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  Sep 2015 Arkane
Jeremy Duff
Oh California!
How my heart burns for you,
how beautiful you are!

The greenest trees and the most picturesque beaches.
The soft sands of the desert,
and the rolling slopes of the foothills.
My body, my mind, my spirit, all belong to you, oh Great and Wonderful! California.

Your hills are on fire,
scarring the beauty of your curves.
Your rivers run dry,
suffocating the green into brown.
How my heart cries for you! Oh dry, oh burning, oh how relentless this war against you, oh California! And there is no relief in sight, winter promises no respite, and the summer will be long and tough and dry like the ones before and before and before.

Oh California!
How I tremble, how I shake in awe,
your sun burns a bright orange,
smoke fills your sunsets,
even fire cannot detract from your beauty!
Oh cleansing rains!
Oh cleansing El Niño!
Oh how I beg you to save California!
My California!

My roots go deeper than that of the greatest redwood, California is my home, and not the most fearsome of fires could cause me to leave, not the fiercest and most ruthless of droughts could scare me away!

Oh California!
Let my tears be absorbed by your thirsty soil!
Let my body one day feed your hungry crops!

Oh California! I am yours, to the very last.
God bless California!
God bless the desert and the mountains!
God bless the foothills and the valleys!
God bless the beaches and the forests!
God bless my home and spare it from the relentless.
California is my God, and I hope she hears my prayers!
Arkane Sep 2015
“O Sky! How hideous, and dark am I?
With hatred, looks a tiny fly.
O Sky! How evil, and ugly am I?,
Even death is too scared to cry.”

“O friend! Don't heed the fly nor death,
They are the waste-lings of the earth.
O friend! Take a part of my breath,
and be renewed, with a new birth.”

“O Sun! How can I,
Am I not the ugly one?”
“O Love! How can you not,
Am I not the mighty one?”

“Thankful, am I to you,
Humble, am I to me.”

“O Love! How beautiful you are,
The light, you always scare away,
But night always welcomes you.
But I still for-see, a peaceful way.”

“O Sun! Did I not tell you?
I am the ugly one.
Even you ran away from me,
Where do I run?”
A conversation between Sun and the Moon, before the Moon got bright and beautiful
Arkane Sep 2015
With every tear you drop,
Its my heart that stops.
Don't cry, it breaks my heart :)
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