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Beer bottles empty fast

And before you know it
You're face down in a black hole
Of all the words she said
That dug twelve foot tunnels in your veins
And went there to die

Then you're suffocating in a puddle
Of ache and spilled liquor
Dangerously falling for the concept of death

But who knows
Someone might save you
*Or someone might not
 Jan 2015 Aparajhitha Sudarsan
I think I loved you most the winter your heating was broken
And we’d stay inside all morning
Pretending to complain that we couldn’t get out of bed
Our clothes becoming little islands on the floor,
Ones that we could not quite find the courage to visit

Your hand stayed glued to my hip,
Your breath warming my shoulder
Like a long drag of whiskey
That kind that had a home so far away,
In a glass bottle on top of your refrigerator.
The one that would not be opened
Until that fateful day in February,
When everything went wrong

And on that unbearable night
When you joked that you’d freeze to death if I left you
There was a long silence
Like it might be true.

Now it’s warm enough
That I show too much skin when sitting in bars
And you avoid me like the plague,
Whispering in any girl’s ear that’s near to you
Every time you see me watching out of the corner of your eye

We should have stayed inside when the ice began to melt
Because I think
When those doors opened and we finally ventured outside
The world had changed,
And so had you and I.
My girlfriend was so pretty
And normal as could be
But then something horrible happened
And changed her entirely

One day she was sipping coffee
A spider fell into her cup
It was too late when she gagged
And realized she had swallowed the spider up

The next morning when she woke up
And scratched her sleepy head
She discovered that overnight she had grown
Eight spider legs and a giant spider head

She screamed as she crawled out the door
And shrieked when she looked into the mirror
Her spider senses tickled and twitched
And made my poor girlfriend quiver

Her life has never been the same
Being half a spider and half a lady
At first I wasn't sure I could continue dating her
I mean, just imagine starting a family and having a spider baby!

Sometimes I think and wonder
What to do with our lives
Normal is seeing your girlfriend shopping
Not chilling upside down from the ceiling watching Desperate Housewives

Sometimes its quite funny
To see her browsing at a store
Where she’d usually buy a pair of shoes
Now she’d have to buy three pairs more

When I couldn’t take her shopping
And tried to run off with the guys
She spun her spiderweb and caught me
And took me by surprise

I’m so sick of her spider antics
I really wish we were done
At first she was a lot of nice things
But now my spider girlfriend is no longer fun

I took her out to dinner
And the only thing she ate
Was a plate of fried houseflies
And a glass of lemonade

When I tried to hug her
Her eight legs wrapped me tight
They gave me such a shock
Eight legs were such a hideous sight!

I couldn't take it anymore
I broke it off with her and made her understand
But now I really regret my thoughtless decision
Because now my girlfriend is dating Spiderman.
Mary Jane must be furious at the guy's gf :P
Neath the shy January sun
she turns a butterfly
upon the marigold field

Flies now wildly far
amid the yellow and red flower
beyond the bounds of the catcher
in the madness of a child’s dream fulfilled
leaving wind scattered trails of her wings
over the marigold field!
my cover photo.
searching her since.
Last good-bye

Sitting here, I can't help but stare.
Your lifeless body just sits there.
Your lips are in a line.
You don't open your eyes.

All around you people cry,
Children stare with wide eyes,
As your you body lies there,
With your daughter by your side.

I look to my right,
Was met with curious  eyes.
Tears steamed down my cheeks.
"Why does everyone cry?" he asked.

I sighed, trying to hide the sadness from my voice as I tried explain to his six years old ears.

After sitting there for what felt like years.
His tiny hand grabbed mine as he dragged me up to our uncles side,
I forced out between my cries
My last good-bye.
Okay so this is pretty much a true poem but my little cousin didn't drag me up to my uncle instead he sat on my lap and hugged me. I just didn't want it to be fully true so there you go. I hope you enjoy because this poem has a lot of meaning to me.
One song can bring back a thousand memories,
A thousand  moments,
A thousand feelings,and
A thousand tears.

The emotion swallows you up,
While the memories drown you with tears.
Oh how I fear them together,
How I hate them there.
It's a bitter taste unable tO leave my mouth.
But then again I want to clutch those feelings to my heart,
And never let them go.

Even if the pain is too much to bear. They are a part of me, a part of everyone.

They make up how we are, what we've been through.
It's like a monster from inside,
One that will not let you forget.

We are the monsters to ourselves,
And yet we still hold On.
This is the poem that I have that will be published in something stone soup. Had to enter it in a cOntest for english. It was one of the few that got picked.
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