimer.
tu me manques tellement.
Jun 2012 · 943
Amelie Jun 2012
Homage to that gorgeous girl you saw today,
Who smiled at you and asked for a cigarette,
That girl that you will never see again,
And still, you haven't stopped thinking about her yet.
It gives me hope to come across people like you.
May 2012 · 866
Message to myself
Amelie May 2012
Dear self,

Stop being sad. You're getting on my nerves.
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