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ash Jul 2016
Your pain is undeniable
It is etched
Into your soft
Pale skin

You call out
To anyone in earshot
For their help
For their love

God has twisted your soul
Weathered it by letting it soak
In fresh tears and blood
That come from your own eyes
That come from your family

You want to climb to the gates of Heaven
Too soon, too angry, too childish
You want someone to blame
Have their head in your hands

You cry out
Screaming 'Why, God? Why, Father?'
The why is not as important
As to how you get through

You have yet to learn how to forgive,
O girl with soul-searching eyes.
You have yet to move past all this
And I applaud you for trying.
For a friend.
ash Jun 2016
I fear that one day
I could love you
I fear that one day
We won't be
But you see
The truest fear
That lies in my heart
Is the fear
That I
Will not be
Compared to
ash Jun 2016
One. Two. Three
Two people meet
Two. Two. Three
These people were you and me
Three. Two. Three
We fell quickly.

Together, our movements,
Our thoughts,
Our plans-
Seemed to sync together
Like our feet
Mine following your lead
Around this dark dance floor

But little did we see
That by the time
The night slipped away
Our feet began to trip
Over our own
Over each other's

The universe above
Used all their magic on us
But you noticed it before I did
And so we did not leave
The dance together

One. Two. Three
You left me
Two. Two. Three
You were free
Three. Two. Three
We weren't meant to be.
ash Jun 2016
The lavender scent
Of the soft white bubbles
Fills the small bathroom
Calming my thoughts

The hot water
Turns my tan skin pink
I can feel my heart racing
In response to the heat

Just like my body soaks
In this painfully warm water,
My mind soaks
In the painfully warm memories
That include us both

I scrub
And scrub
And scrub
Begging to be rid of your handprint
Your invisible mark
That you have left
On my delicate skin

I want to be clean
Do me the favor
And leave my body
Leave my mind
Leave my soul
Because it is time
I move on

The dirt that taints
My clear, foamy water
Is a reminder
Of how you have tainted my mind,
My perception of the world.
Oh, how I will never be the same...
ash Jun 2016
The low rumble
Brushing my window
Of the wind rolling by
Me feeling mellow

My movements are slow
That I don't deny
A vast storm
Blowing inside

I lie here
Thinking... Feeling
Of something more
More than just being

This emptiness shall consume my soul
Every last drop of my life
Spot the poor maiden
Crying inside

Listen to it blow
Watch it grow
No one knows
No one knows

Witness the horror
Of being yourself
Tell the tragic tale
That old book on the shelf

It's pages torn and dusty
Of a story told before
Read those words aloud
Of a person who is no more

Admit what your eyes may see
What your heart can no longer feel
Listen with your eyes
Maybe time is not real.

— The End —